Lifelong Care for Children with Chronic Conditions: A discussion series
Dates & Case Studies:

May 14th: Congenital heart disease
June 11th: HIV, type 1 diabetes & sickle cell disease
July 9th: Integrated NCD package of services

Time: 9 - 10:30am EDT [GMT-4]
Photo: Uttampur, Odisha, India, Mubeen Siddiqui/MCSP
Health systems in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs) are experiencing an increasing burden of chronic conditions in children, including non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease and diabetes. Chronic infectious diseases, such as HIV, require long-term, often lifelong management. Other chronic conditions such as sickle cell disease and rheumatic heart disease have posed long-standing challenges to LMICs, but have not received adequate targeted attention in health systems. These systems are currently designed to be reactive rather than proactive, addressing “episodic care” needs rather than “chronic care” needs for children.

This discussion series is an opportunity to present and get feedback on UNICEF’s early, working vision/framework for programming in child health of how specific NCDs could be integrated into primary health care and the referral system. Together, we hope to draw lessons from these case studies and reflect on broader programming and implications on implementation.
Session One: A Population Health Approach to Address the Burden of Congenital Heart Disease in Kerala, India
Friday, May 14th, 9 - 10:30am EDT (GMT-4)


  • Dr. Sreehari Madhavankutty Nair: Nodal Officer Child Health, National Health Mission, Department of Health, Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, India
  • Bistra Zheleva: Vice President of Global Strategy and Advocacy, Children's HeartLink

Hosted by:
The Re-imagining the Package of Care for Children subgroup in collaboration with UNICEF, Program Division - Health, Child and Community Health Unit.
Moderated by:

Subgroup co-chairs Raoul Bermejo, UNICEF & Cara Endyke Doran, PCI, a Global Communities Partner

Please register using the link below in order to access the meeting connection 
information and add all meetings in the series to your personal calendar.
The Child Health Task Force is managed by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. through the USAID Advancing Nutrition project and funded by USAID and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.