Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s),
As we begin a new year, the Durham Catholic District School Board’s (DCDSB) is excited to launch Inspire 2026 Strategic Plan. This plan includes a new Mission Statement, Vision, and Values which were developed through input from the community. Inspire 2026 is built around the foundational processes of Listening, Learning and Living in Faith to achieve the strategic priorities of Supporting Faith and Well-Being, Advancing Human Rights and Equity and Improving Student Learning.
Our Mission
To be an inclusive Catholic learning community that inspires every student to achieve their full potential through faith and education.
Our Vision
By fostering positive relationships with home, school, parish and community, students and staff will learn and work in a Catholic environment where every person is:
- Safe and welcomed
- Accepted and valued
- Heard and engaged
- Supported and prepared
Our Values
We live our faith be demonstrating values of love, hope, faith, charity, respect, and reconciliation.
I invite you to watch the Inspire 2026 video and explore the Inspire 2026 plan which is available electronically at
Yours in Faith,
Tracy Barill
Director of Education