Volume 93 | December 1, 2020
News from Ohio State Organization
(click above on "Thankful")
Convention Update - Connectivity Request
It’s hard to believe the holidays are here.  This, without doubt, has been a year we will never forget!  It has definitely been a difficult year to plan a DKG/OSO State Convention.  Well, planning the convention wasn’t a problem, but having the convention was another story! The year 2020 is almost behind us (whew!!!) and now it’s time to look ahead to the April 9-11, 2021, State Convention at the Embassy Suites.  With the coronavirus, making plans for the spring convention is like trying to “nail Jello to the wall.”  I promised we would keep you informed as plans are made which is what I intend to do.  At this point in time, Diana Kirkpatrick, Alice Harker, and I have planned both an on-site convention and a virtual convention.  We are also researching a hybrid convention.  An on-site convention is planned at the Embassy Suites on April 9-11, 2021, with a few modifications from the 2020 convention plans to allow for Covid-19 restrictions.  A virtual convention has been planned for April 9 and 10, 2021, using a Zoom format.  A hybrid convention would have some members at the Embassy Suites, as well as, the convention being recorded and streamed for members to virtually “attend” the convention.  There is an expense involved in order to provide the technology needed for recording and streaming a hybrid convention. As we move into 2021, we will need to see what is happening with the Covid-19 vaccine, and what will be the safest way to bring you the DKG/OSO Convention.  There will be a convention; we just don’t know at this point what that will look like.

You may need to celebrate the holidays a bit differently this year, but please know there is light at the end of this tunnel.  Take good care of yourself.  Be safe.

The Connectivity Committee continues to meet and plan events for the upcoming months, but we would like to hear from you about any suggestions you might have.  In January, there will be a Zentangle (I had to Google that one!) session on Thursday, January 21.  Information about signing up for that event will be in the January 2021 issue of The Voice.  For now, mark the Zentangle event on your calendar and save the date.  Many of you have unique talents or subjects that you teach that would be worthy of sharing on Zoom as a Connectivity event. Topics of interest might be: arts, crafts, STEM demonstrations/activities, history, baking/cooking, quilting, or something new and exciting for these crazy times!  Please send me an email if you would like to share your talents and expertise with our members via Zoom.

Linda Diltz
Convention Coordinator

Never underestimate 
the difference YOU can make
 in the lives of others 
when you give from the heart!


Our hearts are often in the right place, but what can one person really do?  It turns out quite a lot if you volunteer to serve as a director on the Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation.  If you are looking for something worthwhile to do and want to make a difference, apply to be a Foundation Director.  As a member of OSO, you are also a member of the Foundation.  You can do more than be a member, you can actively participate and share your talents and knowledge to support educators and strengthen the Foundation. The work of the Foundation is important; dedicated and energetic directors are needed.

Apply today. Send your completed application by January 15, 2021, to Dr. Norma Kirby at [email protected].  

If you have questions, please contact any of the current directors or members of the Nominating Committee.  Contact information is on the Foundation website at adsoef.weebly.com.

Make a difference!

Double your impact for A Heart for All!  We are excited as we have anonymous donors pledging to match gifts up to $2000.  Your gift can go twice as far in supporting OSO sisters, educators, and students.           
$25 can become $50
$40 can become $80
$100 can become $200
Please be as generous as you can, especially at this time.

Thank YOU for believing in and supporting the mission of your ADSOEF!
Gifts can come from individual members, friends, and family.  Consider using a gift suggestion Postcard from adsoef.weebly.com.  When your friend sends a donation with a Postcard, the amount doubles!  Your individual contributions are doubled, too!

Yes, up to $2000!  To be included, donate by December 31, 2020.

To use the Contribution form, click (HERE), complete the form, and mail with your check.  If you’d rather donate electronically using your credit card, click (HERE).

GIVING TUESDAY is today, December 1.  Giving to ADSOEF on Facebook is another easy way to contribute.  Please visit Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation, our Facebook page.  Hear more!  Learn more!  Read your OSO sisters’ comments.  Like us and SHARE!

Watch as we add $100 hearts!  What a joy it will be when OHIO is filled with our hearts and overflowing!  

To stay informed on progress, view this OHIO heart-meter on our webpage often.
A reminder: Donors, be aware that you may deduct up to $300 of your donation if you claim a standard deduction on your 2020 Federal Income Tax. (CARES Act) Consult a tax professional for more information.
Committee News
“Let There be Peace on Earth…If just only for One Day!”

