June 2023


Mother Mary Gardens at St. Wilfrid Catholic School

Grade 5 students at St. Wilfrid Catholic School participated in learning about our Mother Mary as well as were sowers and nourishers in the creation of the Mary Gardens. A special thank you to the St. Wilfrid students for sharing their experiences and thank you to the Grade 8 'Girls in Trades’ at Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School for co-creating the beautiful gardens.

June is Dedicated to the

Sacred Heart of Jesus

June is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Our Catholic learning community is invited to reflect on the profound and consoling meaning of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in our lives and walk of faith. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is a symbol that helps us dive more deeply into the personal love that Jesus has for each one of us. The heart is often considered the universal sign of love and there is no greater love than that which Jesus has given to each one of us. The Most Reverend Francis Leo asks that we reflect on how can we imitate that love not only in the month of June but every day throughout the year?

The Sacred Heart of Jesus reminds us of our call to sacrificial, unconditional and generous love for others, for each member of the Body of Christ and the call for us to be the heart, the hands and the face of Christ to all those we encounter each day. For resources, including prayers, reflections and activities, please visit

Indigenous Education

indigenous history month

June is National Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month. Throughout the entire year, we at the Durham Catholic District School Board, are committed to ongoing learning, speaking the truth, and to reconciliation. We have compiled resources for further learning as well as resources for Indigenous students and families on our website at

DCDSB Students Participate in Carea Community Health Centre’s Walk to Honour MMIWG2S

On May 5, students and educators from St. Mary Catholic Secondary School in Pickering joined Oshawa's Carea Community Health Centre by participating in a walk to honour Murdered and Missing Indigenous Peoples (MMIP).


Click here to read the full story.

St. Mary Students

Ontario Tech University Indigenous History Month Celebrations

The Indigenous Education Cultural Services department at Ontario Tech University has been planning for events, ceremonies and teachings that will be taking place during the month of June in honour of Indigenous History Month. 


Please see the registration link to attend one or all the events happening in June. All programming is open to the public and registration is mandatory to help us plan effectively. 


To learn more and to register, please click here:

Indigenous Education Circle

We want to acknowledge and thank our Indigenous Education Circle (IEC) and community partners who help to lead and guide the learning that we do across the DCDSB. The Indigenous Education Circle helps us to move forward with our commitment to reconciliation, and to always centre Indigenous voices and perspectives.

Learn more about IEC at:

Local Parish Spotlight: Father Steven Kwon

Fr. Steven Kwon

Associate Pastor

St. Francis de Sales Parish

Ajax, Ontario

Father Steven kwon

How long have you been with your current Parish?

I have been named Associate Pastor since June 2022, and have been at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax for almost a year.

What are you most proud of?

What I am proud of is being a priest. Serving others in need and being this wonderful community here in Ajax. The community of St. Francis de Sales Parish have accepted me with great joy and expectation.

What do you enjoy most with your partnership with the Durham Catholic School Board?

What I enjoy the most is being with the kids of the school and participating in any school events like the galas, fundraisers, and any other events at the schools, but above all the school masses and help in any of the sacraments: Holy Communion and Confirmation, confessions.

What would you like to tell our DCDSB learning Community about your Parish?

Our parish is extremely active. We have a great and wonderful Youth Director by the name of Mr. Noah Aquino, who is very well known in our parish and Ajax community. Our youth ministries are: Edge & Life Teen. We also invite our youth to do volunteer work in the parish as well. We also have the Knights of Columbus and Catholic Women’s League which help out our youth.

This year’s Spiritual Theme is “Listening with the Ear of the Heart.” What does Listening with the Ear of the Heart mean to you and how can you use this in your everyday life?

“Listening with the Ear of the Heart”, means as a priest, I need to listen to the needs of the youth in their daily life and show them the faith that God has given to them with my example in life. Which is to be a happy priest for them when I pray and are with them at any youth functions at the parish. Listening to their needs either spiritually or morally, I am there to help. I enjoy and love being a priest.

DCDSB Updates

DCDSB 2023 - 2024 School Year Calendar

The Durham Catholic District School Board 2023-2024 school year calendars have now been approved by the Ministry of Education.

The first day of school for both elementary and secondary students will be Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Please click here to view the 2023-2024 School Year Calendars which can be found on our website.

June is Pride Month

As Catholics, we are called to love one another. We believe every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and should always be treated with dignity, compassion, and sensitivity. During the month of June, and throughout the year, we support and acknowledge our 2SLGBTQ+ staff, students, families, and community members. 

The DCDSB is committed to creating safe, welcoming and inclusive spaces for all. We are all God's creatures and we are all wonderfully made.

"We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19)

Register for Kindergarten

You are invited to register your child for Kindergarten at one of our Durham Catholic District School Board schools. Students eligible to attend Kindergarten in September 2023 must be turning four years of age by December 31, 2023.

For more information and to register online visit

DCDSB Students

DCDSB Student Art Exhibit at Pickering Artfest

On Saturday, May 27, over 1,000 people came by the DCDSB Student Art Exhibit at Pickering Artfest.


Many visitors claimed that this was their favourite annual stop from the over 90 booths that were set-up in Esplanade Park on a gorgeous day. They were amazed by our talented DCDSB students. Click here to read the full story.

