Hello DDRC Community,
We are getting through this tough time — a day at a time!  The impact of the Coronavirus is incredibly different for each of us and we at DDRC are committed to keeping you connected with services, resources and support during these hard times. 

As I’m sure you are aware, there is very gradual reopening of business and community life as Colorado moves from a Stay at Home to Safer at Home order. Our next phase and challenge will be finding the best balance of preventing COVID-19 related illness with sustainability of a quality of life for all of us. This balance of potential risk and quality of life is what DDRC has expertise in, so we are confident we will navigate this together. Our services may look different for now, but our mission is unchanged. 

Please continue to check www.ddrcco.com for updates and status of current operations due to the Coronavirus. Information is on the banner and the right hand side of the homepage.

With gratitude for your trust and support ,
Beverly Winters
Executive Director