DCAN Update | Dec 10, 2020
Young leaders taking action on behalf of DCAN!
Last week NCAN announced a class of 33 college attainment organizations who, over the next year, will engage in national higher education policy discussion as part of their NCAN Member Advocacy Fellows Program. Each organization gets to select up to 2 students to receive advocacy training. These 66 students collectively will represent powerful voices to inform lawmakers of the great impact policy decisions can have on college access, affordability, and attainment.

Congratulations to Christian Hill and Kalani Olatunj selected by DCAN to serve as our representatives. Stay tuned for an in-depth introduction to them both in a future newsletter!
Congrats to the 20 under 20 nominees!
Three students in our Detroit College Ambassadors program have been nominated by Detroit Speaks 20 under 20.

Congratulations Samuel Burke, Santia Davis and Christian Hill! We are so inspired by you.
We want to hear from you
DCAN will be hosting a virtual support staff focus group on Dec. 16 at 1 p.m.

We want to hear from professionals who work with Detroit students on how we can better align programming and support for you and your students at DCAN.

Complete the registration below if you are interested in attending.
Lifting Detroit voices and experiences
This is an opportunity for students to highlight themselves for completing a college/scholarship app or the FAFSA, registering for the Detroit Promise, etc., or counselors to highlight students or the senior class or for students to highlight and show recognition to their counselor.

Those who are recognized will be shared on Instagram to share the student voice/experience.
Enrollment & $500 ideas award
Calling all trade programs!

Please fill out our skilled trades enrollment form with details on the requirements to enroll in your program.

The information you provide will be used in the new Skilled Trades page on our website, launching in early 2021.

Email [email protected] with any questions.
Trade School Program funding ideas

DCAN will be awarding $500 to 4 schools/organizations with the best trade program ideas.

Submit your ideas of efforts that your school or organization will put in place to educate families about skilled trade opportunities and increase the awareness and applications for your students that are interested and/or do not have a plan.

Who can apply: Any representative from a school and/or organization in the city of Detroit that supports 7-12 grade students.
Program: Your program should be inclusive and equitable in participation for the students that you support. 
Deadline: Dec. 31 at 5 p.m.
Winners announced: Feb. 1, 2021
Detroit College Challenge & essay contest details
DCAN and Get Schooled Detroit College Challenge

DCAN and Get Schooled are teaming up again for the 2020-2021 school year! Sign your school up for the Detroit College Challenge this month and be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card. Five winners will be chosen!

Here's what you need to know:

  • Facilitator and student incentives/prizes
  • Resources and bundles for educators and students
  • Monthly challenges
Get Schooled Essay Contest—call all your seniors!

Have your seniors submit their college application essay or scholarship essay to Get Schooled to receive suggestions, edits and feedback from a professional.

Everyone who submits an essay in the month of December, will be entered in to win a $20 gift card—one winner will be chosen each week!
CONNECT: Detroit College Access Network