Even though our world needs fixing due to many issues that need solving, wouldn’t it be wonderful if for just one day we could experience peace on earth, in every country, every state, every city, every town, every village, and every providence. We could all join hands and sing together the song that came out when I was a little girl in 1971. That song was inspired by the Coke Cola commercial jingle called “I Like to Teach the World to Sing”. You remember the words that said…. 

“I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
I'd like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land.”

After several face to face and numerous Zoom meetings, the Bylaws/Standing Rules (soon to be called) Committee has met its goals. The Committee has rewritten, revised and aligned the Policies and Procedures Manual to the OSO Bylaws, the 2018 International Constitution and International Standing Rules (ISR). Changes to the OSO Bylaws have been submitted for review to align with the International Constitution and ISR also.  Tables of Contents have been made for OSO Bylaws and Standing Rules. A streamlined checklist for the chapter rules has been revised and will be available on the OSO website, dkgohio.org, in January/February.  

What To Do Next:  The OSO Bylaws and Standing Rules will be brought before the General Session at the OSO Convention in April 2021 for approval. The chapters of Ohio State Organization will align their chapter's rules with the current International Constitution, ISR, Ohio State Organization’s designated parliamentary authority and its Bylaws, using the revised checklist. Each Chapter will submit their own chapter rules to the Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee for review. Each chapter will receive feedback. 

Committee Members:  Joan Bostelman, Beta Psi, chair; Linda Harrison, Pi; Donna Myers, Kappa; Jennifer Shields, Beta Delta; and Joyce Jones-Weinkam, Gamma Xi.                           
Our Gift to You

During a recent joint meeting of the expansion and membership committees, members discussed OSO membership trends and issues facing both retired and active teachers such as Covid 19 and stress in the workplace. Kim Lewis and Michele Maniskas, both classroom teachers, shared the struggles that they and others are experiencing this school year. So the question arose - what can we do as an organization to support our active teachers? After much discussion, the possibility of a new initiative was formed - ​OSO presents: The teacher next door​. The idea is to ask teachers to record ten minute lessons in their area of expertise and grade level to be banked for use by current teachers.

Before we open this up for everyone to contribute their videotaped lessons, we are giving you the first few “gifts” for you to use and be enjoyed by your students, children and grandchildren. You may even share this with other teachers who may not currently be OSO members. If the response is favorable, we will open this up for anyone in the state to contribute to the lesson bank along with the guidelines to be set for submission.

Look for the eblast with “Our Gift to You” in the next few weeks.

Debby Canter, Delta Epsilon
First Vice President/Membership Chair
  Build the Ballot

We are beginning to Build the Ballot as nomination forms are being delivered! 

Thank you to those who have completed applications and, more importantly, have said yes! to serving OSO during the next biennium. We are all grateful for the leadership. 

December 1, 2020, is the deadline for applications. So. go to the state website, download the application under Nominations Committee, and submit it online. We are accepting applications for the state officer (President, 1st and 2nd Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary) positions and the five Nominations Committee positions. Encourage your sisters to submit an application. Every chapter is filled with potential leaders! 

To members of all chapters of Ohio State organization, look for the ballot in the February issue of the Voice. 

The Nominating Team of OSO
Patty Truex, Chair

Halloween Scavenger Hunt Fun!
Linda Diltz, Roselyn Gadd, Mary Tsimouris, and Elizabeth Kugler.
Chapter News
Zeta sponsor Barth Gibson presents a rose to initiate Becky Parcher as Zeta sponsor Laura Winkler presents a rose to initiate Julie Gilson.
Zeta initiate Becky Parcher signing the Zeta register. Becky is a second generation Zeta member.
Yes, it is a basketball court! Chi Chapter enjoyed our first in-person meeting while socially distancing and wearing masks in a church gymnasium. Boxed meals were served and plenty of hand sanitizer was on hand!
President Joan Avery initiates new member Donna Hoover at Chi Chapter's October in-person meeting.
Important OSO-DKG Dates to Remember

December 1, 2020 - Holiday Treasures
Zoom Event @ 7:30 p.m.

January 15, 2021 - ADSOEF Director Application Form Due

January 15, 2021 - First Day to Submit
Arts & Humanities Submissions for Spring Gallery
DKG International

January 21, 2021 - Zentangle Activity
Zoom Event @ 7:30 p.m.

February 1, 2021 - OSO/ADSOEF Scholarship Applications Due

February 1, 2021 - Chapter Necrology Report Due

February 15, 2021 - Last Day to Submit
Arts & Humanities Submissions for Spring Gallery

April 9-11, 2021 - OSO State Convention
Embassy Suites - Dublin, Ohio

Remembering Our Lost Sisters