DBA Digest for September 3, 2021
DBA Members Honored in Delaware's Top Workplaces 2021!
Eight DBA Members and Associate Members have been honored in the 2021 News Journal Best Workplace Awards. In the large company category (400 or more employees) WSFS Bank, Capital One, and Discover Financial Services ranked in the top ten (two, three, and five, respectively). In the mid-size category (100 to 399 employees) Morris James LLP ranked sixth. In the small company category (less than 100 employees) Connolly Gallagher (6th); Belfint, Lyons, & Shuman, P.A. (12th); Santora CPA Group (22nd); and, NCALL (27th); were recognized. Congratulations to all the honorees!

Latest Issue of Delaware Banker Now Available!
The Summer 2021 issue of Delaware Banker magazine is now available. Read the cover story on the powerful Employee Retention Credit. Other feature articles include: Utilizing QSBS and Non-Grantor Trusts; Jumpstarting Wilmington's Neighborhood; and, MBA or MSM: which degree is right for you? Along with these are the regular feature columns with timely updates on compliance, accounting, benefits, and law. Read it now on your computer, your tablet, or on your phone!
Business Writing Workshop - September 15th
On-Line 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Time equals money in the work world, so creating clear documents quickly that can be understood easily is crucial. Join Linda Comerford, Comerford Consulting for this rewarding on-line course via Zoom, September 15th: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Just $199 per person for DBA members! ($249 for non-members)

Workshop Objectives: After attending this course, participants will benefit from increased ability to:
  • Identify varied audiences and purposes for writing;
  • Polish rough edges of their writing style in paragraphs, sentences, words, and format;
  • Write more effective documents while following a more efficient writing process; and
  • Apply course concepts to their actual writing samples.
2021 FDIC Director's College! Registration Now Open!
Don't miss the 2021 FDIC Director's College, September 24 live on the Zoom Webinar Platform, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The FDIC Director's College provides ongoing education on current topics of bank supervision to bank directors, senior officers, corporate secretaries, and board advisors. The course is designed to help directors and trustees, both new and experienced, stay abreast of the ever-changing regulatory environment.

This year's agenda includes: Risk Identification and Assessment; Effectively Identifying and Monitoring Cybersecurity Risks; Conversations with Regulators; Economic Update; and, Guidance for New Directors. Follow the link below to register. Registration is $299.00/per person. We would like to extend a discount of 15% for ten or more registrants and a 10% discount for 5-9 registrants. To take advantage of this group rate, please reach out to Corinne Stayton corinne.stayton@debankers.com .
2021 Delaware Trust Conference October 19 & 20!
In Person - Live Streaming - On-Demand!
Wealth Management Professionals get ready for the most convenient conference experience! Attend the 2021 Delaware Trust Conference in person at the Chase Center on the Riverfront, or via live stream on your computer, tablet, or phone. And all sessions will also be available for on-demand viewing after the conference! Earn up to 18.0 CLE Credits, Including 2.0 Ethics Credits! All the sessions feature the stellar line-up of the nation’s top trust, legal, and wealth management experts for which the Delaware Trust Conference is known. The All-Access Pass is only $995 for DBA Members!

Follow the link below for agenda and registration information!
Shore United Bank Goes Purple during September in Support of the Herren Project
This September, Shore United Bank is ‘going Purple’ in support of the Herren Project’s initiative to provide communities with resources and support for the treatment, recovery and prevention of Substance Use Disorder.
In an effort to create awareness to the dangers of substance use, encourage positive decision-making to navigate life’s challenges and break the stigma of addiction, each branch will be decorated with purple décor, wearing purple on Fridays, and sharing useful resources for those whose lives may be impacted by this epidemic.
The tellers at Shore United Bank will be placing Substance Use Disorder resource cards in all currency envelopes to be handed to bank customers. These cards contain trigger questions and a URL for access to an array of sources covering all parties affected, from people battling the disorder, to the families of these individuals.
Mid-Atlantic CEO Forum - November 7-9
The Mid-Atlantic CEO Forum, an Event for Bank CEOs and Senior Leadership, will bring together bankers and industry partners for sessions with nationally recognized speakers providing relevant and timely content geared specifically to bank CEOs and other senior leaders. The Forum will be held November 7th through 9th at the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel. Follow the link below for full agenda and registration information.
Jenifer Jurden is a Cartoonist from Wilmington who has graciously provided her Planet Jurdy cartoons for the DBA Digest. Jurdy® is her other-worldly "Hero of Happyness" whose cartoons bring levity to humans worldwide.
Young Conaway Welcomes Senior Counsel
Richard W. Nenno

Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP is pleased to announce that Richard W. Nenno, Esquire will be joining the firm as Senior Counsel in the Business Planning and Tax Section on October 18, 2021.

Richard W. Nenno comes to Young Conaway with over 40 years of estate-planning experience and is a Distinguished Accredited Estate Planner. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Nenno served as senior trust counsel and managing director in Wealth Management at Wilmington Trust Company. Mr. Nenno is a Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel and the American Bar Foundation. He also is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning and the Bloomberg BNA Estates, Gifts, and Trusts Advisory Board.

“Dick is a true legend in the estate planning community,” noted Vincent C. Thomas, Co-Chair of Young Conaway’s Business Planning and Tax section. “Young Conaway remains committed to growing its Business Planning and Tax section as reflected by numerous recent additions, including, Dick. Our growing team looks forward to working with Dick and continuing to bring extraordinary service and solutions to our clients.”
Troutman Pepper Insights:
CFPB Issues Long-Awaited Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Small Business Lending Data Collection

On September 1, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a 900+ page notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to implement the small business lending data collection requirements under Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank). Below is a summary of the proposal.

What Is Section 1071?
Codified under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), Section 1071 seeks to facilitate enforcement of fair lending laws and enable communities, governmental entities, and creditors to identify business and community development needs and opportunities for women-owned, minority-owned, and small businesses. To achieve this goal, Section 1071 instructs the CFPB to prescribe rules and issue guidance on data collection by lenders related to small business credit. Over the last couple years, the CFPB has hosted a symposium and convened a Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) panel with an eye toward issuing a rule. Now, a little over a month past the 10-year anniversary of Dodd-Frank and the filing of a lawsuit requiring the CFPB to promulgate a regulation on Section 1071, we finally have a NPRM.

Sign Up Now! Two On-Line Courses:
Fundamentals of Commercial Banking; and,
Analyzing Repayment Sources!
The Delaware Bankers Association & Delaware Financial Education Alliance has partnered with Andy Keusal with Keusal Learning LLC to offer two new online Breaking into Banking videos:

  • Breaking into Banking 101: Fundamentals of Commercial Banking - ten learning modules, over 5 hours in total content

  • Breaking into Banking 201: Analyzing Repayment Sources - nine modules covers topics including how to analyze income statements, balance sheets, collateral, and risk rating.

Each module includes a video lesson and a multiple-choice self-check. Many of the lessons include exercises/case studies for learners to work through that are related to a sample company outlined in the course’s Reference Guide.

Get the full details, including an introductory video at the link below.
We want to hear from you! Please send your news items to
Greg Koseluk at greg.koseluk@debankers.com