Lenten Message from the Chair of the Board and Director of Education | |
On February 22, we embarked on the Liturgical season of Lent marked by the distribution of ashes to remind us of the Gospel and our call to turn away from sin. Lent is a period of 40 days of repentance and preparation leading up to the most holy time of year, culminating in the resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter.
During Lent, we are called upon to pray, fast, reflect and give to others. We may consider giving up something that takes us away from God, adding daily prayer or reflection to deepen our faith, or helping others, to bring us closer to Jesus the servant. We hope that you will find time during this Lenten season to renew your relationship with God.
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Distribution of Ashes at Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School
Ash Wednesday makes the beginning of the Lenten season, where we are called upon to pray, fast, reflect and give to others. During an Ash Wednesday liturgy on Wednesday, February 22, senior students at Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School were trained to distribute ashes to their school community. Thank you to the staff and students for sharing!
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Bishops and Catholic Organizations in Canada Launch Turkey/Syria Earthquake Emergency Aid Campaign
With the support of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), Aid to Church in Need (ACN), Canadian Jesuits International (CJI), Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) Canada, and Development and Peace-Caritas Canada (DPCC) are launching an emergency aid campaign in response to the destructive earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria on Monday. They have pledged the total sum of nearly one million Canadian dollars.
For more information please visit the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops website.
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March 31 is Indigenous Languages Day | |
March 31 is National Indigenous Languages Day and an opportunity for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada to recognize and celebrate Indigenous languages and work together towards language revitalization and collective understanding
DCDSB's Indigenous Education department has compiled resources for further learning about Indigenous languages. These include:
There are Facebook pages which offer Indigenous language resources and further learning opportunities. These include the following:
For further information or resources, please contact DCDSB Indigenous Education at IndigenousEducation@dcdsb.ca.
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Trent University: Returning to Ourselves | |
Trent University is hosting an Elders &Traditional Peoples Gathering on March 10-12, 2023 . Through keynote addresses, panel discussions, workshops, and ceremony, 2023 Elders & Traditional Peoples Gathering will focus on renewing connections to community, to culture and to traditions for all Indigenous Peoples on Turtle Island. All are welcome to join us in person or virtually. View the full poster here.
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Superintendent Lee-Fernandes on Secondment to Ontario Principals' Council
Superintendent Lee-Fernandes will be joining the Ontario Principals’ Council as Director of Professional Learning effective March 6, 2023. Her last day with the DCDSB will be March 3, before she begins her secondment with the Ontario Principals' Council.
Superintendent Lee-Fernandes has over twenty years of service with the DCDSB, during which time she has held the positions of classroom teacher, program support teacher and school administrator with the board. Prior to becoming a Superintendent, she served on several board committees, including the Equity Steering Committee, Mentorship Steering Committee, and the board’s Together for Hope Poverty Action Plan.
A valued member of the DCDSB Senior Administrative team since January 2020 when she was appointed to the position of Superintendent of Education, Dr. Lee-Fernandes has tirelessly and effectively led Family of Schools and key system portfolios such as Student Services and Equity. On behalf of the entire DCDSB community, we express our sincere appreciation to Superintendent Lee-Fernandes for her leadership and dedication over the years. Although she will be deeply missed, we wish her all the very best in her new role.
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Kindergarten Registration is Now Open! | |
You are invited to register your child for Kindergarten at one of our Durham Catholic District School Board schools. Students eligible to attend Kindergarten in September 2023 must be turning four years of age by December 31, 2023.
For more information and to register online visit dcdsb.ca/Kindergarten.
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Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) Welding Training
In February, seven teachers from our secondary schools participated in their third and final welding training session with the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB). Following this training, all seven teachers successfully completed the CWB Certification Qualification exam. Achieving this qualification will allow these educators to prepare their students to complete the same CWB certification while in our secondary schools. Also in February, Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School and St Mary Catholic Secondary School were certified as official CWB test centers. This will allow students in our school board to gain their certifications through testing done in our own schools. Click here to read the full story.
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Oshawa Program and Boundary Study - Public Meetings
We are currently seeking parent, guardian, and community feedback on the Oshawa Program and Boundary Study. There are public meetings scheduled for:
- Tuesday, March 7, 2023, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Sir Albert Love Catholic School
- Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at St. Christopher Catholic School
- Thursday, March 23, 2023, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic School
To learn more about our program and boundary reviews, please visit our webpage.
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Bus Route Information - Subscribe for Alerts
Durham Student Transportation Services (DSTS) is responsible for ensuring safe and efficient transportation to and from school for eligible students in accordance with policy.
For bus cancellation and delay information, families are able to check the alerts for their child(ren)'s bus route(s) on the DSTS website. Families are encouraged to create an account for the DSTS Parent Portal, where they can subscribe to receive email alerts for their child(ren)’s bus route(s). Please note that parents and guardians will require their child(rens) Ontario Education Number (OEN) to subscribe.
DSTS also has a 24-hour automated information phone line, available at 1-866-908-6578 or 905-666-6979.
