DCAN Update | April 17, 2020
We can do this.
Dear Colleagues:

We've made it through a month in this new world. You are all working so hard to ensure Detroit students are able to achieve their educational dreams. I know it is not easy. Thank you.

We must keep at it.

I encourage you to continue working with your seniors as much as possible in these uncertain times. We intend for the resources we share to assist you with making progress towards completing those college-going steps and answering the many questions circulating.

In the following sections, you'll find information on:
  • DCAN Support Resources & Updates
  • General Counselor & Student Resources

As always, please be in touch with ways we can better support you or with your questions or concerns.

With hope,

Dr. Ashley Johnson
Executive Director, DCAN
The Road to Matriculation: Transition Checklists
Are you on track to helping your students graduate? Make sure you're using the resources below!

Student Checklist:   Making a College Decision
  • Why/What: A step-by-step guide to help students make the best fit college choice. It details what they should do leading up to making a decision, what to do once they have made a decision and some tips for summer transitioning.
  • Goal: For students to make a best fit final decision and confirm all next steps are complete with the institution to ensure fall enrollment. 

  • Why/What: Helps counselors/advisers best support students with making a final college decision through intentional planning and data tracking, verifying final decisions, celebrating student decisions and offering summer melt support. 
  • Goal: To have a postsecondary plan on file for each student in your senior class. 
  • How: We encourage using a spreadsheet! Here is the DCAN College & Career Tracker for counselors who are in need of a data tracker. Final decisions can be housed in the "Postsecondary Plans" tab.
DCAN Virtual Lunch & Learn
Join us Tuesday, April 28 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for DCAN's Virtual Lunch & Learn .

Discussion topics include:
  • DCAN Update & Resources
  • College/University Admissions Panel: Detroit Top Feeder Schools
  • The Opportunity Network: Culturally Responsive Education

We are in the process of getting approval for SCECH credits for this professional development opportunity.

Calling All Future Grizzlies!
Students who have been admitted to Oakland University for Fall 2020 should save the date for Oakland University and DCAN's Virtual Senior Admitted Day!

Students are invited to join us Monday, May 11 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. to dive into completing next steps for enrollment and connect to important resources they'll need for their upcoming year. Stay tuned for details!
Upcoming DCAN Counselor Webinars & Senior Supports
April 24: Leverage Parent Engagement 2020-2021

Join us to learn how you can use this time to develop parent relationships and systems to enhance parent engagement efforts.

Join a College Advising Corps alumnus to learn about managing time; from syllabi, to term papers, to final exams and everything in between. 

Get Schooled is on TikTok!
Our partners at Get Schooled are offering online videos to help students through a number of challenges.

From virtual tech tips to helping make college decisions, they're meeting students where they're at to help them navigate today's world.

MCAN Resources
  • Meeting the Challenge Webinar Series
  • Join MCAN for a new webinar series to help you navigate the current and evolving situation. MCAN is gathering experts in the education field to provide insights and answer your burning questions.
  • Webinar #3: Wednesday, April 22 at 11 a.m.
  • COVID-19 and Students: What You need to Know about the Financial Implications
  • COVID-19 Response Grants
  • These grants provide a flexible funding pathway for Michigan high schools, LCANs, community-based nonprofit organizations, and higher education institutions to support emergent postsecondary projects and programs in their communities. Funding is offered through two pathways: up to $2,500 in mini-grants targeted towards high schools, and up to $10,000 targeted toward a community response. MCAN has waived the match funding requirement for this grant opportunity, and we commit to an expedited review process to support your needs. 

Local/State Resources & Updates

National Resources & Updates
Connect with Detroit College Access Network