Hello DDRC Community,
Times like these really do bring people together even if in new ways! All of us are experiencing the rapid change of what our life was like and what is to come during this unknown territory of living and working during a major pandemic. We know that there are additional challenges for people with disabilities, families and caregivers and hope we are a support to you. We also hope you and your loved ones are healthy and well, and if not, that recovery is soon. 

After this season of our life, when we can look back on this, there will be a new strength and lessons learned. DDRC’s leadership is taking actions based on evolving information from health authorities to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus for those we serve, our workforce and the community. DDRC is steadfast to our mission by keeping services and supports in place with healthy operational modifications and innovation. 

With gratitude for your support
Beverly Winters, Executive Director DDRC