DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) POLICIES GETTING THE AXE
The DEI policies which were once being implemented at a record pace are now being reversed by a number of US large companies. Not only is Walmart one of the largest employers around, but they are now eliminating most DEI policies. But also, Harley-Davison and Ford are following suit. One of the main reasons is the result of the increasing number of lawsuits over the fact that DEI is against the 14th Amendment giving all citizens “equal opportunity.”
When I served on the Board of Commissioners, I saw how hard some of the other Commissioners pushed DEI, which, in my opinion, caused us to show highly qualified candidates/vendors the door, while other candidates/vendors who could not manage a “pet goldfish” were hired simply to meet a certain guideline. This certainly did not happen in every case, but it did happen too often. I do not know about you but If I needed an operation, I would want the best surgeon around rather that one who barely passed in Medical School. Or, if I were flying across the country, I would prefer the top pilot rather than the one who skimmed by in flight school.
The prowords words of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, who fought for EQUAL RIGHTS, once said, “Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in.” I pray our new BOC will return to this WISDOM.