DCAN Update | June 8, 2021
We Are So Proud!
Hello College Access Champion,

Despite the extra challenges of the past two academic years, Detroit students and staff have done amazing work. We are so proud of the Class of 2021 and all the counselors, advisers, and educators that support them. Our work at DCAN would not be possible without the amazing folks like you and especially the students we all serve together!

DCAN sends our congratulations to all students and staff in Detroit and wish you all a wonderful and restful summer. We are continuing our support and communications throughout the summer months. The newsletter will be sent biweekly until August.

Take Care,

The DCAN Team
The Deadline to Apply is June 11th!
Class of 2021 seniors from Detroit are encouraged to apply to be a Summer Scholar in our City-Wide Summer Bridge program if they will be attending Henry Ford College, Oakland University, and Wayne State University.

Summer Scholars will take a college course with one of our university partners and also be exposed to campus life and campus resources. Students will participate in peer learning groups to learn from each other, attend weekly workshops focused on college enrollment milestones and life skills, receive personal advising from a Summer Coach at Detroit Promise, and participate in fun activities that promote student exploration of the college campus.

Graduates of Detroit high schools are encouraged to apply by June 11th.
We will be supporting students with pathways to college this summer with a focus on the class of 2021. There is a team to support them no matter their pathway. If you would like us to connect with your students this summer, we will be creating a student newsletter keeping students and parents connected to support and resources this summer. 

If you would like us to keep your students connected over the summer, please provide your rosters (first name, last name, emails, phone numbers) to Olivia Tubaro (otubaro@detroitcan.orgwith the 
Subject: Summer Student Support Rosters. 
Tell Your Juniors About Our Newest Instagram Giveaway!
Win $20 for completing steps 1-3 OR $30 for completing steps 1-4!

Follow these steps to win:

  • Step 1: Make sure you follow us @detroit.can on Instagram
  • Step 2: Sign up for College Board Opportunity Scholarship, build your college list, and DM us a picture of it
  • Step 3: Create a college list on Detroit College Match Tool and DM us a picture of it
  • Step 4: BONUS! DM or email us a short video about what you are doing to prepare for your senior year of high school!

Everyone who participates in this challenge will win! You can DM us on instagram or email lindsay@detroitcan.org your video.
A Skilled Trade Readiness Program
Do you know seniors interested in a skilled trade career? Send them this flyer for SER Metro's ReBuild Detroit, a Skilled Trade Readiness Program. The free, virtual 8-week program prepares students for apprenticeships in the skilled trades. Students are matched with coaches to support with finances, job placements/resumes, food/housing assistance, etc.

SER Metro offers wraparound services to students in Detroit as well as job placements and stipends to students who participate in ReBuild Detroit.
1-1 FAFSA Support Available
It's not too late for students to complete the FAFSA! If your seniors need help completing the application, they can request 1-on-1 FAFSA support.

A DCAN team member will meet with students over Zoom to answer questions and assist with the application. Students can request support by completing the form below.
CONNECT: Detroit College Access Network