** Note ** You are receiving the district eNews because your name is in our Lay Leadership Database as a leader in your local church. If you are no longer interested in receiving the District eNews, please click the Update Profile link at the bottom of the email. (Clicking UnSubscribe means you will not receive ANY emails from the conference including appointment announcements, sympathy notices and weekly eNews) | |
Under the theme "Yield," clergy and elected lay members will gather for NIC's 185th session, June 16-18, at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center. Bishop Dan Schwerin chose the theme from John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer, which includes the vow that “I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.” Many Methodists renew this covenant at the beginning of the new year. Read more.
The annual conference committee is exploring different childcare arrangements, including the possibility of offering on-site care. Those who need childcare should complete a short survey so that the committee knows parents’ preferences. Responses are due on Jan. 31. Take the survey.
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Apportionment Deadline Tomorrow
As United Methodists, we are committed to connectional giving, and our primary way of doing that is through apportioned giving. By being a faithful 100% church, you allow the United Methodist faith to continue to grow around the world and here at home. To find more information about apportionments, visit the Apportionments page. A friendly reminder that the deadline to pay apportionments is Fri., Jan. 12. (Mail-in payments need to be postmarked by this date.) Check your Prosper account or pay online.
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Registration and more details available here. |
The Discipleship Task Force’s Disciples Nurturing Action (DNA) continues to provide opportunities for body, mind, and spiritual health. They are partnering with Intentional Energy 3 who will be hosting a virtual women’s retreat titled, Wisdom For The Seasons of Life-What I Wish I Had Known, on Sat., Jan. 20, 9a-12p with a follow-up virtual session to see how things are going on Sat., Feb. 10, 9-10:30a. Click here for details and to register. Be sure to use the discount code, NIC23. Also, stay tuned for upcoming body, mind and spirit support groups starting in 2024. Please contact DNA Chair, Katherine Howell (howellkvh@gmail.com), if questions.
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It is time to update the Lay Leadership Portal
he new year often means new people serving in leadership positions at your church Please access the NIC Portal to our database to be sure that we have the correct names and contact information for your key church leaders. (Click here for a list of Leadership chairs we use.) To access the Northern Illinois Conference Lay Leadership Portal, click here. Contact David Quinn dquinn@umcnic.org if you need access assistance. For instructions on how to update leadership portal, click here. If you have any other questions, please contact your District Administrative Assistant, Leola Tucker ltucker@umcnic.org.
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Read the Revised UMC Social Principles Draft
The UMC Book of Discipline and Book of Resolutions include the denomination’s Social Principles, which articulate a faith-based response to concerns in our communities and world. A revised version is before General Conference delegates for their consideration next spring. It focuses on the most pressing social issues of the day. Take a look at the draft. Read more.
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2023 Statistical Reports can be entered
It’s the time of year for churches to enter their statistics for 2023. These numbers not only help answer the question, “How are we doing right now?” but also, “How are we doing in the long run?” Church leaders can review this data to interpret underlying influences and help the congregation help the congregation see where growth is happening and where change may be necessary. We have a new site for entering stats and a tutorial will be sent to churches soon to help them navigate. Note that the deadline for reports is February 29, 2024. Learn more about stats.
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NIC Prayer Network Monthly Zoom Meetings
The NIC Prayer Network is an entryway for joining in common prayer for the ministries of the Northern Illinois Conference. NIC Prayer Network team meets every month on the 2nd Thursday at 10:00 AM to pray for the churches, pastors and ministries of Northern Illinois. The next meeting is Thursday, February 8, at 10:00 a.m. All are invited to join. No preparation is necessary; just log in. The Zoom link is available here. Meeting ID: 813 9510 9144, Passcode: 459872. You can also call 312-626-6799.
If you’d like to pray but have other appointments at that time, email Katherine Howell at howellkvh@gmail.com and request the agenda or add to the agenda. Also, pray along each week for clergy, churches, leaders, and NIC Advances by visiting the Prayer Network website.
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Other Resources
#BeUMC Resources -Tool Kits, Social Media Kits, Graphics, and more.
Social Media Shareables - Free graphics for social media for different events, months, and ministries. (Through Outreach, log-in is needed, but resources are free)
UMC Giving Resources - Mission Moments, Special Sunday Info, Leader Kits, Pew Cards, and more.
United Media Resource Center - Lending library of Christian materials for local churches, small groups, pastors, children, and individuals.
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Copyright © 2024 Northern Illinois Conference |
Do you have news to share?
We are always looking for stories of what is happening in your church. We welcome articles from churches highlighting ministries, outreach, and missions that tell the story of being vital Christians. Events considered should be of conference-wide appeal and United Methodist-related.
District eNews are sent out the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Please submit stories and events by end of business on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Space is limited. Stories of fewer than 250 words are preferred. Submissions will be edited at the discretion of Communications staff. Information can be emailed to communications@umcnic.org.
Check out our Submit News page for more details.
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NOTE - Clicking UNSUBSCRIBE below means you will be unsubscribing from ALL Constant Contact emails from the NIC (Appointment Announcements, Sympathy Notices, etc). If you want to stop receiving one newsletter, please click "Update Profile" below.
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