DCAN Update | Feb. 7, 2020
A few words from Reach Higher...
As we celebrate National School Counseling Week, the Reach Higher team wants to take a moment to sincerely thank each of you in the school counseling community for the invaluable support you provide to students each year.

Studies have shown that students are more likely to be accepted to college when counselors are able to provide
specialized attention and guidance. But we also know that with  the average school counselor-to-student ratio at 442-to-1 , this isn’t always the reality. 

There is so much the higher education community can do to support and invest in counselors. I hope counselors everywhere know we have tools and resources that can support your efforts, including right here at Reach Higher at Common App. We know that there often aren’t enough words to express our gratitude for all the work you do to help students get closer to their college dreams. And we can’t help but “thank you” again for all that you do.

We hope you'll join us in celebrating the school counselors in your community. Tweet at us ( @ReachHigher ) using #reachhigher and #NSCW2020 and we'll share your tweets of appreciation all week. 


Reach Higher Team 
Thank you to our over 75 counselors in Detroit! Here's a
highlight of just a few of them...
Thank you to Cornerstone Health and Technology School's Carlotta Prince!
Thank you to Chandler Park Academy High School's
Shareze Addison-Sain!
Thank you to Detroit Collegiate Preparatory High School at Northwestern's Megan Waterbury!
Thank you to Mumford High School's Kristina Eubanks!

G overnor Gretchen Whitmer has officially declared Feb. 3-7 School Counseling week in Michigan!

The recognition aims to highlight the role school counselors play in the lives of Michigan students by helping them explore education and career opportunities beyond high school.

Thank you for your recognition of and commitment to a college-going culture in Michigan, Gov. Whitmer!
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