Calling all Technology Providers!!!
The DC Chapter is excited to announce our new webinar series, Technology Shoot-Out, with each session focused on a specific challenge faced by event organizers and how technologies can solve it, as well as provide value to participants and internal event team. This is an opportunity to present your solution in a unique and interactive format of brief recorded presentations and a live Q&A session with the audience at the end.
The series is free to event organizer members and will be promoted on the DC Chapter website and to thousands of event organizers through social media and email marketing. Each webinar will be limited to two to three presenting companies, making this an exclusive opportunity for technology companies to showcase their solution (not just a demo of features).
Click the link below to see more details on the program and the challenges event organizers have asked us to solve. Complete the submission form and we will review and let you know if your company is selected to present (please note, there is a $1,000 sponsor fee to cover costs if your company is selected for one of the webinars):
May Lunch & Learn - Demystifying International Freight and Shipping
Date: Friday, May 13, 2022
Time: 11:30 am – 2:00 pm
Demystify the nebulous world of freight with insights and best practices from the experts. Know what preparations you should be making when international shipping and freight plays into your event, and how you can minimize last-minute fires and fees.