October is the Month of the Rosary |
The month of October is dedicated to the Rosary. As Catholics, we have witnessed the power of praying the rosary and the comfort and healing it offers during difficult times. As a Catholic learning community, we encourage staff, students and families to pray the rosary.
Please visit our website to learn how to pray the rosary.
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"Teach Us to Pray" Resource | |
To mark the Year of Prayer, the Dicastery for Evangelization has prepared materials which can be used by Christian communities and individuals in their preparations for the 2025 Jubilee.
A new guide "Teach us to Pray" is now available online and a digital version can be downloaded free from the website. The booklet, inspired by the teachings of Pope Francis, is written as an invitation to intensify prayer, understood as a personal dialogue with God, and to lead readers to reflect on their faith, and their commitment in today's world, in the various contexts in which they are called to live.
Please visit the 2025 Jubilee website to download the resource.
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Indigenous Education in Action | |
Walk in Recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation | |
On Friday, September 20, students from St. Matthew the Evangelist Catholic School participated in a walk in recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The walk was hosted by the Region of Durham to bring awareness to the need for individual and collective action toward reconciliation. The walk began at the Pathway to Reconciliation Crosswalk at Durham Region Headquarters in Whitby, and continued along Rossland Road to Fallingbrook Park where students stopped to take part in reflection activities. | |
Reflecting on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation at St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School | |
St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School commemorated the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with a curated bulletin board. With the help of a couple of creative students, Curriculum Coverage Teacher Ms. Rumboldt researched and created the displays for the walls of the school.
Read the full story here.
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Applications for the Regional Arts & Media Program Now Open! | |
DCDSB's Regional Arts & Media Program (AMP), which is located at All Saints Catholic Secondary School in Whitby, is now accepting applications!
AMP offers specialized instruction in Dance, Media Arts (Grade 9 entry only), Instrumental Music, Performing Arts (Drama and Vocal Music), and Visual Arts, in addition to the existing curriculum.
Be sure to check out the AMP Information Night at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, for an opportunity to tour the facilities, speak with teachers, and learn more about the program.
Current Grade 6 and Grade 8 students are invited to apply now for a September 2025 start! Visit amp.dcdsb.ca to learn more about the application and audition process.
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DCDSB Seeks Volunteer Community Member to Serve on the Audit Committee | |
The Durham Catholic District School Board is seeking a community member with financial expertise and business knowledge to serve on the Audit Committee for a 3-year term effective immediately.
To learn more, please visit dcdsb.ca. The deadline to submit a letter of interest and resume is Friday, November 1, 2024.
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Parents and guardians with children ages 0-4 years old who have not been registered to school yet, can sign up for the DCDSB KinderClub for free!
Sign up today to receive a special birthday greeting during the month of your child's birthday and to be automatically entered to win a KinderClub monthly prize box!
Click here to Register to the DCDSB KinderClub.
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Parent, Guardian, and Caregiver Resources | |
Durham Region - Mobile ID and Benefits Access Hub | |
Mobile ID and Benefits Access Hubs are taking place in Durham Region this fall! Residents can get help with benefits that may put money in their pocket, like the Canada Learning Bond.
Families can get help accessing the Canada Learning Bond at each of the hubs—they can apply for government identification, open a RESP, speak to someone from the Canada Revenue Agency about income-boosting benefits, and more.
Visit durham.ca/MobileBenefitsHub and read the flyer to learn more.
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Canada Revenue Agency Tax Literacy Initiatives | |
Students: It pays to do your taxes!
Heading back to school? Make sure tax literacy is on your course calendar! Understanding taxes will help you make smart decisions about your finances – how to put money in your pocket and help you save for a holiday, a car, or a house of your own. Click here to learn more.
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Parents: Join the movement to enhance tax literacy
Tax literacy is an important life skill, and we want to make sure that students have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make the right decisions about taxes. This back-to-school season, we’ve got you covered! Whether you are an educator, a parent, or an organization that supports educational growth, there are many resources that you can take advantage of this academic year. Click here to learn more.
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Mental Health and Well-Being | |
BWell Student Mental Health Leadership Summit | |
On September 20, approximately 36 students representing all of DCDSB’s secondary schools came together for BWell, a student mental health leadership summit. The BWell group formed last year and they are working to bring student voices to the discussion around student mental health and well-being. Students engaged in conversations about mental health promotion, looking at how the board and individual schools can help support student well-being. Thank you to all of the students and educators who attended, as well as the Student Services staff that made this day a success.
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Encouraging Good Sleep Habits | |
You know what it’s like to not get a good night of sleep — feeling tired all day, getting upset easily, not being able to focus. It’s important for children to sleep well at night because sleep helps them learn, concentrate, and manage their behavior and emotions. Parents can help their children build healthy sleep habits by using a few consistent strategies. The Child Mind Institute highlights some ways that you can help your child get a great night sleep.
