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Dear Families and Friends,

DDS is in the process of gathering information and feedback from our stakeholders regarding the DDS response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In our efforts, we want to ensure that families and individuals are provided with the opportunity to participate; therefore, we are sharing the link to an important survey below.

Your Participation in this survey is strongly encouraged!

The Team at MARC Community Resources.
Empower people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) to make their own life choices and aid in the fulfillment of their dreams - through employment, housing, social, and community involvement and advocacy. 

We envision that all people with
disabilities become integral and
celebrated members of the community. 
MARC Community Resources | 860.342.0700
25 Industrial Park Rd, Middletown, CT 06457 | MarcCommunityResources.org