Kaleb Kunkle and Chelsea Reppin at the Dominican Wave exhibit table at the convention of the Diocese of SW Florida on October 14-15, 2016.
Dominican Wave Soaps, a fledgling soap-making company located in the San Marcos community near the city of Puerto Plata on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic, has begun working in partnership with the DDG to make soap to sell to visiting tourists from cruise ships and members of mission teams working in the area. The company is led by Chelsea Reppin, a recent graduate of Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL, and a veteran member and leader in the Flagler chapter of Enactus, which describes itself as "a community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world."
The soap is being made in a workroom of the San Simon Episcopal Church in San Marcos that was built by missioners from the Dioceses of Eastern Michigan, Michigan, and Western Michigan, and employs local residents who buy the ingredients in the Dominican Republic and earn wages making and selling the finished products. Currently the soap is only available in the Dominican Republic, but distribution methods are being worked out to have it available in the United States.