Dear Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers:
As a nation, throughout the month of November we pause to pay our respects to the over 2.3 million Canadians who have served our country, and continue to serve, in times of war, conflict and peace. Next week on Indigenous Veterans Day and Remembrance Day we will honour all those who fought for Canada in the First World War (1914-1918), Second World War (1939-1945), Korean War (1950-1953), and all who have served since then.
Please click here to read the full message.
Now, more than ever, we invite our Durham Catholic students, staff, and families to join us in praying for peace in our communities and around the world.
Lest we forget.
Yours in Faith,
Monique Forster Tracy Barill
Chair of the Board Director of Education
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Speaking With the Heart – Designing the 2023-2024 Spiritual Theme Poster | |
As part of developing this year's spiritual theme, Grade 7-12 students across DCDSB applied to participate in the design process for the 2023-2024 spiritual theme poster, "Speaking With the Heart".
In June 2023, students were given the opportunity to collaborate with one another and learn from a professional graphic designer. They attended a full day workshop at the Oshawa Arts Resource Centre where they unpacked what this spiritual theme means to them and shared their ideas to help create the new poster design.
In the video below, design participants, Moyin, William, Genesis, and Emilia, share their experiences and the significance of the design elements on the poster.
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When Faith Meets Pedagogy Educators Conference and Youth Forum | |
Recently, the Catholic Curriculum Corporation hosted the When Faith Meets Pedagogy Youth Forum and Educators Conference, providing DCDSB students and staff with the opportunity to learn in faith.
Click here to read more.
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Catholic Student Awards Dinner | |
On October 29, 2023, seven DCDSB students were honoured at this year's Father Patrick Fogarty Awards Dinner, sponsored by the Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario.
Congratulations and God's blessings to these winners of their school's 2023 Catholic Student Award:
- Ashley S. - St. Mary Catholic Secondary School
- Joshua B. - Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School
- Nicole P. - Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School
- Raquel C. - All Saints Catholic Secondary School
- Nicole B. - Fr. Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School
- Chantal D. - Msgr. Paul Dwyer Catholic High School
- Sarah H. - Msgr. John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School
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Indigenous Education In Action | |
On November 8, 2023, we recognize Indigenous Veterans Day. The Indigenous Peoples of Canada have a long tradition of military service to our country, through the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War and post war.
It is estimated that as many as 12,000 First Nations, Métis and Inuit people served in the conflicts over the past century. Veterans also experienced unfair treatment despite their sacrifices.
Click here to learn more about the history of Indigenous Veterans.
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Treaties Recognition Week | |
Treaties Recognition Week takes place from November 5-11, 2023. This week honours the importance of treaties and helps students and residents of Ontario learn more about treaty rights and relationships. By learning more about our collective treaty rights and obligations, we can create greater understanding and nurture relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
Treaties Recognition Week also represents one of many steps on Ontario’s journey of healing and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. Launched in 2016 in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action to increase treaty awareness, it provides students and the public with an important opportunity to learn why treaties matter to all Ontarians.
Learn more about Treaties Recognition Week in Ontario at these below links:
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Indigenous Education Highlights | |
It's been a busy few months as students across DCDSB have engaged in Indigenous Education. Please see the stories below to learn more.
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Equity Invitational Learning Series | |
DCDSB, in partnership with the Anti-Black Racism and Black Excellence Advisory Committee, is pleased to present the Equity Invitational Learning Series, focused on focused on identifying and removing barriers, and improving student outcomes.
DCDSB families, staff, students and community members are invited to attend each, or all of the sessions, which are being offered free of charge.
The first guest speaker is D. Tyler Robinson, OCT, who will be discussing Deconstructing Anti-Black Racism: Providing Overdue Outcomes for our Kids.
Click here to register.
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2022-2023 EQAO and OSSLT Results | |
Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) is pleased to report on results from the 2022-2023 Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) assessments, including the Primary and Junior assessment, Grade 9 Mathematics, and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT).
DCDSB meets or exceeds the provincial average in all EQAO and OSSLT assessment areas.
Click here to read more.
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Grade 1 French Immersion Registration | |
Regional Arts & Media Program Registration Deadline | |
Direction of School Support | |
Registering your child in a Durham Catholic school is the strongest show of support for Catholic education a parent or guardian can make.
Another way that Catholic parents/guardians and Catholics in the community, can support Catholic education in Durham Region is by ensuring that you direct your school support to the English-Separate system with the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC).
