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Calls for Application - Apply now!

Upcoming Events

Martin Luther Year 2017 - DAAD Contest

Our Questions, Your Answers! - Newsletter Survey

DAAD Mourns Prof. Max G. Huber


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March 25, 2017

Calls for Application - Apply now!

Copyright: DAAD/Volkert Lannert

Deadline: May 1st, 2017
DAAD Short-Term Research Grant
Short-Term Research Grants are awarded for 1-6 months to highly qualified candidates who have completed a Master’s degree or Diploma, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor’s degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant supported research, or those who have already completed a PhD (postdocs).See our website for details on the application. Please note that the deadline has changed and that applications are due by May 1st.

Deadline: May 15th, 2017
Research Stays and Re-Invitation Grants
DAAD offers grants for one to three months in all academic disciplines to scholars at US and Canadian institutions of higher education to pursue research at universities, libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany. The aim of this particular program is to enable former scholarship holder to carry out research projects in Germany and to maintain contacts as part of DAAD’s global alumni network. Grants are awarded for research and work projects and cannot be used for travel only. Please find details on the application here.

Deadline: April 15th, 2017
Young Ambassadors Wanted!
DAAD is currently accepting applications/nominations for the 2017-18 Young Ambassadors Program. It is an exciting program for undergraduate students from North America who have recently studied or interned in Germany and are interested in promoting study in Germany at their home institutions with the help of DAAD and in close cooperation with their universities’ international/study abroad offices. Please visit our website for more info on eligibilty criteria and application modalities. The application deadline is April 15th, 2017.

Copyright: DAAD/Beowulf Sheehan

Upcoming Events

Tomorrow - March 26th, 6-9:30pm EDT, New York
DAAD Film Screening: Agonie by DAAD grant holder David Clay Diaz
The film chronicles the mysterious events of a murder which are somehow intertwined with the lives of two young men in Vienna. The film premiered at the Berlinale in 2016 and received the Bavarian Culture Prize. A panel discussion with the director will follow the screening. Reserve your free tickets now!

April 5th-7th, Toronto
German Studies in Dialogue - DAAD Conference
This conference brings together more than 60 scholars from Germany, Canada and the United States at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs. The main focus lies on the state of German Studies in its various settings and participants will share best practices and strategies in various working groups. Learn more about the conference here.

April 7th-9th, Boston
German American Conference
Engage with representatives from DAAD at the German American Conference in Boston. Over 35 speakers from industry, academia, and research institutions will be sharing insights in panels on technology, globalization, innovation and much more. 20+ exhibitors at the innovation lounge and the Falling Walls Lab will further expose you to new ideas from both sides of the Atlantic! Details and RSVP here.

Advertisement: Göttingen LL.M. in European and Transnational Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law (LIPIT)

Starting from the 2017-18 academic year, the Law Faculty of Göttingen University (Germany) offers a Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program in European and Transnational Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law. The Program is open to holders of a bachelor’s or higher degree with at least one year of professional experience. The language of instruction is English. More details about the LL.M. Program are available on its website:

The 2017 Annual DAAD Contest : The Life of Martin Luther

In celebration of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses, the theme of the 2017 DAAD Annual Contest will be the major life events of this great theologian and critical thinker, whose writings sent shock waves throughout religious institutions of 16th century Europe. The contest challenge consists of completing a timed 15-question quiz on the biography of this founding father of the Protestant Reformation. Please note, that you will be scored for both accuracy and speed and that questions must be answered in the order in which they appear. Finally, good luck and have fun testing your Luther-IQ!

Only full-time students currently enrolled in a degree program at a North American college or university are eligible to participate. See official rules.

The first prize is a free round-trip airfare to Germany.
The second-prize is a GoPro Hero Camera.
The third-prize is a $50 gift card toward a book on Martin Luther.

The deadline for this contest will be Tuesday, April 18th, a significant date in Martin Luther’s life.
Play the quiz and find out why!

The results will be announced in early June.

Our Questions, Your Answers! - Newsletter Survey

How are we doing? We strive to provide you with the most up-to-date and relevant content every week - from scholarship and grant applications to events and all things higher education in Germany. Are we achieving this goal? Please help us by completing this short survey. We would love to hear your comments, wishes, and feedback! Every person who completes this survey will have the chance to win an American Express gift certificate. Thank you!

Copyright: DAAD/Lichtenscheidt

DAAD Mourns Prof. Max G. Huber

On March 20th, 2017, DAAD's former Vice-President Professor Max G. Huber passed away at the age of 79. He shaped DAAD for 16 years; his extraordinary personality, research experience and positions as both faculty and president of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn strongly influenced the visionary ideas that defined his tenure at DAAD. DAAD President Prof. Margret Wintermantel celebrated his legacy in academia and Germany's education policy, a legacy that earned him Germany's highest civilian honor, the 'Bundesverdienstkreuz' in 2012. Read the full obituary for Prof. Max G. Huber here (German only).

Copyright: DAAD/Eric A. Lichtenscheidt

Advertisement: Freie Universität Berlin International Summer and Winter University (FUBiS)

FUBiS is an intensive academic program through which students can earn credits that may be counted toward their degrees at their home institutions. FUBiS sessions run for 3 to 6 weeks taking place both in summer and winter. Students can choose between subject classes (mostly taught in English) and German language courses. Field trips within Berlin are an integral part of every course.


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