Durham Catholic Athletic News: 2023 LOSSA Senior Girls Soccer AAA Championship

2023 LOSSA Championship Girls Soccer Team

The afternoon of Friday, May 26, 2023, was incredible in terms of the beautiful sunny skies, the cool breeze in the air, along with the competitive intensity for the title of Senior Girls Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics (LOSSA) Soccer Championship. 

The match was held at the South Courtice Arena, in Courtice, Ontario.

The championship match hosted the Senior Girls teams from both St. Mary Catholic Secondary School (Pickering) and Donald A. Wilson Secondary School (Whitby). Mr. Iozzi was the Head Official for the match and did an incredible job with his Assistant Officials for the match. Click here to read the full story.

Miller Discovery Day Welcomes St. Mary Transportation SHSM Students

St. Mary Transportation SHSM and technology students were invited to Miller Group in Markham to attend their annual Miller Discovery Day on May 4th. 


Miller Group showcased a variety of careers in trades, STEM and other field that are available within the Miller Group, a COLAS company. Click here to read the full story.

Miller Discovery Day
Miller Discovery Day

DECA - Folk Dance Exhibition

On April 25 and 26, under the leadership and organization of Ms. Alchin, the Durham Elementary Catholics Athletics (DECA) hosted the elementary Folk Dance Exhibition at Iroquois Park Sports Centre.

During the two evenings, over 600 students from Grade 3-8 showed their coordination, agility and endurance and entertained the big crowds.

Thanks to the DCDSB staff from our elementary schools that volunteer their time to give these students this opportunity. Each evening culminated with relatives and friends coming down to the floor and dancing 'the slosh' together!

The Future City Experience

The Future City Experience is a hands-on cross-curricular educational program that brings STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math ) to life for students in Grade 6-8.

Click here to read the full story.

future city
future city

Congratulations to Our Project SEARCH Durham Region Interns

On Monday, May 8, 2023, Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) in partnership with the Region of Durham and the Abilities Centre, congratulated the successful candidates of the inaugural Project SEARCH Durham Region program. Project SEARCH is an internationally successful 10-month transition-to-work program for young adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Learn more about Project SEARCH by visiting our website.

Click here to read the full story.

"Checkmate!" at DCDSB

DCDSB gymnasiums are usually filled by active athletic sporting events, but in the last two weeks the game of Chess found a home in our elementary gyms.


Over 300 students made up 29 elementary Chess teams, which competed in six regional Chess tournaments throughout DCDSB. Click here to read the full story.

Mental Health and Well-Being


Supports for Summer Mental Health

The mental health and well-being of students continues to be a priority at DCDSB. For some students, summertime can be challenging for a number of reasons. The disruption in routine and a loss of structure can affect anyone. Changes in sleep and eating habits can have big impacts. Less structured days can lend themselves to spending too much time online and can aggravate an unhealthy attachment to social media. We have highlighted some tips for summertime wellness, as well as resources that can be accessed for support on our Supports for Summer Mental Health Webpage.

Continuing Education

Summer School Registration is Open for Elementary and Secondary Students

Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Centre offers a number of summer courses and programs for students in elementary and secondary school. 

Elementary Programs and Courses

Secondary Courses

Parents and students are asked to check out the summer school program offerings and registration details on the Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Summer School Programs webpage.

Upcoming Events

Stem Camp Flyer

STEM Camps for Black Students

Durham Catholic District School Board's Coach/ Advocate for Black Students (CABS) program is excited to offer three different STEM camps, partnered with three Universities.

DCDSB elementary students currently enrolled in Grades 7 and 8, and secondary students currently enrolled in Grades 9 and 10 are invited to register. Space is limited, so please only register for one of the free camps being offered. Click here to register.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact View the full poster here.

heads up durham logo

June is Brain Injury Awareness Month

In Canada, June is Brain Injury Awareness Month. Each year national, provincial, and local associations run campaigns to increase awareness about the prevalence of brain injury; the obstacles that exist for those with brain injury; and the need for more services and support at all stages of recovery. Heads Up! Durham aims to weave traumatic brain injury awareness, prevention, policy and support into the fiber of Durham Region through community action.

For more information and for a list of resources please visit:

June is Sacred Heart of Jesus Month, National Indigenous History Month, Pride Month, Brain Injury Awareness Month

June 5 - 11 – Canadian Environmental Week 

June 4 – National Day to Promote Health and Fitness  

June 4 – Trinity Sunday  

June 6 – Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting (SEAC)

June 8 – Feast of Corpus Christi  

June 8 Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee Meeting (DCPIC)

June 9 – Elementary PA Day 

June 12 – Finance Committee Meeting

June 16 – Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 

June 16 – Day of the African Child  

June 18 – Father's Day 

June 19 – Regular Board Meeting

June 19 - 27 – Secondary Exams 

June 21 – Indigenous Peoples’ Day

June 28 – Elementary Report Cards sent home

June 29 – Secondary PA Day only

June 30 – Secondary Report Cards sent home

June 30 – Elementary and Secondary PA Day

Durham Catholic District School Board
650 Rossland Road West
Oshawa, ON L1J 7C4
(905) 576-6150
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