You don’t have to have a child in a Catholic school to support Catholic education. Many English-Separate ratepayers don’t have children but attended Catholic schools themselves. Others have children who completed their Catholic education or are family members of current students.
To verify whether you are registered as an English Catholic school supporter, check the assessment section of your tax bill or Property Assessment Notice.
MPAC has created a new online option for parents to be able to update their school support without the need of the current paper direction of school support form. Catholic parents and property owners can visit the following website to begin the online process of updating their school support.
Click here to learn more about how to update your Direction of School Support.
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Elementary and Secondary PA Day - Friday, November 17, 2023 | |
How to Understand and Support Your Child with Anxiety | |
Anxiety is a common experience - everyone feels anxious from time to time. Usually, these feelings are quite adaptive and keep us safe and performing well.
However, when feelings of fear and worry persist over long periods, are exaggerated, or occur in the absence of actual threat, anxiety can be considered problematic.
DCDSB is pleased to present this information session which offers a deeper understanding of anxiety and ways in which you can support your child.
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New Grade 7/8 Mental Health Literacy Modules Support Student Mental Health and Well-being | |
This fall, the Ministry of Education has introduced a series of three modules per grade to support the existing mental health literacy expectations within the Grade 7 and 8 Health and Physical Education curriculum.
This series of three, 40-minute modules per grade will be delivered by educators to support the existing mental health literacy expectations within Strand D of the Health and Physical Education curriculum.
They’re not new learning – they offer ways to enhance the delivery of the existing curriculum and focus on mental health literacy.
Please click here to read more.
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Inclement Weather Reminder | |
Student Spotlight - Mateo N. | |
This Student Spotlight segment features Mateo N., a Grade 8 student at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic School.
Mateo was named as Whitby's Junior Fire Chief! Mateo shares his experience as Fire Chief and the importance of fire safety. Congratulations, Mateo!
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School Spotlight - St. Leo Catholic School | |
This School Spotlight segment features St. Leo Catholic School. Thank you to the St. Leo staff and Principal, Angela Rancourt, for taking the time to gather and reflect on the past, present and future of the school.
The original St. Leo Catholic School opened on September 8, 1964. It was a small, brown brick building with only four classrooms and an office and staffroom - no gym or library! In that same year, there were only two Grade 8 graduates. As the school and community began to grow, the new St. Leo Catholic School opened in September 1998.
In September 2023, St. Leo became the DCDSB's newest French Immersion centre. St. Leo has a rich history of academics, love of French language and sports success.
Our hope for the future of St. Leo Catholic School is that we continue to have a strong relationship with the Church (which is located right next door!) and broader community as we celebrate the importance of French language and culture here in the little town of Brooklin.
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Safe and Accepting Schools | |
Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is coming up on November 19 – 25, 2023. DCDSB also recognized Safe and Accepting Schools Week in September 2023. These recognition weeks are an opportunity for our Durham Catholic learning community to promote responsibility and respect, and to support student success in a safe learning and teaching environment. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, valued and accepted.
Below are highlights of some of the actions DCDSB is taking to ensure our schools are safe and welcoming places to learn and work in the 2023-2024 school year.
Safe and Accepting Schools Committee
The Safe and Accepting Schools Committee is comprised of dedicated consultants, student services staff, and administrators, who meet monthly to engage in safety-related actions and discussion. The committee prepares and disseminates evidence-based materials to schools around the topics of school safety, bullying prevention and intervention, and positive school climates. Additionally, the committee reviews safety-related procedures and protocols to ensure they meet the needs of our diverse communities.
Professional Development Sessions for Staff
Each year, all staff participate in Safe and Accepting Schools training and professional development. Highlights of the first few months of the school year include:
- DCDSB Administrator Training in October 2023
- Ongoing systematic review of safety and emergency procedures
- All school staff participating in Professional Activity Day session on November 17, 2023
School Safety Drills
Throughout the year DCDSB schools will participate in a number of emergency preparedness drills. We encourage you to reach out to your child’s school to learn more.
Prevention and Intervention
Our schools implement evidence-based strategies, practices, and programs aimed at helping students to develop the social-emotional skills they need to succeed. We partner with several community agencies to deliver workshops on topics related to school safety, bullying prevention, and violence prevention. Schools can make referrals to DCDSB Student Services staff to assist with implementing whole-class Social-Emotional Learning Programs or when intervention and supports are needed for individual students. When it comes to school safety, prevention is key.