Visit the Child Mind Institute website for more information.
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DCDSB Celebrates Franco-Ontarian Day | |
On Wednesday, September 25, we celebrated Franco-Ontarian Day by raising the Franco-Ontarian Flag! Le lever du drapeau est une façon importante de reconnaître l’influence de la culture francophone en Ontario.
We are proud to celebrate the Francophone community and the contributions they have made in Ontario.
Thank you to St. Bernard Catholic School and Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School for hosting the Franco-Ontarian Day celebration.
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Durham Regional Police Service Junior Police Chief for the Day | |
On September 27, 2024, Jacob, a Grade 5 student at St. Paul Catholic School, was surprised with the news that he won the Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) Police Chief for a Day Contest! Jacob submitted a 500-word essay that outlined what he would do to enhance community safety and well-being if he was the Police Chief. Congratulations to Jacob, and thank you to DRPS for their continued partnership. So far, Jacob has been measured for his official uniform and is looking forward to his day as Police Chief.
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DCDSB Regional Cross Country Meets | |
From October 1 – 7, students in Grades 3-8 are competing in regional cross country meets at Hy-Hope Farm. It has been a great way to promote sportsmanship, participation, being active, and having fun! Our appreciation goes to staff, volunteers, students and families for making cross country such a success. The top 15 finishers from each race will compete at the Super 60 Championships next week.
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St. Theresa Catholic School Celebrates School Feast Day | |
On Tuesday, October 1, St. Theresa Catholic School in Whitby recognized the feast day of St. Thérèse of Lisieux by learning how to pray with intention using a Novena. The statue of the beloved patron outside of the school was decorated with flowers. The school also celebrated with ice-cream treats for everyone in recognition of this important day.
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Start a Career as a Personal Support Worker (PSW) with Archbishop Anthony Meagher’s Free PSW Program | |
The PSW program at Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Centre is well-established in the Durham Region and students have a proven, high success rate of employment upon completion. Annually, 100 – 200 students achieve PSW certification through Archbishop Anthony Meagher with an over 90% completion rate. In addition to training PSWs, students can earn credits toward their high school diploma and receive support for pathway planning to college or university nursing programs.
For the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years, the material fee of $1100 is waived for all students in the program, and there is no tuition. Students who complete their placements in long-term care facilities are also eligible for a work stipend through Ministry funding.
Archbishop Anthony Meagher’s PSW Program is a quality assured program. It includes classroom training and a co-op placement, with the majority of students finding jobs when they’ve completed the program. The next program starts on January 6, 2025, with locations in Oshawa, Ajax and Port Perry. Visit www.con-ed/psw to register for an upcoming orientation.
Rithwan and Vincent, graduates of the PSW program last year at Archbishop Anthony Meagher CCEC, shared that “the PSW training equipped us with the skills to problem solve, work as part of a team and be able to think on our feet. We would recommend this program because at DCDSB you not only learn how to become the best PSW but also a great asset to humanity”.
Visit www.con-ed.ca/psw to find out more.
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October is the Month of the Rosary, Learning Disabilities Awareness and Women's History Month. October is also German, Islamic, Latin American and Hispanic Heritage Month.
- Oct. 3-4 - Rosh Hashanah
- Oct. 4 - National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and 2-Spirited People (Sisters in Spirit Vigil)
- Oct. 5 - World Teachers' Day
- Oct. 10 - Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (DCPIC) Meeting
- Oct. 11 - Elementary and Secondary P.A. Day
- Oct. 11 - International Day of the Girl
- Oct. 12 - Yom Kippur
- Oct. 14 - Thanksgiving
- Oct. 15 - Clergy and Chaplain Appreciation Day
- Oct. 15 - Policy Board Meeting
- Oct. 16 - World Food Day
- Oct. 20 - World Missions Day
- Oct. 21 - Bus Safety Week (Oct. 21 - Oct. 25)
- Oct. 21 - Waste Reduction Week (Oct. 21 - Oct. 27)
- Oct. 23 - Bus Driver Appreciation Day
- Oct. 23 - AMP Open House
- Oct. 24 - Childcare Worker and Designated Early Childhood Educator (DECE) Appreciation Day
- Oct. 25 - Dress Purple Day
- Oct. 28 - Regular Board Meeting
- Oct. 31 - Halloween
- Oct. 31 - Diwali (Oct. 31 - Nov. 1)
Click here and subscribe to our calendar to receive reminders about holidays, P.A. days, events, and recognition days.
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Durham Catholic District School Board
650 Rossland Road West
Oshawa, ON L1J 7C4
(905) 576-6150
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