DARKPLACE: Mysterious Post-Punk Band To Release About The End Of The World Album Through Icons Creating Evil Art This Autumn; “Arken Över Hesselby” Video/Single Now Playing
Stockholm based indie label Icons Creating Evil Art presents mysterious new band DARKPLACE, issuing the first single from the band’s impending debut album.
DARKPLACE is an anonymous band that has recently emerged on the music scene, set to release their debut album About The End Of The World in the Autumn of 2023. Their music is rooted in post-punk but incorporates elements of experimental rock, alternative, and a variety of other genres in their sound. The concept behind the album is centered around a grim future, or perhaps present, where the world is depicted through digital paintings in the accompanying music videos. The imagery is inspired by the bleak landscape of Stockholm's Västerort, but with a unique and imaginative twist.
This project is not only about music for DARKPLACE. It is an art project that seeks to explore and comment on the state of the world through their music and visuals. As a new and enigmatic force in the music industry, DARKPLACE is sure to turn heads with their innovative approach to creating art.
DARKPLACE enters the spotlight with the imaginative post-punk track “Arken Över Hesselby,” which translates to “The Ark Over Hesselby,” pointing towards an alternative version of the Stockholm suburb "Hässelby." Its video shows us a familiar cityscape, haunted by an unknown presence watched from the sky.
Watch the music video for “Arken Över Hesselby” now at THIS LOCATION.
“Arken Över Hesselby” is now streaming on all major platforms HERE.
Icons Creating Evil Art will release DARKPLACE’s About The End Of The World full-length on vinyl LP and digitally in the Autumn months. Stand by for additional previews of the album, preorders, and more to post over the weeks ahead.
About The End Of The World Track Listing:
1. Prelude
2. Save Them All
3. Fearmongerer
4. Cars
5. Arken Över Hesselby
6. This Is Loud
7. Intermezzo
8. Split
9. No Escaping This
10. The End
11. Leben Hat Ein Ende

For DARKPLACE coverage contact [email protected].
“Arken Över Hesselby” Single Art
About The End Of The World Cover Art