Monthly News & Updates

January/February | 2023

Important Dates:

Black History Month

Spirit Week:

February 6th - 10th

Monday, February 6th: African Attire/Colors Day

Tuesday, February 7th: Black Excellence Day

Wednesday, February 8th: Black Artists Day

Thursday, February 9th: Historical Figure/Hero Day

Friday, February 10th: HBCU House Pride

Friday, February 10th: Progress Reports sent home

Tuesday, February 14th: Show Black Business Love - $2 Out of uniform all proceeds go back to a local black business owner

Thursday, February 16th: 6pm-7pm I Love Science Parent Event @ PREP

Friday, February 17th: School Closed, Teacher Workday

Monday, February 20th: School Closed, Presidents' Day

Wednesday, February 22nd: Show Your Love to Your Bus Driver

Thursday, February 23rd:

8:45-10:00am grades K-2 Black History Program

Friday, February 24th:

8:45-10:00am grades 3-4 Black History Program

What's in this issue:

  • Bus Behavior Concerns/Consequences
  • Show Your Love Event
  • Thank You to CPC Leaders
  • Black History Month Events
  • Grade Specific Messages
  • I Love Science Parent Event

Bus Behavior Concerns/Consequences

We continue to see growth and accountability from our students as they strive to be their best at school everyday. The work being done both at home and in the classroom is having a positive impact on our student's behavior.

This month we want to focus on being our best while riding the bus. We have seen far too many referrals coming from our students' time on the bus. Parents please help us by talking to your children about our clear expectations for them on the bus and the following consequences that will be enforced if broken.

We expect:

  • Every student to listen to the bus driver who is in charge
  • Every student should sit in assigned seat and face forward
  • Every student should keep their hands, feet, and belongings to themselves
  • No foul language
  • No yelling
  • No changing seats or moving around
  • No Fighting

The consequences of breaking any of these rules is as follows:

  • 1st Referral: Warning is given to student and parent
  • 2nd Referral: 1 day suspension from bus (student may not ride to or from school)
  • 3rd Referral: 3 day suspension from bus (student may not ride to or from school)
  • 4th Referral: 5 day suspension from bus (student may not ride to or from school)
  • 5th Referral: 7 day suspension from bus (student may not ride to or from school)
  • 6th Referral: 10 day suspension from bus (student may not ride to or from school)
  • 7th Referral: Hearing will be held

Show Your Love Event

Wednesday, February 22nd

DECA PREP is going to show our love to our bus drivers who safely transport our children to and from school everyday. We plan to make a delicious breakfast for them after their morning route as a way to say thank you.

Won't you show your love to your bus driver on this day?

  • You could write a note of thanks with your student to give them.
  • Or send a small treat for them to enjoy
  • Or have your student draw them a picture

Thank You CPC Leaders

We just want to take a moment and thank all of the parent leaders who stepped up and volunteered to take on the role of bringing the class community together. If you see your name below, we are forever grateful for your contribution in making DECA PREP the best school it can be. Thank you!


Monique Leonard

DeAndrea Lynch

Melinda Noble

Dabriah Rice

Alicia Love

Shantel Polk

Thank you!


Maleka James

Preshes Mathews

Heather Henning

Ashley Salaam

Tyler Sears

Marie Morgan/Iesha Gilmore

Jade Cokes

Thank you!


Gail Okafor

Dana Jones

Myron Epps

Brandie Duncan

Kimberly Watson

Shardanae Pinson

Chanie Corbitt

Crystal Smith

Thank you!


Latoya Moore


Ashley Dale

Maria Ogletree

Nicole Olgetree

Nicole Parker

Brittany Cottrell

Toni Wright

Ms. Forward

Danielle Hyde

Thank you!


Christina Brown

Melita Williams

Tosca Biles

Brandy Jones

Laeina Lovelace Musa

Lashaundra Carey

Thank you!

Black History Month Events

Grade Level Highlights

Check out what classes are up to and how you can help

Fourth Grade

Math: Two digit multiplication/word problems.

What Parents can do: Drill their multiplication facts at home.

EL: Heading into OST Workshop time.

What Parents can do: Listen to their child read to them.

Notes for Parents: Remember, homework is due EVERY FRIDAY.

3rd and 4th grade have the chance to earn the opportunity to attend a girls' UD basketball game on February 8th.

Keep your eye out for information about a spring break camp for 3rd and 4th grade only.

Third Grade

Math: In math we are finishing up perimeter in area and then headed into fractions.

What Parents can do: Drill their multiplication facts at home.

EL: We are heading into our Freaky Frog unit which will require more writing skills.

What Parents can do: Listen to their child read to them.

Notes for Parents:

In February we will be having our Freaky Frog Festival. Students are beginning to work on their information books about their frog and becoming experts.

3rd and 4th grade have the chance to earn the opportunity to attend a girls' UD basketball game on February 8th.

Keep your eye out for information about a spring break camp for 3rd and 4th grade only.

Notes for Parents:

2nd Grade going on a field trip. February 8th we are going to the UD Arena to watch the girls' basketball game.

And in case you didn't hear?!? 2nd Grade won the Bounce House Incentive as HOUSE WINNERS!!!

2nd Grade

Math: We are working hard on 2 digit subtraction.

What Parents can do: Drill their addition facts.

EL: We just finished our Paleontology Unit.

What Parents can do: Read stories to their child and listen to their child read to them.

1st Grade

Math: We are working on becoming problem solvers and learning the 4 steps to solve a problem.

What Parents can do: Drill the number line with them all the way to 100. Help them know their numbers.

EL: We are becoming poets as we write 4 stanza poems about the sun, moon, and stars.

What Parents can do: Read to their child and listen to their child read to them.

Notes to Parents:

The first grade team is in need of some donations: tissues, hand sanitizer, and Clorox wipes. Make sure your kids wear warm coats because we go out for recess if it is above 32 degrees and dry outside.

Notes to Parents:

We will be having Valentine Parties on February 14th. Keep your eye out for more information coming soon.

We had a very successful weather museum. Each class represented the different weather events with style and class! Thank you to everyone who came and saw all your children's hard work.


Math: We are coming to the 100th day celebration on February 3rd.

What Parents can do: Drill the number line with them. Help them know their numbers by sight.

EL: We are talking about character, setting, and retelling a story.

What Parents can do: Read to their child and listen to their child read to them. You can also drill the letters with them at home.

I Love Science Event

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