Hello College Access Champion,
This is the first update for DCAN Funders and Donors, and we are thrilled to report out on the steady progress we have made thus far. 2021 has ended, and we'd like to showcase our impact and campaigns, say our thank you's, and introduce our upcoming initiatives for 2022.
Our mission to ensure every Detroit student can achieve their educational dreams would not be possible without your dedicated support, guidance, and generosity. We are grateful to you and can't wait to see what's in store for us in 2022!
The DCAN Staff
Introducing DCAN's 2020-2021 Impact Report. We are proud of the work we've accomplished this year to support college access professionals, families, and most importantly students!
In the 2020-2021 academic year, DCAN accomplished the following metrics:
- Provided high quality professional development opportunities to 788 College Access Professionals
- Supported a 51% FAFSA completion rate for the Class of 2020
Supported over 5000 students through DCAN initiative partnerships
DCAN’s impact report is a reflection of the diligent work of our schools and organizations in Detroit. We hope you find the information in this report helpful and encouraging.
Postsecondary Pathway Connections
In an effort to reconnect college access professionals with all the updates and changes taking place in the postsecondary arena, DCAN hosted a series of postsecondary pathway connection sessions during the months of September and October. These pathway connections allowed counselors, advisers and other youth serving professionals a chance to get relevant updates on admissions requirements, application fee waivers, testing updates, campus visits, how to set up admissions presentations/on sites and more.
- Number of Institutions participated: 16
- Number of professionals attended: 193
- Average attendees per session: approx. 12
Detroit STRIVES (Student Transition Resources and Initiatives Virtual Education Series) is a monthly professional development DCAN offers to professionals in Detroit that support transitioning high school students. The PD is two fold, 1 hour for college access and 1 hour for financial aid. Professionals will also be eligible to receive SCECH credits for attending.
- October 14th
- Michigan college bound initiatives, Leveraging seniors momentum
- Financial Aid: FSA ID, New policies, and Tracking Strategies
- November 18th
- Navigating college for first generation students
- Financial Aid: Student data collection
- December 9th
- Counselors Requirements/Systems for Admissions/Scholarships
- Financial Aid: Developing strategies for the New Year
Lunch and Learns
DCAN’s Lunch and Learns are a bimonthly professional development series to provide networking opportunities, support with year round initiatives, and time for attendees to strategically plan with their colleagues. Lunch and Learns are submitted for SCECH credits.
Lunch and Learn Topics
- October 26th- 42 Attendees
- College Match & Fit, Bridging the Gap Between Schools and Organizations, and Navigating College for Homeless Youth
- December 7th- 34 Attendees
- FAFSA 2022-2033, How to Improve Scholarship Submission , Paying For College Panel
Pathway Connections: Skilled Trade Series
DCAN has begun a Skill Trade series aimed to inform and expose youth serving professionals about a variety of skilled trade opportunities for their students. The series is meant to educate professionals on the trade programs that exist, the enrollment process/requirements and establish relationships with admissions professionals in these programs.
Workshop Schedule
- November 3, 2021: Debunking the Skill Trade Postsecondary Pathway: Perception vs. Reality- 41 Attendees
- November 17, 2021: Skilled Trade: Pathways and Opportunities
- December 1, 2021: Skilled Trade Program Student Credential Requirements
- December 15, 2021: Skilled Trade: Cost and Pay Structures
- February 17, 2022: Economy and Inequities *DCAN Lunch & Learn*
SAT Prep
DCAN partnered with Doorway To College to host a one day, 5 hour bootcamp in preparation for the upcoming SAT retakes. Counselors from Detroit high schools will recruit between 4-6 seniors from their school to participate in this bootcamp. The purpose of this initiative is to support students’ eligibility for Detroit Promise funding.
Once the scores are released from CollegeBoard, the counselors will input their students' scores in a spreadsheet to help us track their improvements and effectiveness of the bootcamp. There were 34 students in attendance.
The College Fit Project-
January 2022- May 2022
The College “Fit” Project is a pilot campaign effort to support students/families in learning the valuable insight in determining the school that is the best fit for them. While the college match tool takes into account the academic alignment for match, reach, and safety in alignment with African American graduation rates, it does not take into account the social emotional disparagement that students endure while transitioning and embarking on their journeys post graduation.
The campaign will not only educate and elevate these important factors that affect enrollment but will create a space of critical thinking and knowledge application to college research.
How to Reach Hillman- January 2022-March 2022
How to Reach Hillman (HTRH) is a seven week intensive, online course designed to expose students and their parents and educators to the collective HBCU educational and cultural experience. HTRH is designed specifically for students in areas without Historically Black Colleges and Universities. HTRH is a dynamic, comprehensive course that is built on an Africana Studies theoretical framework.
Course Objectives & Expectations
Scholars who successfully complete HTRH will:
- Develop an understanding of the HBCU educational and cultural experience.
- Identify HBCUs that are of interest and construct an engagement plan and course of action towards admission and enrollment;
- Engage with HBCU Stakeholders, current HBCU students, and alumni relative to their specific area of interest (education and culture).
This section will highlight the new programmatic and funding partnerships DCAN developed over the semester. Every generous act is significant, and each partnership supporting DCAN helps shape the road to postsecondary. We are deeply grateful for the generosity of our partners, donors and friends that joined together for the good of many.
We'd like to thank the following organizations for their generous contributions to DCAN's mission and vision.
- Ally Bank
- The Detroit Children's Fund
- The Jacob Family Foundation
- The Mandell and Madeleine Berman Foundation
We'd like to thank the following organizations for their commitment to youth in Detroit, collaboration, and thought-partnership.
Daniel Valentine
Professional Development Program Manager
Daniel Valentine is a native Detroiter and proud alum of Central State University in Ohio. While in college, he discovered his passion for college access and volunteered with various groups to support student success. After earning his Bachelors of Arts degree in Communications- Broadcast Media, he was recruited by his alma mater, to head the Marauder Jumpstart Program. As the Program Coordinator he developed and managed the leadership training curriculum for incoming freshmen.
Upon returning to Detroit, Daniel began working directly with Detroit’s youth in various ways. Daniel currently serves as the Program Director for the Detroit Youth Choir and most recently worked as an Admission Counselor for Grand Canyon University. Daniel’s passion is to impact the next generation, and is excited to begin his new position as Professional Development Program Manager for DCAN.
Terranie Sims
AmeriCorps VISTA
Terranie Sims is proud to serve as DCAN’s newest AmeriCorps VISTA. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Howard University majoring in Psychology and minoring in Speech-Language Pathology and Spanish. During her time as an undergraduate, she studied abroad in Costa Rica and interned with several organizations in the educational realm. She also volunteered in DPSCD elementary schools, high schools and adult education centers through the Howard University Alternative Spring Break program.
Prior to joining DCAN she served as a Teach for America corps member working with ESL Pre-K students and co-founded an early learning program to provide virtual learning assistance and childcare to families impacted by COVID-19. Terranie is avidly passionate about educational equity, specifically as it pertains to eradicating the school-to-prison pipeline and investing in early childhood education. She is excited to continue advancing these efforts as a member of the DCAN team.
CONNECT: Detroit College Access Network