Volume 92 | July 1, 2020
News from Ohio State Organization
From Diana's Desk
Believe :: Belong :: Build

Recalibrating to Our “New Normal”

Reimagining…rescheduling…renegotiating…restructuring…revamping…rearranging… rewriting…reorganizing…and a few more “ re”  terminologies have been our key watchwords since March.   Recalibrating (…another “re” term) to the “new normal” has kept us, your state leadership team, on our “toes.” Unequivocally, we have not missed or skipped a beat during this time and have hit the ground running as we begin this second year of the 2019-2021 biennium. 

We offer our congratulations and say “welcome” to the newly 2020-2022 elected chapter presidents (and officers) to the state leadership team, as well as, a “welcome back” salute to the few 2018-2020 chapter presidents, who have reenlisted their commitment to serve again for a second…a third…and/or even a fourth two-year term.  We look forward to working with all of you this coming year! For certain, this next year will look remarkably different than those of the past, but as educators, we are a flexible and undaunted group, who understands when it comes to change, “we either adapt or we get left behind.”  Even when the events of the day are beyond our control, we do need to keep “forward moving ever.”   And forward moving are we…as DKG/Ohio continues to move forward, take a glance and look over the following measures and/or events being accomplished thus far.
  • The state has adopted the communication tool, “Zoom,” as our means to hold, at the state level, officer and committee meetings, as well as for usage with larger meeting needs of more than 100 participants.  In addition to officer and committee meetings we will use “Zoom” for: The Chapter Leadership Training Session/s on July 29, 2020; the OSO Fall Executive Board Meeting on August 29, 2020; and for possible utilization at the 2021 State Convention on April 9-11, 2021.

  • Many chapters are already utilizing the free “Zoom” plan as a means to meet and plan for 2020-21.  It is exciting to see imaginations and creativity abounding as DKG/Ohio chapters take “Zoom” under their wing.  
  • Final preparations for the July 29, Chapter Leadership Training are now complete.  Be sure to read the following article, by Dr. Lois Harkins, for pertinent training information and important session instructions.  Chapter presidents will also receive an additional Constant Contact E-Blast with supplementary registration instructions for THE JIGSAW PUZZLE OF CHAPTER LEADERSHIP TRAINING, PART IV!   Look for its arrival on July 6, 2020.
  • The DKG/Ohio membership will be “Coming Together…While Far Apart,” on August 29, 2020, to conduct the 2020 Fall OSO Executive Board Meeting via “Zoom.”  All are encouraged and welcome to attend. However, to attend the “Zoom” Executive Board meeting all attendees will be required to register.  The link to register will be available in The Voice on August 1, 2020.

  • Conferred with the Michigan State Organization Officers and agreed to extend the Buckeye-Cherry Membership Challenge through February 28, 2021. Go Ohio!

  • Your State Leadership Team worries about the ramifications social distancing is having upon our organization and chapters’ memberships.  We are concerned with the challenge it brings to our ability to maintain membership connectivity.  We will stay in touch and keep you informed as we seek to find solutions/resolutions to staying connected while being far apart.  All and any suggestions, from our membership, will be more than welcomed and much appreciated!  We are looking forward to hearing for you!
  • Based on the current COVID-19 situation, the Biennial Seminar has been temporarily placed on “hold.”  More information will be forthcoming once it is again determined safe to travel in groups and/or a viable vaccine is made available to the general population. 

  • If you are unfamiliar with “Zoom,” and will be a participant in one of the above mentioned functions, it is imperative you become acquainted with the Zoom product and its process.  Your ability to navigate “Zoom” is vital and an essential ingredient for our State Leadership Team to have successful and smoothly run virtual meetings.  For guidance and “Zoom” practicing, please look at the tutorials included in this edition…we need you to be prepared, in advance, and possess the ability to “Zoom In” to your/our meetings properly and without unnecessary difficulty or distraction.  Our advice is to…practice…practice…practice!

The DKG/Ohio State Organization is indeed a worthy composition of earnest and committed women educators who are forever hopeful, forever helpful and forever united in genuine Delta Kappa Gamma stewardship. Thank you all…for your messages, cards, notes, emails, calls and texts of support received throughout the past year…and the past few months.  I am truly blessed with you by my side.  I am, and will be, forever grateful!                          

Be safe and stay strong…we truly are in this together!


Chapter Leadership Training
Listen up  2020-2022  Chapter Officers!  Mark your calendars and  save  July 29 for your pending leadership training experience.  Be sure to read Dr. Lois Harkins, Leadership Development Chair’s article below for vital information and additional instructions about your leadership training.
The Jigsaw Puzzle of
Chapter Leadership Training
Part IV
Dear Ohio State Organization 2020-2022 Chapter Officers

The puzzle is coming together!   Accepting to be a leader in these challenging and eventful times takes a special soul,  and it is YOU !  No doubt your fellow members noticed your quality leadership skills and trust that the chapter will be in the best of hands through your vivid vision, positive patience, and generous grace.   Please accept our sincere gratitude for your willingness to serve as chapter officers. You are a gift and a key to the jigsaw puzzle that is “Chapter Leadership Training.”

