The Annual Retreat for the Diaconate Community of Altoona-Johnstown Diocese was held from June 9th to June 13th at the Antiochian Village in Bolivar. The "2024" Retreat Master was Father Bruce Nieli, CSP and the theme of this year's retreat was "Responding to the Spirit in the Soul, in the Church and in the World.
Deacon Daniel Heiser had this to say about his time at the retreat- "It was a deeply enriching experience marked by spiritual renewal and communal fellowship, Father Bruce Nieli's inspiring presentations were filled with the Holy Spirit and uplifted all who attended, helping to foster a profound sense of purpose and dedication to Christ Mission. Daily Mass, along with morning and evening prayers provided moments of solemn reflection and communal worship, reinforcing spiritual growth and unity among the Deacons and their wives. Aside from the sessions with Father Bruce, there was ample time for personal reflection, relaxation and informal gatherings which helped to strengthen bonds and foster supportive community spirit."
As the Retreat came to a close on Thursday morning, all attendees felt rejuvenated and reaffirmed in their commitment to serve, empowered by not only by what they had learned but also by the Holy Spirit's presence throughout the retreat.
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Annual Deacon Picnic
Sunday, August 11, 2024
1:00 PM
St. Michael Parish, St. Michael
Fall Academic Weekends
August 16, 16, 18, 2024
October 4, 5, 6, 2024
November 15, 16, 17, 2024
Annual Dinner with Bishop Mark for Deacons and Wives
Thursday, September 19, 2024
6:00 PM
U.S. Hotel & Tavern, Hollidaysburg
Rite of Lector
Saturday, September 21, 2024
5:00 PM
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
Annual Marion Celebration
Sunday, October 6, 2024
3:00 PM
St. Benedict Church, Johnstown
A Women's Day of Reflection
"Jesus Approaches: What contemporary Woman can learn about Healing, Freedom & Joy from Women of New Testament"
Liz Kelly, Presenter
September 28. 2024
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
St. Benedict Paris
Parish Mission
"Built Upon the Rock"
Fr. Fred Bramlage, Presenter
October 21, 22, 23, 2024
7:00 - 8:30 PM
St. Benedict Parish, Johnstown
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6 Helpful Bible Verses if you're Feeling Indecisive
Cerith Gardiner-published on 6/30/2024
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Sometimes we have to make so many decisions that it can be a little daunting. Thankfully there's a little heavenly help at hand.
In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, it's common to feel overwhelmed by the multitude of choices and decisions we must make daily. Indecisiveness can stem from fear of making the wrong choice, feeling unprepared, or being unsure of the future.
During such times, turning to scripture can provide guidance, clarity, and reassurance. And these six verses in particular might be of some help.
"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." James 1:5
This verse highlights the importance of seeking divine wisdom when faced with tough decisions. It reassures us that God is always willing to provide the guidance we need, generously and without judgment. Read Full Story
Article taken from Aleteia
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St. Gregory used this analogy to visualize the spiritual life
Philip Kosloski-published on 7/01/2024
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Analogies and illustrations can help us understand the spiritual life in a new way and lead us to a deeper relationship with God.
When thinking about the spiritual life, frequently we can be tempted to think of it in abstract terms.
While those terms may be helpful at times to define certain spiritual realities, they may not fully click or make sense in our brain or heart. Read Full Story
Article taken from Aleteia
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General Principles
The Eucharistic sacrifice of the Mass is the action of Christ (General Instruction of the Roman Missal [GIRM], no. 11) and of God's people, in which the human race adores the Father, through Christ, in the Holy Spirit (no. 16), and the faithful join themselves to Christ in giving thanks and in acknowledging the great things God has done (no. 78). The Mass is the "sacrament of unity" (nos. 91, 92) in which the faithful are nourished from the table of God's Word and of Christ's Body (no. 28). This unity is expressed particularly in common posture (no. 42), in communal singing (no. 47), reverential silence (nos. 45, 56), and in sharing together of the one bread and one cup (nos. 83, 321). The assumption of the Roman Missal is that every Sunday and feast day, the Eucharistic liturgy will be celebrated with song (nos. 40, 115), with a cantor (no. 104), with one or two readers (no. 109), and with other assisting ministers (no. 115). It is also assumed that all communicants present at Mass, priest celebrant, deacon, ministers and all in the assembly, will receive the sacrament from bread and wine consecrated at that Mass (nos. 85, 281, 321), just as the priest celebrant must do (nos. 85, 243). The liturgical books, particularly those used by the priest celebrant, the deacon and the assisting ministers should be beautiful and appropriate to the celebration (no. 349) rather than being disposable pages or booklets. The foundational principles explaining the purpose of the parts of the Mass are found primarily in Chapter II (nos. 27-90) and this chapter provides the basis for the more detailed norms found in Chapter IV (nos. 112-287). Chapters V (nos. 188-318) and VI (nos. 319-351) also give general principles regarding the arrangement of the church and the requisites for Mass. Read More
Article from USCCB
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Office of the Permanent Diaconate
609 Park Avenue
Johnstown, PA 15902
(814) 361-2000
Deacon Michael L. Russo, Director
Visit us online
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