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DDD 2023 #2

Good morning everyone.

The Guidelines and associated articles have been published and are available at the following link:

A Brain-Based Definition of Death and Criteria for its Determination After Arrest of Circulation or Neurologic Function in Canada: A 2023 Clinical Practice Guideline. Can J Anesth. or

While we value the entire guideline document and all of the details within the guideline, we recognize the inherent and compelling need to shift our practice to align with the best evidence available. To that end, our team of regional medical leads has prepared a single page summary of the major changes in practice that affect death determination today. The complexity of this work can't be distilled to one "TL/DR" page but this serves as a guide to the clinician who finds themselves at the bedside for death determination tomorrow.

One Page Summary - Fundamental Changes to Clinical Practice

Forms for documenting the determination of death by neurological criteria have also been updated and are available at the Ontario Health (TGLN) sharepoint site located here:

Death Determination Guideline Update

Further materials are coming! Stay tuned!


  • Forward this email and the link to the one-page attachment to your colleagues in Critical Care and Emergency Medicine (feel free to copy your RML in your correspondence).


Please don't hesitate to reach out to me or your regional medical lead if you have specific questions.

Thanks everyone.


Andrew Healey MD FRCPC DRCPSC (he/him)

Provincial Medical Director, Donation

c: 905-379-2946

AA: Shereena Hooseein |