Headlines and Highlights Across the School District
High School Celebrates 20th Anniversary as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School #GenerationIB
Dobbs Ferry High School was the first public high school in Westchester to be authorized as an IB Diploma Program school in 1998. The District's mission to create
Independent Thinkers Prepared to Change the World a
nd philosophy of "IB for All" served as the driving force behind obtaining authorization for the IB Middle Years Program (grades 6-10) in 2016.
As the IB parent organization celebrates its
50th anniversary
and Dobbs Ferry proudly celebrates its 20th year, students will be focusing even more on service and civic engagement in an effort to truly make a difference in our community. "Think globally and act locally" is the District's mantra for this momentous school year.
Read John Falino's blog post on service learning at
Dobbs Ferry Students and Families Support International "Walk to School" Day District-Wide
Walk to School Day was a big success at Springhurst with nearly 270 student walkers! Students who walked, biked or scootered to school received Walk to School stickers. Even Superintendent Lisa Brady and Dobbs Ferry Mayor Bob Mcloughlin walked from the HS/MS campus up to Springhurst to get their stickers. High School and Middle School students also participated, making this an all-District event calling attention to pedestrian safety and health conscious activities.
The PTSA Safe Routes Committee, Dobbs Ferry Police Department, Mayor's office and School District are working together to make our streets and crosswalks safer for all community members. In keeping with this important goal, the newly designated School Speed Zone on Broadway in front of the MS/HS now limits drivers to 20 mph from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on school days. This should help slow down vehicles in that area and make it safer for students to walk or bike to school throughout the year.
District Adds Instagram to Social Media Communication Toolbox
The Dobbs Ferry School District now has its own Instagram account. Instagram is a social networking app made for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone. This is a great way to get a bird's eye view of many of the activities happening in the Dobbs Ferry schools. You
can download the app for free on IOS and Android devices.
Follow us on Instagram at
dobbschools and stay connected to your schools.
DFHS 13th Annual MAC Field Day 2018
Community, Activity, Service #DFHSIB20
Freshmen participated in their first MAC Field Day and despite the weather everyone had fun! The entire school competed in events including a kickball tournament, basketball knockout, tug-of-war, powder puff football, and talent show, culminating in lunch and a pep rally in the gymnasium.
Spirit Week kicked off the run-up to MAC Field Day. The fundraising club and ecology club kept track of how much waste each class recycled during lunch periods. Bottles were collected and cashed in with the money going to a charity selected by the students in the winning grade.
Seven Dobbs Ferry High School Seniors Recognized By National Merit Scholarship Program
We are proud to share that DFHS has seven students in the Class of 2019 who are being recognized this year by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) for their performance on last year's PSAT. Of the 1.6 million students who took the exam nationally, 34,000 were designated as Commended Students and 16,000 were designated as Semifinalists. Congratulations to the following students:
Semifinalists: Zachar Hankewycz, Jamie Kramer, Remy Nammour
Commended: Ethan Ferland, Cole Ginghina, Zachary Holzman, Jolie McDonnell
Middle School Design Class STEM Challenge-- the Apple Annihilator
Students in J.P. Kaminski’s 7th/8th grade Design classes were asked to make a “wrecking ball” from back-to-school supply list items for their first project of the year -- the "Apple Annihilator."
The parameters were simple. Design and build an apple wrecking ball that must knock down as many markers (think bowling pins) as possible in one release. The constraints made it more difficult. Students had only 40 minutes to build the Annihilator and could use only the materials provided, including
markers, pencils, binder clips, index cards, string, tape, rubber bands, popsicle sticks, ruler, scissors and glue. In addition, the apple could not be pierced or punctured, and the students could not touch any part of the design except the apple during testing. This challenge made students "think out of the box" and they learned the value of creativity, innovation, problem-solving and collaboration.
Springhurst Science Unit on Magnetism Holds Powerful Attraction for 4th Grade Students
Remember the old "Take Apart Table" in elementary school? Inquisitive 4th graders were learning about magnetism in science and had a lot of unanswered questions. Principal Drake and Springhurst teachers encourage students to be curious and when asked how magnets are used in computers there was only one real answer -- take one apart and find out.
With the help of Mr. Crew from BOCES tech support, students huddled together as they watched him dismantle a PC tower and the brain of the computer. The group talked about the inner workings of the computer including the motherboard, RAM, hard drive, processor. and how the hard drive uses magnetic tape to store data. Pretty sophisticated stuff for 9-year-olds, but they couldn't get enough! During the activity both teachers and Mr. Crew continually reminded students "Do NOT try this at home!"
DFSD Featured Video
The PTSA Building Bridges-Celebrating Differences committee and Springhurst teachers dedicated a plaque at the elementary school in memory of Rachel Gonzales, acknowledging her commitment to young children and the Building Bridges program. Rachel, who was blind, had been part of the program since its inception six years ago. She was a wonderful example of people with differences who live life to the fullest.
- November 8th-- HS Parent Teacher Conferences (4:30-8:30 PM)
- November 12th- Veterans Day/SCHOOLS CLOSED
- November 13th- Board of Education Meeting (7:00 PM)
- November 14th- Springhurst Parent Teacher Conferences (5:00-8:00 PM)
- November 21st- Early Dismissal for All Students Prior to Lunch
- November 22nd-23rd- Thanksgiving Holiday/SCHOOLS CLOSED
- November 27th- Board of Education Meeting (7:00 PM)
- December 11th - Springhurst Concert (5th grade/7:00 PM)
- December 13th- Middle School Concert (7:00 PM)
- December 19th- High School Concert (7:00 PM)
- December 24th-January 1st- Holiday Recess/SCHOOLS CLOSED
- January 2nd- SCHOOLS OPEN
Dobbs Ferry Alumni in the News
The Rivertowns Enterprise
DFSD Advertorial (10/26/18)
Read more about DFHS graduate Paige Monte (class of 2014), the illustrator of a new children's picture book to be released this November.
Monte re-visited Springhurst, her old elementary school, with the book's author, Eric Bennett, to give students a preview of the story about two lovable penguins and their adventures.
Dobbs Ferry Schools Photo Op
Springhurst Harvest Soup Day
The annual Harvest Soup Day has become a tradition cherished by everyone at Springhurst, and this year was no exception. Parent volunteers served homemade soup to every child during their lunch period on October 4th. Both a traditional soup and a gluten/dairy free option were available. Many of the vegetables and herbs used in the soup were grown in the school's own organic garden. Springhurst Assistant Principal Ray Cavallo and Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Facilities & Operations Ron Clamser went back for seconds!
Become a life-long learner today! Register for
HRCE continuing education classes offered throughout the year for adults and teens. Coordinated by the Dobbs Ferry School District.
Dobbs Ferry School District
505 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 | 914-693-1500