DCAN Update | Mar. 8, 2021
Student Spots Available!
Detroit College Day (DCD) is hosted by MSU College Advising Corps (MSUCAC), AdviseMI College Advising Program, University of Michigan College Advising Corps, and Detroit College Access Network (DCAN).

The purpose of DCD is to inform and excite high school students about the postsecondary planning process and to inspire a college-going atmosphere in the city of Detroit. The event will include a college fair, college knowledge workshops, and panel discussions. 

We currently have 100 spots available for students to participate. The event will take place this Thursday from 9-12:30 PM virtually. If you have interested students, please pass the flyer above along to them or share on your schools communication channels.

Below is a direct student registration link you can share with students and a student roster if you would like to sign up students directly. Please have your students fill out the form or submit the roster list by Wednesday, March 10th at 5 PM. We strongly encourage you to have students fill out the form directly. For more information or questions, please email [email protected]
CONNECT: Detroit College Access Network