Monthly News & Updates

November/December | 2022

Important Dates:

Tuesday, November 22: Poetry Slam! 4th Grade

*Except Dr. Burks' class - watch for re-schedule.

Tuesday, November 22:

Third Grade Poetry & Pourquoi Party

Tuesday, November 22:

Kindergarten Friendsgiving/Harvest Dinner

Thanksgiving Break:

Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25

Friday, December 2:

Harambee - Wear House Shirts

December 5 - December 15


Thursday, December 8:

3rd and 4th Grade Honor Roll Celebration

Thursday, December 13:

Holiday Family Celebration @ the Convention Center 6pm

Thursday, December 15:

Harambee - Wear House Shirts

Holiday Break:

December 16 - January 2

Tuesday, January 3:

First day of Quarter 3

Friday, January 13:

Teacher Worday/NO STUDENTS

Saturday, January 21:

3rd Grade Mandatory Parent OST Workshop.

What's in this issue:

  • A Message From Nurse V.
  • A Message From Dr. Phillips
  • Holiday Family Celebration
  • Grade Specific Messages
Untitled Design

A Message From Nurse V.

Dear DECA PREP Families,

In Montgomery County, we are seeing unprecedented high numbers of respiratory illnesses. 

This includes RSV and a rise in Flu. 

We ask that any child with a fever over 100 degrees, any child with vomiting, or diarrhea in the last 24 hours stay home. Due to the high number of cases, Dayton Children's Hospital is asking all families to contact their primary care doctor first for any illness.

Stay Healthy,

Nurse V. 

Click Below for More Health Information

 Montgomery County Public Health
Dayton Children's RSV Information

A Message From the Principal

Parents of PREP,

We are working hard to hold the expectations high for our scholars and need your help. We are focusing on three areas of growth.

First, we are working on following directions the first time. This can be practiced at home by making sure students follow simple commands when given by parents.

Our second area is stamina. Our students struggle to stay engaged. This can be helped at home by limiting screen time to an hour or less a day, reading with someone at home, playing board games, or reviewing with flash cards. 

Third, we would like to see more consistency in uniform compliance. Parents, you can help by making sure your student is appropriately dressed, including warmer clothing such as a sweatshirt or sweater; both should be solid black or solid red.

With your help, we can help our scholars be their best selves every day!

It takes a village,

Dr. Phillips

Review our dress code policy

Holiday Family Celebration

We are excited to host our first Holiday Family Celebration on

Tuesday, December 13th at the Convention Center

(22 E 5th St, Dayton, OH 45402)

Parents are asked to have all students at the center by 5:30.

Each grade level will have a performance for parents and family members to enjoy. Watch for more details to come

Students dress in red and white - Santa hats welcome!

Grade Level Highlights

Check out what classes are up to and how you can help

Notes for Parents: Remember, homework is due EVERY FRIDAY and it is getting very cold, please be sure your child has a coat and hat - we go outside everyday if it is above 32 and dry.

Fourth Grade

Math: Two digit multiplication/word problems.

What Parents can do: Drill their multiplication facts at home.

EL: Reading poetry, writing poetry, and the Poetry Slam coming up.

What Parents can do: Listen to their child read to them.

Third Grade

Math: We are finishing up our multiplication unit and moving onto division.

What Parents can do: Drill their multiplication facts at home.

EL: We worked hard to show what we know on the Reading OST. Now we are finishing up our Fluency, Poetry, and Pourquoi unit. We will celebrate with a Poerty Party on November 22.

What Parents can do: Listen to their child read to them.

Notes for Parents:

Fall Reading OST scores will be

shared with parents at a

MANDATORY OST Parent Workshop

on Saturday January 21, 2022

from 8:30am to 11:00am.

Notes for Parents:

2nd Grade needs snack donations, hand sanitizer, pencils, and tissues. Please review ALL papers that come home and if you see a bad grade - you can review the paper to help your scholar understand what they didn't understand and why.

2nd Grade

Math: We are working hard on 2 digit subtraction.

What Parents can do: Drill their addition facts.

EL: We are learning about fossils and reading about paleontology.

What Parents can do: Read stories to their child and listen to their child read to them.

1st Grade

Math: We are starting a new Unit to get students familiar with place value. We are starting the first week in December with recognizing "teen numbers" and what the the number represents.

What Parents can do: Drill the number line with them all the way to 100. Help them know their numbers.

EL: We are reading more informational (non-fiction) texts to teach the students about the patterns about the sun and moon. 

What Parents can do: Read to their child and listen to their child read to them.

Notes to Parents:

The first grade team is in need of some donations: tissues, hand sanitizer, and Clorox wipes. Make sure your kids wear warm coats because we go out for recess if it is above 32 degrees and dry outside.

Notes to Parents:

We will have a Friendsgiving/Harvest Dinner with our class family on Tuesday, November 22. Please be sure to send your scholar to school with a warm coat and hat every day. We go outside if it is above 32 degrees and dry out.


Math: We are working on building a foundation for addition and subtraction and starting geometry.

What Parents can do: Drill the number line with them. Help them know their numbers by sight.

EL: We are wrapping up learning the alphabet with an Alphabet Party on Friday, December 2.

What Parents can do: Read to their child and listen to their child read to them. You can also drill the letters with them at home.

We are also working on becoming Weather Experts in our new Module Lesson. Students will learn what a Meteorologist does, how to prepare for the weather and the four components (Moisture, Temperature, Wind, and Air Pressure) that make up weather

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