DECA Middle news & updates
Sept. | 2022
2022-2023 Has started out strong!
Let's keep up the excellent effort
Education Benefit Form
We need 100% participation by families in filling out the Education Benefit Form.

You can scan the QR code and begin the 15 minute process of creating an account and filling it out.

ALL Families need to fill it out in order to benefit our school.

All families who participate are entered into a raffle for a pizza party for their child's class - and - a hover board.
Bussing has been a shared hardship but we are finally able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. The vast majority of students have been routed at this point. We are still working on the remaining few families. If you have any questions or concerns contact
First Student @
937-813-1570 ext. 201
Homework Club meets:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school from 3:45-4:30.
We offer a quiet place to study and complete homework with tutors often available.
Questions, contact Mr. Feltner @ (937) 414-7975

All classes are in full swing as teachers and students wasted no time getting back into the work of school!
Our first interim reports will go out on Monday - September 12th.
This will replace the Friday Folders of late. We will no longer be sending home Friday Folders.
Calling all 7th Grade Families

Get daily homework and important updates from the 7th grade teachers. By signing up for Remind!

3 ways to join

Follow this link: 

OR text @fgf67g to 81010.

Or downloading the Remind App and using the code @fgf67g to join!