You will notice this is now Part IV of what this training would/could/and finally looks like through 10 months of planning through very unusual times.   Every officer provided voice and experience to make this event happen and I am most grateful for their care.

Here’s where our voices led us:
         THE ISSUE:   Now that OSO Convention is cancelled how, where, and when to safely present key information to incoming chapter officers as near to the beginning of their biennium as possible while being cognizant of the demands and needs of those presenting information, the health and safety of all, and the ever increasing stress level facing members and their families, the state, and our nation.

            THE ANSWER:   Present the training through  Zoom on July 29, 2020.

This letter will explain the format and other key factors.

"ZOOM" Tutorial #1
Not so sure how the  “Zoom”  communication tool actually works ?  Click on the above link and learn more.  Get prepared and be ready to  “Zoom In”  on July 29th to your Chapter Leadership Training!
What Do We Do Now
After many of us worked for months planning and preparing for the March 20-22, 2020, DKG/Ohio State Convention, as you all know, the convention was postponed then canceled due to the coronavirus.  What do we do now?  Well, we continue to move forward!!  Zoom meetings are replacing face-to-face gatherings while allowing us to continue the important business of DKG/Ohio. Chapters are transitioning to new officers who will continue to provide leadership at the local level.  The state officers recently met via Zoom to plan the Chapter Leadership Training that is always held during the summer to provide incoming chapter presidents with all the important information they will need to effectively lead their chapters through the next two years.  The training will use Zoom to safely meet, guide, and answer questions for incoming chapter presidents.  This will be different from trainings in the past, but just because it has never been done this way before, doesn’t mean we can’t do it.  Of course we can do things differently and effectively.  We do what we must to be “forward moving ever!”

OSO Executive Board Meeting
The DKG/Ohio membership will be  “Coming Together…While Far Apart,”  on  August 29, 2020  to conduct the 2020 Fall OSO Executive Board Meeting  via “Zoom.”  According to the  Bylaws of Ohio State Organization,  “The members of the Executive Board shall be the elected officers, the past state presidents, and chapter presidents.  Chapter presidents who are unable to attend the State Executive Board Meeting may appoint an official representative who will have full privileges of Executive Board participation.”  Other chapter members and/or guests are equally encouraged and welcomed to attend. To attend the  “Zoom”   Executive Board meeting all attendees will be required to register.  The link to register will be available in  The Voice  on August 1, 2020.
Committee News
Welcome New Chapter Presidents!

I’m so excited to get to know each one of you and I’m looking forward to working with you during your biennium. 

As the OSO membership chair, one of my responsibilities is to honor deceased members with a card to their loved ones. In order to do that, I ask that you send Form 6 to me in a timely manner either by email or through the US mail. Form 6 can be found on the OSO website under information for chapter presidents. 

Thank you so much for leading your chapters and assisting me in my duties. You will be receiving more information from me during the next few months.

Debby Canter
Membership Chair 
"Schools for Africa"…Experiences with students affected by school closures in remote learning environments due to the
COVID-19 pandemic

According to UNICEF.org there are 1.2 billion school-age students in 71 countries worldwide being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and are experiencing remote learning conditions due to school closures. Many students don’t have equal access to technology tools and services, as some students in other countries because of their socioeconomic factors and conditions/environments. In addition, to these issues/challenges, some students also have limited educational home support, to promote learning and developmental needs.

"ZOOM" Tutorial #2

  1. Looks complicated, but it is not!
  2. To download and install the Zoom Client (which is defined as “a tiny bit of information that allows Zoom to run on your device.”): go to https://zoom.us/download and from the Download Center, click on the Download button under “Zoom Client for Meetings.” This client will automatically download when you start your first Zoom Meeting.  Please note:  You are not setting up an account, but rather allowing Zoom to operate on your device.
  3. Start practice meeting by clicking:  https://zoom.us/test
  4. A word to the wise…to “Zoom In” for a successful leadership experience, on July 29th, it is essential to prepare for your “Zoom,” experience, not the day of, but rather days prior to the July 29 meeting date! It will be well worth your investment of time.
  5. If further instruction or assistance is needed, please contact Eileen McNally, Communications/Marketing Chair, at [email protected]  or State President Diana Kirkpatrick, at [email protected].  Help is just an email, phone call or text away!

Additional Committee News
Nomination Team (STILL) Wants You!

