July 6, 2023

Upcoming Meetings

CT DEEP Food Waste Prevention/Food Recovery Working Session

July 18, 2023

1:00pm - 3:00pm



This is being planned as a hybrid event.

ZOOM & DEEP HQ (79 Elm St., Hartford)



Tuesday, July 18, 2023

1:00pm - 3:00pm


DEEP is creating a Connecticut roadmap for food waste prevention and food recovery with assistance from an Environmental Defense Fund/ReFED Climate Fellow to help develop actionable policy direction. To achieve this, DEEP has been scheduling listening sessions to hear from different sectors in the food system.


The purpose of this Working Session is to present the information DEEP has learned so far and generate constructive feedback from those present to help shape the final roadmap. Our goal for this event is to hear legislative and programmatic recommendations to purse that align with current food systems work around food insecurity and food justice.  


Food is wasted at every level in the food system; from farms to food processing to grocery stores to our homes. Connecticut’s waste characterization study conducted in 2015 found 22% of our municipal solid waste is wasted food. And EPA estimates that 70% of that is edible; having the potential of being eaten. 


Please join us for this working session to hear what we know now and help us identify additional barriers and opportunities to improve food recovery for humans and animals and food waste prevention in Connecticut to create concrete policy.


 Register HERE

For ZOOM meeting


Suggest joining via computer or tablet to be able to fully engage in this meeting.



Register HERE

For In-Person meeting


CT DEEP Headquarters

79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106


Parking information coming soon.

Past Meeting:

Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meeting

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Agenda: Legislative Update

Recording here



Increase Reuse and Recycling (IRR) Working Group

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Textiles: Fast Fashion & Recycling Efforts

IRR Working Group page

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