31 March 2023

Friday of the Fifth Week in Lent:

The Feast of

Blessed John Donne

Click above to open Daily Prayer

Click above to watch the Livestream of the Mass of the Fifth Sunday in Lent


Cyndi Wolfe

faithful in person member until Covid; now faithful Livestream member and human of Coco the Cat!

She's also a master weaver. You should see her looms and her work!

 Much love from your Clementine Family.

[email protected]

Please keep Julia Kissel in your prayers as she deals with major health issues. She is so thankful for all the cards and messages of love and support she has received.  Keep’m coming!

Julia Gunn Kissel

P.O. Box 22423 Seattle, 98122

(206) 329-1636

She doesn’t do email

NEW Update on Don and Esther Mumford

Many of you have been asking about Don Mumford since his cancer diagnosis. Esther updates us: Don had his hopes up for beginning chemo today, but that was not to be as his bilirubin count is still too high for his oncologist to give the go-ahead. We are now looking at trying again about two weeks from today although other appointments continue. Don is finally beginning to realize the value of some of the pain medicines prescribed for him although he had resisted because, I think, he was too scared of addiction. With just the start of anything stronger than Tylenol last night he has begun to rest better, although he was up very late due to his discomfort, and quite tired today, but I think he'll feel better from now on. We'll keep you posted..

Please keep both Don and Esther in your prayers for, as many of you know, this process can be as stressful for the care-giver as it is for the patient.

Cards, notes, LOVE, etc. may be sent to:

Don and Esther Mumford

1504 32nd Avenue South

Seattle, 98144

(206) 325-8205

[email protected]

We continue our prayers for Trish Reed whose mother, Mickey, was buried yesterday. Please keep Trish and her family in your prayers as well as your continued prayers for the repose of the soul of Mickey.

Cards, notes, LOVE, etc. may be sent to:

Patricia “Trish” Reed

811 NW 107th South

Seattle, 98177


[email protected]

O God, the King of Saints, we praise and glorify your holy Name for all your servants who have finished their course in your faith and fear: for the Ever-blessed Virgin Mary; for the holy patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs; for Clement, Absalom, Martin, Mickey, and for all your other faithful servants, known to us and unknown; and we pray that, encouraged by their examples, aided by their prayers, and strengthened by their fellowship, we also may be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty God, Author of mercies and giver of all comfort: Deal graciously, we pray thee, with Trish and her family and all those who mourn, that casting every care on thee, they may know the consolation of thy love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 
