October 1, 2018
News from DAAD Canada
October will be a busy month for DAAD as we travel to both Montreal and Vancouver for a number of information sessions for both students and faculty; details below. We'll also be at the Study and Go Abroad Fair in Toronto (October 14) and offering several student info sessions in that city this month as well.

Upcoming deadlines to note include those for the Research Stays for Faculty program (October 15), Research Grants for PhD students and Postdocs (November 5) and our Study Scholarship to support Master's level degree studies in Germany (dates vary).

Le mois d’octobre sera fort occupé puisque nous serons en voyage à Montréal et Vancouver pour plusieurs séances d’information pour étudiants et chercheurs, plus d’information ci-dessous. Nous serons aussi au salon « Study and Go Abroad » à Toronto (le 14 octobre) et nous présenterons plusieurs séances d’information pour étudiants dans la ville de Toronto ce mois-ci.

Les prochaines dates limites importantes incluent les séjours de recherche pour chercheurs (le 15 octobre), les séjours de recherche pour doctorants et post-doctorants (le 5 novembre) et la bourse d’études de Master en Allemagne (dates diverses).
Deadline: October 15, 2018
Research Stays for Faculty

DAAD's Research Stays for faculty supports visits to Germany by full-time faculty based at North American universities. These stays may run between 1 and 3 months in length and the program is open to faculty from all fields.

The next deadline for this program is October 15th .

Full details on this opportunity, including information on how to apply, is available online at:

Date limite : 15 octobre 2018 
Séjours de recherche  pour les universitaires et les chercheurs

Ce programme offre du soutien pour des séjours de recherche en Allemagne aux chercheurs et professeurs à temps plein aux universités nord-américaines. Les séjours peuvent être entre 1 et 3 mois et le programme s'adresse aux chercheurs et professeurs de toutes disciplines.
Prochain date limite de dépôt de candidature : 15 octobre
Pour plus de renseignements, visitez le site web www.daad-canada.ca/research-stays/fr
Deadlines: September - November
Study Scholarship for Master's Studies

DAAD's Study Scholarship supports graduates of Canadian Bachelor programs doing Master's level degree studies at a German university. This scholarship has a number of application streams with different deadlines. While students from most fields will apply to the November 5th deadline, this is not the case for students in most artistic fields.

Full details on DAAD's Study Scholarship, including deadline information and details on how to apply, can be found at www.daad-canada.ca/study-scholarship

 Dates limite : septembre - novembre
Bourse d' é tudes  

La bourse d’études de Master du DAAD offre du soutien aux étudiants canadiens en vue de faire des études de Master à une université allemande. Il existe plusieurs catégories de cette bourse avec de différentes dates limites de dépôt de candidature. La plus part des étudiants poseront leur candidature le 5 novembre, par contre ce n’est pas le cas pour des étudiants en art, musique ou architecture. Veuillez trouver tous les détails sur les dates limites de dépôt de candidature et les démarches de candidature sur le site web www.daad-canada.ca/study-scholarship/fr
Deadline: November 5, 2018
Research Grants for PhD Students / Postdocs

The DAAD Research Grant program supports PhD students carrying out dissertation-related research in Germany for stays of between 1 - 10 months. Postdocs may apply for DAAD support of research stays between 1 - 6 months.

The next deadline for applications to the Research Grants program (both short and long stays) is November 5th .

Full details on these opportunities can be found on the DAAD Canada website by clicking here .

 Date limite : 5 novembre, 2018
Bourses de recherche

La subvention de recherche du DAAD soutient des étudiants au doctorat effectuant des recherches reliées à leurs thèses pour un séjour de recherche d’un à dix mois. Les post-doctorants peuvent poser leurs candidatures pour un séjour d’un à six mois.

La prochaine date limite pour les subventions de recherche (court et long séjour) sera le 5 novembre .

Pour tous les détails, visitez le site web du DAAD Canada au  link .
October 14, 2018
Study and Go Abroad Fair, Toronto

Join DAAD at the Study in Germany booth at the Study and Go Abroad Fair at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on Sunday, October 14th from 1 to 5 pm .

Learn more about DAAD's scholarship and grant programs to support study, research and internships in Germany as well as the opportunities for degree studies on offer at German universities.

For full details, click here .

Admission is free, so make plans to drop by!
October 2 - 4, 2018
DAAD in Montreal

DAAD will be in Montreal during the first week of October for several information sessions.

On Tuesday, October 2nd , DAAD will present information sessions for students at the Goethe-Institut Montreal ( 1626 boul. St-Laurent ; Metro: St-Laurent) at 2 pm (English) and 3 pm (French). For further details, click here .

On Wednesday, October 3rd , we will present an information session for faculty, postdocs and PhD students at McGill University, Room 301, James Adminstration Building. For details and to register (required), please click here .

