Dakota Happenings

DBC Monthly Newsletter | September 2023

Dr. Mac's Minute:

Putting On "Long Anger"

Passage: Colossians 3:12-17

Focus: And so, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on . . . patience.”—Colossians 3:12

Last week I had a unique blessing. I was passing through a town in eastern South Dakota on my way to another meeting. I happened to be there when one of our churches was having a morning men’s Bible study, so I joined them.

That morning’s study focused on Colossians 3:12-17 where Paul commands us to “put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other” (vv. 12-13). As the pastor walked us through the different character qualities, my mind was drawn to the word, “patience” and I’ve continued to be drawn back to it throughout the past week.

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Dakota News

Baker Week of Prayer and State Mission Offering focuses on “The Heart of Christ”

The 2023 Baker Week of Prayer and State Mission Offering is upon us. This year’s theme is “The Heart of Christ,” taken from Matthew 11:28-30. The Week of Prayer is September 3-10. The Baker State Missions Offering goal is $45,000. 

What does the Baker Offering accomplish? Because of Baker, pastors and churches facing emergency situations can be helped. The DBC provides church relations missionaries in different parts of the Dakotas to encourage pastors and resource churches. Through Baker, churches engaged in evangelism, leadership development, church planting, and Native American ministry can be assisted in their mission. The Baker Missions Offering literally touches everything that the churches of the DBC partner together to do.

The annual state missions offering is named for John Baker, the first executive director of the Northern Plains Baptist Convention, and his wife Clide. The DBC was born out of the old NPBC.

Sample resources were sent in August to each church. These included posters, bulletin inserts, and special offering envelopes. If your church needs additional resources, call the DBC office or request the additional resources online at www.dakotabaptist.com

Request Resources

Registration for the 40th DBC Annual Meeting to Open Soon

The 2023 Dakota Baptist Gathering and Annual Meeting will be held October 5-6 at South Canyon Baptist Church in Rapid City, SD. This meeting will be the 40th annual meeting of Dakota Baptists. The featured speaker on Thursday evening will be Dr. Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board. Joel Harris (Rapid City, SD: South Canyon Baptist) will be the worship leader for the annual meeting.

DBC president Josh Brown (Rapid City, SD: Redeeming Grace) chose, “The Heart of Christ,” as this year’s theme. It is based on Matthew 11:28-30. The event will open with a Heart of Christ Conference at 1:30 Thursday afternoon. Brown will bring his message on “The Heart of Christ for the Church” at that time. Afterwards, there will be breakouts for men and women. 

Black Hills Association Sponsors Pre-Gathering Event

The Black Hills Area Baptist Association (BHABA) is sponsoring a pre-Dakota Gathering event, “The Heart of Christ for the Abused.” The meeting will focus on how the church can reach out to and help those impacted by abuse and other painful life experiences. The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 5, at South Canyon Baptist Church.

The meeting will feature a message from Isaiah 42:1-4 on the theme by Joel Harris (Rapid City, SD: South Canyon Baptist). A presentation, “Considerations for Being Safe Churches in the Dakotas,” will be made by Holli Strand, followed by a Q & A session. Strand works for the Pennington County Sheriff’s Department. She investigates internet crimes against children and has done forensic interviews with children. She has done a lot of training with churches in developing abuse policies and recognizing abuse.

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Committee Withdraws Two Motions to be Presented at Annual Meeting

A month ago, the Constitution and Bylaws Committee published that they would present three amendment recommendations at the October 5-6 Dakota Baptist Convention annual meeting. Two of the recommendations related to how churches fulfill the requirements to be in good standing with the DBC. The third clarified a change that was made two years ago regarding filling unfilled Board member terms.

Since announcing the recommendations that they planned to make, the committee discovered a third change regarding partnership requirements would be necessary for the Constitution and Bylaws to be in agreement with each other. Because there is not sufficient time to give required notification to the churches, the committee has decided to withdraw the recommendations and let next year’s committee review the matter.

The committee will still present the third recommendation regarding filling unfilled Board member terms. The proposed amendment is available on the link below this article. It will be voted on by the messengers during the Friday morning session at the annual meeting. The annual meeting is October 5-6 at South Canyon Baptist Church in Rapid City.

Proposed Amendment

It Happened at a Board Meeting

The Dakota Baptist Convention Executive Board met for their regular meeting in Mandan August 4-5. The meeting featured worship led by the Board’s vice-chairman Chris Wallace (Bismarck: Hope City) and devotionals from Rob Graywater (Fort Totten: Dakota Baptist) and DBC Executive Director Fred MacDonald.

During the meeting the Board approved a 2024 budget and 2024 calendar. Both will be presented to the messengers for approval at the annual meeting in October. The annual meeting is October 5-6 at South Canyon Baptist Church in Rapid City.

Other actions taken by the Board included transferring funds to replenish the Capital Improvement Fund. This fund provides grants to churches that are engaged in capital improvement projects. They also approved a plan to consolidate similar financial statement designated accounts. The plan will reduce the number of accounts from 47 to 32 and categories of accounts from ten to three.

In another action, the Board authorized MacDonald to form a team that would research, craft, and implement an effort to request that the Southern Baptist Convention change its practice of not allowing trustee representation for smaller state conventions. The effort will lead up to introducing a motion at the 2024 SBC annual meeting in Indianapolis. Currently the DBC has one trustee on the SBC Executive Committee. None of the other agencies have Dakota Baptists on their trustee board.

The Board discussed several other issues without taking any specific actions. The full minutes will be included in the 2023 Book of Reports, which will be available at the annual meeting in October.


On July 30, Restore Church in Yankton, SD celebrated 15 people declaring their faith in Christ. The congregation got the privilege of celebrating with them & their families as they proclaimed that they love Jesus & want to live fully surrendered to Him! Romans 6:4 says, "We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life."


A total of about 55 DBC pastors, pastor’s wives, and their families gathered in Mandan last month for a weekend of fellowship, encouragement, and activity. The featured speaker for the weekend was Joe Wright, executive director for the SBC Bivocational and Small Church Leadership Network. Wright and his wife Pennie also led small group breakout times with the men and women.

Tony Martin, from the Mississippi Baptist Convention, provided entertainment both Thursday and Friday evening with his illusions. A team from Connection Church in Belle Fourche, SD conducted activities for the children and youth.

Next year’s retreat will be for pastors and wives. It will be August 15-17 in Mobridge, SD. The featured speakers will be Jamie and Tara Dew. Jamie is the president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

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DBC Monthly Newsletter

September 2023

Dr. Fred MacDonald, Editor

Marissa Shimer, Print Editor

Dakota Baptist Convention

P.O. Box 549, Rapid City, SD 57709


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