Even though we are not able to meet together at the 2020 Convention, the nominations team is moving ahead to prepare the 2021-2023 slate of officers and committee members.  In a previous newsletter, I said that as educators, we know preparation is the key to being ready. True. We also know educators are flexible and very good at adjusting plans and ideas. That is where we are.  

It is time to think about serving Ohio State Organization at the state level.  What are the qualifications?  Well, do you love being a member of Delta Kappa Gamma?  Do you want to keep moving ahead the mission and vision and spirit of OSO?  Do you want to represent your local chapter at the state level?  Then, this opportunity is for you!

To get started, just contact one of the five nomination committee members listed below or email  [email protected] . You can also find the application form on the state website under nominations.

Our thanks to you for considering serving.

Members of the committee are:
Patty Truex, Beta Rho, CentralRegion
Bonnie Trubee, Beta Iota, Southeast Region
Mary Jo “Bunny” Doebling, Beta Nu, Southwest Region
Charleen Johnson-Miller, Rho, Northeast Region
Dr. Molly Helmlinger, Beta Kappa, Northwest Region
Legislative Liaison Blog
Governor DeWine has given school districts full control over decisions about reopening of schools – when and how – amid continued pandemic concerns. Additionally, the Ohio Legislature approved three key pieces of legislation the week of June 8 th . The concurrent SB319 (and some of HB164) explains numerous emergency and temporary measures for school operations in light of COVID-19 through the 2020-2021 school year. The main focus of HB164, in addition to school operations adjustments, and SB292 are to expand the religious rights of students in the classroom and on the sports field. 

"PEACE" A Message from International President Cathy Daugherty's Blog
In response to emails received this week regarding DKG’s stand on discrimination, violence, and injustice, the following statement and information are offered…

As an international organization, it is difficult to address specific and particular issues, such as the protests currently sweeping the United States and spilling over into Europe without disrespecting the global perspective such an organization must maintain with all countries its membership represents.  As educators what we do in our classrooms and in our communities can affect the changes our society needs.  We do this first by educating ourselves and acting on that education.  We also do this by teaching students to be fair, to respect others, to avoid bullying, and to seek peaceful means of resolving conflicts.  How chapters acknowledge justice for all sets a powerful tone for the Society, too.  Discussions, programs, projects, activities, and day-to-day modeling of unbiased acceptance of all people provides a starting point.  During these times and all times, we must stand together and move forward with value and respect for all.

2020 DKG International Virtual Event
A Digital Experience
July 7 - 10, 2020

The 2020 DKG Virtual Event begins in ONE WEEK! Here are a few tips to prepare:

  1. No registration is required: do have your current DKG website login info ready and working!
  2. Sign into www.dkg.org and go to the Events tab > 2020 Virtual Event to find links to each event starting July 7.
  3. Event will begin most days at 10am CDT: see the full schedule on the DKG website now.
  4. Most presentations will be viewable after the event so if you’re not able to view it live, you’ll be able to tune in at your leisure.

We hope you'll join this historical DKG event!

Click the Events tab to find the full updated schedule! 
ADSOEF Annual Meeting Invitation
ADSOEF Bylaws Explained and Budget
Bylaws Explained

The Directors of ADSOEF were looking forward to sharing information about the Foundation at the Annual Meeting that was scheduled in March during the OSO Convention.  Plans are in place for the rescheduled Foundation’s Annual Meeting later this year, but information about some of the changes to the Bylaws needs to be shared with the membership before that time.

As with all newly formed organizations, the need to alter the structure of a group can arise early in its existence and that occurred for the Foundation.  The Governance Committee, consisting of Chairman Karyn Kern-Lazear, Dr. Norma Kirby, Kathy McClendon, Jane Meese, and Joyce Jones-Weinkam, met several times since September 2019 to examine each section of the Bylaws to determine what amendments were needed.  The Board of Directors approved the recommended amendments at their meeting on February 1, 2020, and the new document is posted on the ADSOEF website.  Many of the changes were minor.  If you have any comments or questions concerning the Bylaws, please contact Chairman Karyn Kern-Lazear at  [email protected]  or any member of the Governance Committee.

2020 - 2021 Budget

The Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation Finance Committee and Board of Directors have developed a budget for the July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 fiscal year.  We invite you to review this budget.  For comments or questions, contact Finance Chairman Meier Bauer at [email protected].

Dates to Remember
July 29, 2020 - Chapter Leadership Training via Zoom
Session One : 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (Chapter Presidents)
Session Two : 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Chapter Treasurers and Presidents)

August 4, 2020 - ADSOEF Annual Meeting via Zoom
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

August 29, 2020 - OSO Executive Board Meeting via Zoom
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

April 9-11, 2021 - OSO State Convention
Embassy Suites - Dublin, Ohio
Chapter News
Delta Phi members are painting bird flowerpot picks 
and doing a book/magazine raffle to benefit World Fellowship.
Remembering Our Lost Sisters