Although the 2022 Black Gold Jubilee is still three months away, planning has already begun!
Each year a jubilee booklet is designed, printed and distributed, but this year it will be different. In addition to having the printed booklet, there will be a digital version on both the Black Gold Jubilee Website and the Belle Glade Chamber's Website.
"With technology changing we want to take advantage of it and to offer our advertisers and sponsors more of a return for their investment in the jubilee" commented Lamar Weathers, booklet editor.
The booklets from the past two jubilees have been converted to a digital format and are available to view on the Black Gold Jubilee website under the Booklet Tab, and on the Belle Glade Chamber of Commerce website by clicking on the Events tab and then the Local Events tab.
Those booklets are seen here with the link to their full digital version located below them.