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Socasize at Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School
Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School takes on Socasize! The Black Excellence Student Team (BEST) invited staff and students to join in on a Soca dance class, Socasize, for a fun afternoon of dance, fitness, and Soca music. Thank you to BEST at Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School and to the Coach Advocate for Black Students (CABS) for organizing and sharing this fun activity and for expressing the importance of cultural appreciation and fitness.
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DCDSB Students Attend Durham Youth Drug Awareness Committee Student Conference
On Wednesday, February 8, DCDSB students attended the Durham Youth Drug Awareness Committee’s 4th “The Leader in Me: Awareness to Action” Student Conference. DCDSB secondary students were joined by students from Durham District School Board, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, and Conseil scolaire Viamonde. The Student Conference was presented in partnership with the Durham Region Health Department, Lakeridge Health Mental Health and Addiction Services, Carea Community Health Centre, and the YMCA Youth Cannabis Awareness Program. Click here to read the full story.
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Student Spotlight - Kai H.
This Student Spotlight features Kai, a Grade 8 Student at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School. Kai shares what he is looking forward to most in Grade 8, his many interests, and what it means to listen with the ear of the heart. Thank you for sharing with us, Kai!
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Coding Fire Escape Plans at St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School
Primary and Junior students at St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School were given the opportunity to partner with the Ajax Fire and Emergency Services Department and create fire escape plans through coding. In this activity, students drew their house floor plans and used Botly to code the direction of their first and second emergency exits in their homes. Staff and students at St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School thank the Ajax Fire and Emergency Services Department for this partnership and for the amazing learning opportunity.
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Centennial College Female Trades Event
On Wednesday, February 22, students from St. Mary Catholic Secondary School attended Centennial College's Durham Region Trades event, which had a female-focus. Students listened to guest speakers share their own skilled trades experience, and had opportunities to learn about skilled trades programs available at the college. Click here to read the full story.
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St. Anne Catholic School at Oshawa Generals Game
On Monday, February 20, 2023, students from the St. Anne Catholic School choir sang the national anthem at the Oshawa Generals game. A big thank you to students, staff and families for their support in this opportunity!
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Focusing on Black Students Without Borders at Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School
On Monday, February 6, 2023, guest speaker Farley Flex visited students at Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School. This event was organized by the student-led group, Focusing on Black Students Without Borders. The group’s President, Osato, the Vice-President, Brenda, and the Secretary, Kaira, shared more about this event and their student-led initiatives and goals for black students at their high school, the Durham Catholic District School Board, and beyond.
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Mental Health and Well-Being | |
Black Mental Health Day
March 6, 2023 marks the fourth annual Black Mental Health Day, recognized by communities across Ontario. On Black Mental Health Day, we are called to recognize the ongoing impact on mental health that results from experiences of anti-Black racism. It is also a day to raise awareness of the specific mental health needs of Black communities across Ontario.
Not Just Surviving: Centering Black Mental Health Event
This year DCDSB proudly presents, Dionne Sinclair, Vice President Clinical Operations & Chief Nursing Executive Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and Maryanne Oketch Winner of Survivor, Season 42.
Both Dionne and Maryanne will be speaking to the impact of racism on the mental health of Black and racialized individuals, highlighting the systemic issues that are leading to injustice. Dionne and Maryanne will also be drawing from their personal experiences to describe their journeys to becoming who they are today.
When: Monday, March 6, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Please note: doors open at 6:00 p.m. with community service booths set up to provide information to attendees
Where: Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School (1375 Harwood Ave N., Ajax)
Register for the Black Mental Health Day event here.
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Ontario Tech University - Spring Break & Summer Camps
Spring Break Camps
Ontario Tech University is offering Spring Break Camps that will run weekdays March 13 to March 17, 2023 for two hours per day. These week-long virtual camps are designed to provide fun, hands-on online learning opportunities for your child(ren) to explore their curiosity in a positive, and safe environment. For more information visit ontariotechu.ca/continuouslearning
Summer Break Camps
Ontario Tech University’s 2023 Summer Camps program provides fun, hands-on opportunities for children to learn and explore their curiosity in a positive and safe educational environment. For more information visit ontariotechu.ca/continuouslearning
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March 5 - Second Sunday of Lent
March 6 - Policy Board Meeting
March 6 – Black Mental Health Day
March 6-12 – Ontario Social Work Week
March 7 - Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Meeting
March 7 - Celebration of DCDSB Student Art Exhibit at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery
March 7 - Oshawa Program and Boundary Study Public Meeting at Sir Albert Love Catholic School
March 8 – International Women’s Day
March 9 - Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (DCPIC) Meeting
March 10-17 – March Break
March 12 - Third Sunday of Lent
March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day
March 19 - Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 10-17 – March Break
March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day
March 21 – World Down Syndrome Day
March 21 – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
March 21 - Oshawa Program and Boundary Study Public Meeting at St. Christopher Catholic School
March 23 - Oshawa Program and Boundary Study Public Meeting at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic School
March 25 - International Day of the Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
March 25 – Earth Hour
March 30 – DCDSB Designated World Autism Day
March 31 – National Indigenous Languages Day
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Durham Catholic District School Board
650 Rossland Road West
Oshawa, ON L1J 7C4
(905) 576-6150
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