January 2023

branch covered in snow with text overlay that reads DCDSB News

Message from the Director of Education

Female adult smiling

Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s),

As we begin a new year, the Durham Catholic District School Board’s (DCDSB) is excited to launch Inspire 2026 Strategic Plan. This plan includes a new Mission Statement, Vision, and Values which were developed through input from the community. Inspire 2026 is built around the foundational processes of Listening, Learning and Living in Faith to achieve the strategic priorities of Supporting Faith and Well-Being, Advancing Human Rights and Equity and Improving Student Learning.

Our Mission

To be an inclusive Catholic learning community that inspires every student to achieve their full potential through faith and education.

Our Vision

By fostering positive relationships with home, school, parish and community, students and staff will learn and work in a Catholic environment where every person is:

  • Safe and welcomed
  • Accepted and valued
  • Heard and engaged
  • Supported and prepared

Our Values

We live our faith be demonstrating values of love, hope, faith, charity, respect, and reconciliation.

I invite you to watch the Inspire 2026 video and explore the Inspire 2026 plan which is available electronically at

Yours in Faith,

Tracy Barill

Director of Education

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration is Now Open!

You are invited to register your child for Kindergarten at one of our Durham Catholic District School Board schools. Students eligible to attend Kindergarten in September 2023 must be turning four years of age by December 31, 2023.

For more information and to register online visit


Spiritual Theme - Listening With the Ear of the Heart

Students have been exploring what the 2023-2024 spiritual theme of 'Listening With the Ear of the Heart' means to them. We invite you to hear from Kaumudi, a Grade 9 Student at Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School, who shares her perspective on what the spiritual theme means to her.

St Kateri Tekakwitha students

St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic School - Christmas Community Outreach Project

The intermediate students at St Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic School organized a Christmas community outreach project during the month of December. The project connected with their spiritual themes of the Dignity of the Human Person and How are we the Church in the World. Click here for the full story.

Student Spotlight - Matthew H.

This Student Spotlight segment features Matthew, a Grade 12 student at Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School. Matthew is an accomplished athlete and he shares his love for track, weightlifting and other hobbies, along with his co-operative education placement. Thank you for sharing your answers with us, Matthew. We will be cheering you on!

Indigenous Education

Drew Hayden Taylor Speaks with Grade 11 English Students

Drew Hayden Taylor joined Grade 11 English students enrolled in Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices at Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School and Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School. Click here to read more.

DCDSB Updates

School Buses in snow

Inclement Weather

As the weather begins to change, parents and guardians are reminded to subscribe to Durham Student Transportations Services website to receive updates on inclement weather zones and to track your child's bus. Visit for more information.

Student with backpack and text overlay that reads Register for Grade 1 French Immersion Register by January 20, 2023

Grade 1 French Immersion Registration

Registration for Grade 1 French Immersion is now open! All interested Year 2 Kindergarten/Senior Kindergarten students are invited to register for French Immersion at the Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB).


Registration for Grade 1 French Immersion is open until January 20, 2023.

Please visit for more information on the French Immersion program.

Durham Region Health Department Immunization Clinics

The Health Department has resumed their immunization clinics. 

Visit to book your appointment.

DCDSB Receives Pickering Environmental Schools Grant

Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) received a $10,000 Pickering Environmental Schools Grant towards a sustainable project and/or learning opportunity for Pickering schools. The grant has provided opportunities for students at St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School, St. Monica Catholic School and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School. Click here to read the full story.

Soper Creek at St.Mary's

DCDSB Students

wooden Christmas ornaments

OYAP Initiative: How Catholics See God

Grade 10 Tech students from Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School collaborated with St. Bernadette Catholic School in the co-construction of Saint Boniface wooden ornaments. Click here to read more.

All Saints Catholic Secondary School Hosts BIPOC Panel of Filmmakers Event in Partnership with Reel Canada

people on a stage presenting

On December 13, 2023, All Saints Catholic Secondary School hosted the first ever Panel Discussion on BIPOC Representation in the Canadian Film Industry in partnership with Reel Canada.

All Saints Catholic Secondary School students hosted award winning director, writer and producer Jennifer Holness who spoke about her project Subjects of Desire, Black Women and Beauty. Mohawk director & cinematographer Jonathan Elliot spoke about how his award-winning contemporary stories of Indigenous cultures are complex narratives, and up and coming Muslim Indo-Caribbean filmmaker Yazmeen Kanji spoke about her experience as a TIFF Next Wave filmmaker. Click here to read more.

Mental Health and Well-Being

Bell Let's Talk Logo

Bell Let's Talk Day

January 25 is Bell Let’s Talk Day, a day dedicated to promoting awareness and acceptance around mental health. Here at the DCDSB we believe that mental health and well-being are an essential component of academic achievement. One of the ways in which we support our student’s well-being, is building an understanding of what mental health is, and how to find support. On Bell Let’s Talk Day we will be encouraging students, staff and families to open up the conversation about mental health to lessen stigma and build understanding, so that everyone can get the help they need. For more information please visit

Adult and Continuing Education

Custodial Services Training Program at Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Centre

The Custodial Services Training Program at Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Centre is an 18-week program that is designed to prepare individuals with the skills necessary for entry-level custodial positions. Students who are currently in the program told us what their favourite experiences have been so far and why they chose this program.

Learn more about the Custodial Services Training Program at

Upcoming Events

tamil heritage month

Tamil Heritage Month

January is Tamil Heritage month in Canada, a time to consider the vibrant history, culture, perseverance, and strength of Tamil communities across the country. 


One of the world's largest Tamil diasporas calls Canada home, and Canadians of Tamil descent have played a significant role in shaping the country as it is today. Tamil communities in Canada continue to play a crucial and inspiring role in our society, including in business, politics, the arts, and other sectors. Tamil Heritage Month is an opportunity for everyone to celebrate and recognize the richness of Tamil culture and to honour the outstanding and continuing accomplishments and contributions of Tamil-Canadians at DCDSB and in the Canadian society.

Upcoming Events

Jan. 16 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day 

Jan. 18 – 25 - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Jan. 20 – Elementary PA Day

Jan. 21 - Lincoln Alexander Day  

Jan. 22 – Lunar New Year 

Jan. 23, 25, 27 & 30 - Secondary Exam Dates (note: January 24 and 26, 2023 are regular instruction days for secondary schools)

Jan. 24 – World Day for African and Afro-descendant Culture

Jan. 25 - Bell Let's Talk Day

Jan. 25 - Travel for Credit Registration Information Session

Jan. 31 - Secondary Conflict Day

Feb. 1 - Semester Two Begins for Secondary Schools

Feb. 3 – National Sweater Day 

Feb. 7 – Elementary Report Cards go home

Feb. 10 – Hundreds Day 

Durham Catholic District School Board
650 Rossland Road West
Oshawa, ON L1J 7C4
(905) 576-6150
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