Our Commitment to Your Child's Education
As a district, we are proud of our progress and achievement. We are excited to report that DECA is top of the class in educating students who are historically underserved in public schools, according to our Ohio State Report Card (see more below). Yet, we also found in this report that we have gaps to fill and work to do. Enter - Strive 2025.
Every DECA PREP student enters Middle reading on or above grade level by 2025.
DECA Middle
Every DECA Middle student enters high school performing at or above grade level in reading and math by 2025.
Every DECA graduate enters college prepared for college coursework by 2025.
As you can see, we are setting big, but achievable goals for every student in our schools. So whatever it takes, we are committed to our mission as a district to prepare future college graduates today to become the leaders of our community tomorrow. We have put some extra measures into place across the district and together, with you, we want to strive to reach these goals. Watch for much more on this to come...
Making Parent Meetings a Priority
Family Expectations

Studies have shown that parent involvement is correlated with student success. That is why our staff invest deeply in relationships not only with our students but also in our families' lives.

DECA is proud to hold a high standard for everyone involved in our students' academic career. Attendance at all of our parent meetings is required. If you aren't able to make a meeting, plan now to send someone else in your place. We need your voice at the table if we are going to ensure your child is ready for college and these meeting set that stage.
Upcoming Parent Meetings

Click on your child's school for a full listing of the year's parent meetings.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Tuesday, October 25
3:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Thursday, October 27
3:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Parent Teacher Conferences

Grade 5/6
Tuesday, October 18

Grades 7/8
Wednesday, October 19

Grades 9-11 Parent Meeting

Tuesday, September 20
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
DECA in the News
DECA's Report Card
Annually, the Ohio Department of Education releases a report card for every public school in the state. Ohio School Report Cards provide information on five categories: achievement, graduation, progress, early literacy, and gap closing. Each category is then given a rating from one to five stars; one star meaning that a school needs a lot of support and five stars meaning that a school significantly exceeds state standards.

Read both of our schools' report cards here. K-8 is under "DECA PREP." 9-12 is under "Dayton Early College Academy."
Encouraging Learning at Home
Encourage Focused Studying
One way that you can help your child with their homework, is to designate a quiet space for them to work.

Look, with your child, around your home for a quiet space that is distraction free with ample space to work. Help them set up this space as a "Homework Only Zone" This small step can yield great results.

Take a picture of them in their space, and we will share it on our social media.

Encourage Reading

Whatever the topic, no matter the main character, when reading is encouraged and enjoyed by the entire family - children grow not only their brains but their vocabulary and their test scores too!

So read read read - together, independently, and grow as a family!
Encourage Getting Enough Sleep
Studies show that a growing brain needs lots of sleep to develop well. Look below for the recommended amount of sleep your child needs according to the sleep clinic and then help your child set a schedule that yields the recommended amount of sleep.