Now that we have your attention, if we don’t continue to PAY attention, this could become a true headline.
Over the next year, DACA’s Board of Directors and, specifically, the membership committee, are implementing a membership marketing campaign. At first glance, this task would seem simple: take pictures, write some copy, and send out the Villager. It is not that simple; we have opened Pandora’s proverbial box. In doing so, we have inadvertently expanded our task from finding new members to revamping some of the core tenets of DACA. Dues, membership classifications, our logo, and the very purpose of DACA were on the table. After many hours and too many emails to count, we hope our vision for the future of DACA not only aligns with why you are a member but also gets you excited about the prospects ahead. OUR MISSION REMAINS THE SAME: KEEP DAVISONVILLE RURAL!
At our first meeting, the new membership committee sat around a dining room table in a beautiful house in a wonderful neighborhood, discussing why we were members of the Davidsonville Area Civic Association. It seemed easy enough; everyone who chooses to live in Davidsonville knows why, and protecting Davidsonville is worth it, right? It should be obvious to all 8,000+ residents why they would support an organization whose sole purpose is to protect what they have chosen. Yet, DACA only has approximately 280 members. Do the other residents even know what they are missing? We need more members! When one of us writes an email to or calls one of our elected officials, we want them to stop what they are doing and give their undivided attention. We want them to take notice because it is not just one person on that email or phone but one thousand!
Growing will take added resources, and $20 dues is already not enough to realize the potential of DACA. If we are to grow and protect our community, it will take more funds. The board has approved three new membership classifications in the hope that we can reach more of Davidsonville and beyond:
—Household membership will be $40 per year; that's 11 cents a day.
—Business membership will be $175 per year. In addition to a digital version of revamped Villager communications, your business will be included on our Facebook page and linked to all future marketing material through a new robust advertising section on our website.
—Associate membership will be $20 per year. This nonvoting classification is for people who reside outside of Davidsonville but still believe in and support what Davidsonville represents.
We should see results immediately. As we roll out this campaign, you will start to see both passive and direct ovations for new members. In the coming year, we want all Davidsonville residents to be thinking about Davidsonville’s future: “What does it mean to me, what does it mean to my children, what does it mean to my parents, and how can I help to maintain this true gem?”