Safe and Accepting Schools Resources
For more information, we encourage you to visit the following:
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Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School Builds and Donates Dog Houses to Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | |
Ontario SPCA and Humane Society recently featured an article on students from Mr. Ladouceur’s construction technology class at Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School. Students built dog houses and then donated them to the Northern Outreach Services with the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society.
In the first year of the project, the class built three houses. In 2022, they built four, and this time involved the art department as well. When these dog houses reached Manitoulin Island, they were beautifully decorated with murals of Northern landscapes, painted by students.
Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School has inspired ideas to start similar projects in other schools. Learn more about this project at the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society website.
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Durham Elementary Catholic Athletics (DECA) Highlights | |
Please click below links to read more about DECA events that took place last month:
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Aspiring Black Students Led By Excellence (A.B.L.E.) visit Legislative Building | |
Recently Coach/Advocate for Black Students (C.A.B.S.), in collaboration with the Aspiring Black Students Led By Excellence (A.B.L.E.) group from Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School, visited the Legislative Building-Queens Park.
Students were greeted by MPP Raymond Cho, Minister of Seniors and Accessibility, and Patrice Barnes, Assistant Minister of Education.
Special thanks to Charmaine Williams, Associate Minister of Woman’s Social and Economic Opportunity for her inspiring lecture.
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Grade 8 Girls Learn to Weld | |
Experiential learning was in full effect as 12 girls and their parents, guardians or caregivers learned to weld during the recent Welding Workshop for Grade 8 Girls, funded by the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program.
Over three sessions, participants engaged in safety discussions, shop demonstrations and practical exercises as they learned to use basic hand tools, practiced gas and shielded metal arc welding techniques and created a special sculpture.
When asked what they liked best about the workshop, students and their parent, guardian or caregiver shared the following:
- I liked that it was a “hands-on experience from day one.”
- It was great that my daughter “learned a lot and found a new skill she wants to pursue.”
- I really enjoyed the “practical experience with both types of welding and working on the project. The instructor was great too.”
A second round of the workshop is also running in November.
Click here to learn more about DCDSB’s pathways and hands-on learning opportunities.
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Community Fair and Symposium Recap | |
Friars Student Writing Contest | |
The Friars Student Writing Contest will take place from November 8, 2023 to January 15, 2024. The contest is organized to commemorate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity from January 18-25 each year.
Secondary students (ages 13-19 years) are invited to participate in this annual event by submitting an essay of approximately five hundred words addressing the theme and the focus question.
Students are encouraged to consult the resources available here, and submit their entries at here.
The top three essay submissions are recognized by the awarding of prizes in a parish-based celebration in the spring.
Click here to download the poster.
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Travel for Credit Program - Summer 2024 | |
Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Centre is offering four exciting Travel for Credit options in July 2024 in partnership with EF Educational Tours.
Students will complete a part of their summer school learning in-person and continue their instruction while traveling under the supervision of the summer school teacher.
There will be a parent/guardian and student information session on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at All Saints Catholic Secondary School from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Please click here for more information on the courses and to register for the information session.
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November is Albanian and Hindu Heritage Month | |
- Nov. 5: Treaties Recognition Week (Nov. 5-11)
- Nov. 6: Policy Board Meeting
- Nov. 7: International Inuit Day
- Nov. 7: Special Education Advisory (SEAC) Meeting
- Nov. 8: National Indigenous Veterans Day
- Nov. 9: Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee Meeting (DCPIC) Meeting
- Nov. 10: Semester 1 Midterms Report (Secondary) - Edsby Distribution
- Nov. 10: International Accounting Day
- Nov. 11: Remembrance Day
- Nov. 12: Festival of Diwali - Hindu Festival of Lights (Nov. 12 - 16)
- Nov. 13: Elementary Progress Reports go home
- Nov. 13: Rock Your Mocs (Nov. 13 - 17)
- Nov. 16: Louis Riel Day - Raising the Métis Flag
- Nov. 17: Elementary & Secondary P.A. Day
- Nov. 19: Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week (Nov. 19 - 25)
- Nov. 20: National Child Day
- Nov. 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance
- Nov. 22: Anti-Black Racism and Black Excellence Advisory Committee Meeting
- Nov. 25: Holodomor Memorial Day
- Nov. 26: Solemnity of Christ the King
- Nov. 27: AMP Applications Close
- Nov. 27: Annual Board Meeting
- Nov. 28: Grade 1 French Immersion Information Night - French Immersion Registration Opens
- Nov. 29: Educational Assistant (EA) Appreciation Day
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Durham Catholic District School Board
650 Rossland Road West
Oshawa, ON L1J 7C4
(905) 576-6150
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