Time To Celebrate Ice Cream Month!!

 In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month.

In the proclamation, President Reagan called for all people of the United States to observe these events with "appropriate ceremonies and activities."

The average American eats roughly 20 pounds of ice cream each year, or about 4 gallons. As the summer reaches peak temperatures in July, Americans celebrate National Ice Cream Month as a way to cool off and enjoy the nation’s favorite frozen treat with friends and family. Ice cream has historically been a key feature of American communities. According to an IDFA survey, most ice cream companies are family owned and have been in operation for more than 50 years! Here’s more sweet news: Ice cream companies help support the U.S. economy, contributing more than $13 billion directly to the national economy and supporting nearly 29,000 direct jobs that generate $1.8 billion in direct wages, according to IDFA’s Dairy Delivers®. In 2021, ice cream makers in the U.S. churned out more than 1.3 billion gallons of ice cream.

That’s something to celebrate!

2022 Grazing Summit Update!!!!!

The 2022 Grazing Summit has been moved to a virtual format so that more are able to attend!!

We are reorganizing the agenda and will have new registration instructions available asap. PLEASE WATCH YOUR EMAIL!

Date is currently the same - Tuesday, August 23rd.
This event is open to all DGA Mentors.

“Efficient Pasture Management for Dairy Grazing – what does research tell us?


In our monthly DGA Webinar (every first Monday of the month from 11:30 until 12:30 CST) on August 1st we will have an informal discussion on how we can improve our Pasture Management for more efficient utilization.

Dr. Geoff Brink, lead researcher for dairy grazing systems at the USDA Dairy Forage Research Center in Madison, WI (now retired) will share with us his main findings. How does residual management effect total season DM production? What about turn in height and its relation to forage quality and milk yield?

Please bring your questions and own observations.

The Zoom Link for the monthly webinars comes directly to your email one week prior to the webinar date.

**Got webinar topic ideas??? Send your suggestions to
Altfrid@dga-national.org If your topic is selected you will receive a DGA hat!

**Webinars are recorded and available anytime on the DGA website. Go to your dashboard and click the “Resource” button to find them.

Wecome to our newest Mentor Farms, approved in June & July:

Jon Peterson, MN
Carol Kleppe, MN
Kasey Wensmann, MN
Daryn & Stacie Koopal, OH

Hello Newsletter Readers!

I have been out of the office this past week visiting many Mentor Farms out East. Nothing short of AMAZING!!

Stay tuned next month for a recap of my trip!

If you have any interest in becoming a Farmer-Mentor or an Apprentice, please visit our contact page, scroll down to the list of education coordinators and the states they cover, to learn more: https://www.dga-national.org/contact

Angie Sullivan, angie@dga-national.org, 715-553-0364

Have an upcoming DGA Event? Send it to
Dana@dga-national.org to have it placed in our monthly newsletter!

August 18th - Cultivating Resilience 2022 Field Day, Holland, MI
August 23rd - DGA Grazing Summit for DGA Mentors (virtual)
August 24- 26 - DGA Education Coordinator Retreat, Kellogg Bio Station, MI

2022 Schedule for
DGA’s Grazing Farm Tour & Workshop Series:

  • September 9th – Ron & Susan Rusk Farm, Jonesville, MI
  • September 29th – Terraced Acres Farm, Gay Mills, WI
  • Oregon Dates - TBD

Event registration is required.
To learn more and register, select a specific event from the DGA event calendar

The DGA Logo Store is NOW OPEN!!!!!

For every item you purchase $3 goes back to DGA to support dairy grazing training and initiatives.

Get your DGA Logo Gear TODAY!!

DGA Journeyworkers!!!!!!
Did you know that we have Journeyworker Job Opportunities?? Check them out on our Participant Resources Page!!