The Division is pleased to announce the release of the 2019 Timeline for Graduates Aging Out of the School System . This annual timeline has become an invaluable resource for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and the school-based professionals assisting them in planning for the transition from school to adulthood. Please share it broadly with your stakeholder groups.
New Jersey Launches NJ ABLE Accounts to Help Individuals with Disabilities Save for Expenses

In June, New Jersey Human Services Commissioner Carole Johnson announced the launch of the NJ ABLE program, which enables individuals with disabilities to save tax-free for eligible expenses such as education, housing and transportation without losing eligibility for Medicaid and other benefits. To learn more about this important new financial tool for individuals with disabilities, please visit the NJ ABLE web page .
NJ Register Ready – Are You Registered?

NJ Register Ready is the state’s voluntary special needs registry in case of disaster or emergency that is administered by the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management (NJOEM). It allows the opportunity for people with disabilities and their families, friends and associates to provide their name and information so it can be shared with emergency response agencies. Registering on NJ Register Ready ensures that emergency responders are prepared to serve people with disabilities in the event of a disaster or other emergency.