On Thursday, October 4th , we will take part in an event at Concordia University promoting research opportunities in Europe and with European partners . This event runs from 1:00 to 3:30 pm and takes place in Concordia U. Convention Centre ( John Molson Building, 9th Floor, 1450 Guy). For further details, click here .

2-4 octobre 2018
DAAD à Montréal

Le DAAD Canada sera à Montréal dans les premières semaines d’octobre pour quelques séances d’information. 

Le mardi 2 octobre le DAAD Canada donnera des séances d’information pour les étudiants universitaires à Montréal à l’Institut Goethe Montréal ( 1626 St-Laurent ; Metro: St-Laurent). La séance de 14-15h sera offert en anglais, tandis que la séance de 15-16h sera présentée en français . Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici .

Le mercredi 3 octobre nous présenterons une séance d’information pour doctorants, chercheurs et professeurs universitaires à l’université de McGill . La séance aura lieu de 10-11h, Salle 301, James Administration Building . Les places sont limitées et sur inscription. Pour plus des détails, cliquez ici .

Le jeudis 4 octobre le DAAD Canada participera à un événement de l’université Concordia à Montréal promouvant les possibilités de recherche en Europe avec ses partenaires européens. Cet événement aura lieu de 13-15:30h au centre de convention de l’université Concordia (Bâtiment John Molson, 9e étage, 1450 Guy) . Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici
October 30-31, 2018
DAAD in Vancouver

DAAD will travel to Vancouver at the end of October for several information sessions.

On Tuesday, October 30th , we will be at the Burnaby campus of Simon Fraser University to present a Research in Germany information session for faculty, postdocs and PhD students. The session will run from 2:30 - 3;30 pm in the Applied Sciences Building 10900 .

This session will provide an overview of the Germany research landscape, its structures and major players along with details on support programs for research in Germany or in collaboration with German colleagues.

The information presented will be relevant to scholars in all fields of study.


DAAD Canada is planning further events during our visit to Vancouver, however, as of press time, the details for these have yet to be confirmed. Once these are known, we will post this information on our website at www.daad-canada.ca .
October 12, 2018
Bach Cantata Concert, Toronto

The DAAD Canada Alumni Association is pleased to be a co-sponsor of a Bach Cantata Concert in Toronto on Friday, October 12 , 7:30 pm at St. George’s Lutheran Church ( 410 College Street ).
Cantatas BWV 4 “Christ lag in Todesbanden” and BWV 165 “O heil’ges Geist- und Wasserbad" , will be performed by musicians from Tafelmusik and the Theatre of Early Music, the University of Toronto’s Schola Cantorum and Collegium Musicum,
Tickets are $30 (adults), $20 (65+) and $10 (students) and available online by clicking here .
Other sponsors: Theatre of Early Music, St. George’s Lutheran Church, Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany, Das Journal, The University of Toronto Historical Performance Area. The concert is made possible in part by a generous donation from Ethel Harris and supported by the Canadian Heritage Foundation and the Toronto Arts Council 
Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU)

 Kick-start your career at one of the top-universities in Europe. At the heart of Europe lies the metropolitan region of Nuremberg – home to one of Germany‘s oldest and most distinguished universities: Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU). We offer 40,000 students from around the world the ideal innovation-driven environment to kick-start their careers in Engineering, Business, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Law, and the Humanities. As one of the strongest research universities in Germany, FAU offers over 70 Master’s degree programmes. International students thrive at FAU, not least thanks to our broad range of degree programmes taught entirely in English in almost all disciplines, especially at the postgraduate level.

Find out more at: http://www.fau.eu
RTG 2281 "The Macroeconomics of Inequality", Call for Applications

Research Training Group 2281: Write your doctoral dissertation at Bonn University under the supervision of internationally visible experts. Become part of a renowned doctoral program. The RTG will start funding 3-year doctoral scholarships on April 1, 2019. Application deadline for the program starting in April is November 14 th , 2018.

Webinar: SRH Heidelberg

Join representatives of SRH Heidelberg for a free webinar as they introduce their new Master’s degree program in Water Technology . SHR University Heidelberg’s teaching is based on the CORE principle (Competence Oriented Research and Education) and its practice-oriented approach prepares graduates for industry careers.

The webinar takes place on Wednesday, Oct 10, 2018 from 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT .

For more details and to register, visit: www.daad.org/webinars
Editorial Details
This newsletter has been prepared by:

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. (DAAD)
legally represented by Dr. Dorothea Rüland,
Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn, Germany

Tel. 011 49 228 8820
Fax: 011 49 228 882 444

Internet: https://www.daad.de (DAAD Head Office)
https://www.daad-canada.ca (DAAD Information Centre Toronto)

Head office:
Bonn (Germany), registered with the Bonn District Court, Commercial Register Court VR 2105

Editorial staff:
Dr. Nicola V öhringer
John Paul Kleiner

Image credits:
© iStockphoto; DAAD / Hüttermann ; © DAAD / Volker Lannert; Recruit in Canada; iStockphoto (2); Wuschke

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