Daily Prayer

4 October 2022

The Feast of

Saint Francis of Assisi

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The Feast of

Saint Michael and All Angels

Today we remember

Our Animal Family Members both living and departed

Loving Creator, giver of all good gifts, whose loving care extends to all living things; bless and protect these beings you have given us to love and to cherish.  Give us joy in our lives together and hope for the years to come.  Give us thankful hearts for their wisdom and their loyalty, their cunning and their playfulness until we share eternity together in your presence, through Christ our Lord.


25 August

The Parish Intercessions List is now available (click above) on this homepage as well as a link within the text of Daily Prayer. It's updated on Tuesdays or Wednesdays each week. Additions may be made by contacting the head of the Prayer Chain, Amy Sparks, at: