Happy Fall Ya’ll!
It’s hard to believe that Fall is here! The night air is starting to have that crisp cool feeling. Board Member Jones visited with us and announced that starting around October 12th, volunteers will be able to be back in the schools in areas where they would not have contact with the students. Visit the DCPS website and complete your Volunteer Application for your background screening.
At our first Lunch and Learn for this year, Florida PTA President Elect Carolyn Nelson-Goedhert shared some great information regarding our Florida PTA Board and the Florida PTA policies and procedures. Her presentation is available for those who would like to see it.
Don’t forget to register for LegCon (1/30-2/1) starting October 6th. Some great speakers regarding Advocacy will be there and learn about important bills that will be presented this coming year. See the link below in the newsletter for more information.
We are in need of Business Partners for DCCPTA. If you have a business or know of someone who does that would be interested in becoming a business partner, please have them contact me at president@dccpta.org.
Our Scholarship and Student Leadership Academy Funds are very low this year so when paying your DCCPTA dues, please consider contributing to one or both of these very important programs we offer.
Lastly, we voted to increase our Local Unit Dues to $50 beginning November 2, 2021. If you pay your Local Unit Dues by November 1st, you will still be able to pay the $35. After doing a survey of other county councils in Florida, I found that our Local Unit Dues were the lowest in the state and due to a decrease in business partners and not being able to have our in person Vendor’s Fair during our President’s and Principal’s Luncheon the past two years has had a major effect on our funds.
I hope you all have a great October and I can’t wait to see all of the pictures you are once again able to take of your great programs in your schools!
Kay Hawkins
President, DCCPTA