DDG Companion News | November 30, 2016

Click this image to donate funds for flooding relief in the Dominican Republic.
Bishop Holguín Calls for Help with Flooding Relief

The Rt. Rev. Julio C. Holguín, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic, has issued a call for help to assist with relief efforts for the victims of extensive flooding from heavy rains in the past several weeks in the northern provinces of the Dominican Republic. The poster above has been distributed to all of the churches in the Diocese, requesting donations of replacement household items, canned food, bottled water, and other essential items to be distributed in the affected regions. Since it is impractical to donate such items from the Episcopal dioceses in the United States, the Dominican Development Group is sending financial donations directly to the DR diocesan office via secure electronic bank transfers. These donated funds will be used to assist flood victims. Bishop Holguín also requests your prayers for relief from these immoderate rainstorms and the flooding they have caused so that rebuilding can begin.

To read an article and see photos from one of the flooded areas, click here.  

To make a secure donation through PayPal on the DDG's website, click the link below. Please be sure to note your donation is for "Flood Relief."

Michigan missioners painting the Episcopal church in the village of Mozovi. Click this image to read an article on this trip.

In A Word - "Empowering"

Alison Reed, a student at Central Michigan University and a member of St. John's Episcopal Church (Otter Lake, Michigan), wrote an article about working on a mission team in the village of Mozovi from June 19-26, 2016. This team was led by the Rev. Deacon Beth Drew, the coordinator of the D.R.E.A.M. (Dominican Republic and Episcopal churches in All of lower Michigan ) project that coordinates DR mission activity from the Dioceses of Eastern Michigan, Michigan, and Western Michigan. She also serves as the current President of the Dominican Development Group.

Here's a section from Alison's article:

My trip was empowering because it demonstrates how people can be connected by faith. Across differences in language and culture, across the Dominican people and the folks from the United States, we worked together to create a better world.

We were eleven strangers who showed up, speaking a different language, saying we were there to paint. They sat with us. Talked with us. Took us into their space and into their hearts.

We experienced radical welcome. They embodied it as they treated us like family. Would we do the same?

Alison's article first appeared in The Feast, a publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan, and is reprinted here with the kind permission of The Feast's  editor. To read the article as it originally appeared in The Feast , click here . To read a copy of the article on the DDG's website with links to an extensive set of photographs from this trip, click here

Reading Instruction for Neighbors

A reading class in the parish hall of Epiphany Cathedral. Click this image to read a blog post on this topic.

Tom McGowan, the educational missionary from the Diocese of Nebraska currently working in the schools of the Diocese of the Dominican Republic, recently wrote about a ministry of the Episcopal seminarians in Santo Domingo to help improve the literacy skills of some of the residents in the neighborhood of the seminary and Epiphany Cathedral:

A very short post to share some works that stem from the reservoirs of faith at La Catedral Epifania and Centro Episcopal Teologico. Every Tuesday, following celebration of the Eucharist, needy people from the extended neighborhood share breakfast (e.g., oatmeal, bread, a traditional "arepa" and juice) and, once a month, receive a bag of food staples (e.g., rice, beans, oil). In my time helping at the breakfast, attendance has risen from around 20 to the 75 or so this morning.

And the scope of services has grown considerably as well. These photos show a seminarian, Domingo R, leading "una clase de alfabetizacion" (teaching reading). He draws from his free time to serve a pressing need as a tutor; remember that seminarians in the DR have hectic schedules and they don't sleep much. The first photo shows Domingo prepping the group for a writing assignment. The second shows a woman, at the board, writing her full name (folks burst into applause as she finished). 

To read this complete blog post and to see the accompanying photographs, click here

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For older issues on the Publications page of the DDG website, click here.

Contact the DDG:
Office: (813) 400-2722 | Fax: (813) 983-5082
Executive Director: Bill Kunkle | bkunkle@dominicandevelopmentgroup.org
PO Box 272261 | Tampa Florida 33688-2261

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