Volume 93 - Issue 12 | June 2021
News from Ohio State Organization
From Diana's Desk
Believe :: Belong :: Build
As I sit here writing my last president’s message (#24…and yes, I am counting), I am struck by how quickly time passes.  Was it not just yesterday I was sitting here, in this very spot, writing my very first message to all of you?  As I compose, the following comments will be a simple reflection of my thoughts and sentiments of the 2019-2021 biennium.

Those of you who know me well, know I absolutely love quotes and can find one to fit any occasion. This circumstance is no different from any other, and I am fairly certain you, the reader, will agree that the subsequent quote does appropriately and properly describe the events of the biennium we are about to complete on June 30, 2021.  John Robert Wooden, a famous American basketball player and one of the greatest NCAA head basketball coaches of all time, once said, “Things turn out the best for people who make the best of the way things turnout.”  Truer words have never been spoken and thoroughly summarizes our 2019-2021 biennium.  

In my mind, there is no doubt the emotional, as well as the mental turmoil we all have faced these many months have been immense and immeasurable.   Amidst all the cancellations, physical distancing, quarantines, separations, etc., the one critical factor that remained a constant in our lives and for the entire 2019-2021 DKG/Ohio State Organization and Leadership team, was the fact we always possessed, regardless of outside influences, the power to determine:

  • our own mindset, 
  • our own ability to write or change the narrative,
  • our ability to choose our own perspective, and
  • our own resolve and ability to understand the effects of our receptiveness and reactions
Women educators of the DKG/Ohio membership…you did it…we did it!  We survived this unexpected rocky road, accomplished more than we thought possible, and yet while in the wake of the COVID pandemic also discovered a great deal about organizational efficiency and effectiveness.  More importantly however, you/we kept DKG/Ohio progressing and moving forward.  Please know…I am infinitely grateful for your efforts!
Throughout this biennium it took a village to be successful!  Most of you, certainly not limited to, our chapter presidents; our state committees and chairmen, coordinators, and liaisons; our state officers; our DKG/OSO Advisory Board; and our Alpha Delta State Educational Foundation, chose to…
  • see obstacles and challenges as “opportunities” rather than problems, barriers, or roadblocks
  • step out of your own comfort zones and undertake alternatives never before attempted by our organization and/or chapters
  •  believe “change,” while unsolicited, can uncover unexpected outcomes to benefit all involved
  • say yes to new experiences, options, and to view them as limitless possibilities 
  • say yes to challenges that would continue to propel our state organization forward 
  • say yes to investing in the State President’s theme Believe::Belong::Build (My heartfelt thanks!)
  • say yes to making “Zoom” your new best friend and pal
  • say yes to making a difference no matter the undertaking
  • say yes to becoming as helpful as you could be to enable others to succeed and remain connected to DKG, and
  • say yes to giving yourselves permission to at least try.  

In my opinion, the above Wooden quote best describes how most of you and the OSO Leadership Team have navigated the long months of this COVID biennium.  Undeniably and beyond a shadow of doubt, I am most proud of all who, have “made the best of the way things turnout.” 

Personally, I will be forever grateful for your notes, cards, flowers, emails, and phone calls with kind words of encouragement, supportive understanding, and patience.  But, most of all for ‘believing” in us as a professional women’s organization. 

  • I have been inspired by the way chapters used their creativity, resourcefulness, and enthusiasm to maintain and build their chapter’s connectivity. 
  • I have been impressed with those of you who possess the ability to think outside of the “proverbial box” and put that extra needed twist to an old idea making it new and workable again.  
  • It has been exciting to observe how eagerly and determined many of you who rose to the occasion and met challenges as learning opportunities.
  • I want to commend all of you, who took to heart the old adage, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Thank you for making many generous pitchers of lemonade throughout this biennium!  Truly, your resiliency was encouraging and a delight to watch. 
  • All in all, and in spite of the pandemic, it has been a most rewarding journey and fulfilling experience to be the 2019-2021 OSO State President.  Not exactly the biennium I had envisioned but want to recognize and acknowledge there are “silver linings” when the unexpected happens.

While I could go on about how much all of you taught me this biennium and how I have immeasurably grown (…I like to think I have anyway), I think it probably best to conclude by merely saying a very sincere heartfelt “thank you” to you all for believing in, belonging to, and building our DKG/Ohio State Organization.  Never stop believing…in yourselves and in others...and don’t stop believing in the principles, ideals, and purposes of Delta Kappa Gamma.

It has indeed been a privilege, a pleasure and certainly an honor to have served as your 2019-2021 Ohio State Organization President.  Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for this amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity.

With gratitude and thankfulness,
2021 Attendance Award Results
2021 Statewide Attendance Award
Final Results 
With the 2021 DKG/OSO State Convention and all Breakout Sessions completed, it is now time to announce the winners of the statewide attendance award.  Many thanks to all who attended the virtual sessions, and a huge thank you to those who prepared and presented the many informative events that were delivered via Zoom.  A big thank you goes to our statistician, Katie Gantz of Gamma Phi Chapter, for her time, effort, and precision in collecting the attendance data and calculating the results. 

Finishing in first place was Gamma Nu chapter with a 17.8% attendance rate.  In second place was Rho (Nu) at 13.8%, followed closely by Gamma with 13.4% of their members in attendance.  Alpha Chi and Gamma Phi tied for fourth place with a 9.1% attendance rate.  Gamma Nu chapter will be presented with the engraved attendance plaque at the fall Executive Board meeting and will receive a membership voucher for the full payment of dues for one newly inducted chapter member for the 2021-2022 calendar year.  The chapters finishing in the next four places will each receive a $50.00 membership voucher to put toward the partial payment of dues for a newly inducted chapter member for the 2021-2022 calendar year.  

Many thanks to each of you for making the “Virtually Yours” State Convention and the many Breakout Sessions possible.  It has certainly been an interesting journey…one we will not forget!!  Take care!  Be safe!  I’m looking forward to seeing you in person soon!!

Linda Diltz, Beta Rho
Convention Coordinator   
Gold Key and Chapter President's Reports
Below are links to all the updated information and Chapter President's Report form that need to be completed and submitted by June 30, 2021. All the forms are also available on the website https://www.dkgohio.org

Form 6 - Death of a Member
Please continue to send Form 6 - Death of a Member to me through June 30 at [email protected] or my mailing address. Beginning July 1, it can still be emailed to [email protected] or to Melodie McGee's mailing address. Also remember to send a copy to International and OSO Treasurer Diana Haskell. Form 6 - Death of a Member and instructions for completing it are found on the OSO website.
Help! OSO Volunteers Needed!
Calling All Passionate Volunteers!

Do you have a passion to serve the Ohio State Organization, but have never taken the first step? Have you served at the state level before and found it to be a rewarding experience? Whichever category you relate to, OSO needs and wants you! The state officers are beginning the process of filling leadership positions for the 2021-2023 biennium. Please complete the online form and submit no later than June 5.

Debby Canter, Delta Epsilon
DKG-Ohio State Organization Presents . . .
The 2021 Summer Lifelong Learning
Biennial Seminar
A quick reminder the 2021 Summer Lifelong Learning Biennial Seminar featuring Lelia Kubesch, 2020 Ohio Teacher of the Year, will begin on June 3 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. A reminder email was sent out on Sunday, May 30, with all the details about the three-part series including registration links.  We hope to see you then and in case you haven't registered there is still time to do so.
Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee
To All OSO Chapter Presidents

New OSO Bylaws were approved at the 2021 OSO Convention. The Bylaws Committee is now ready to review chapter rules to see that they align with the new Bylaws. In order to guarantee that all OSO members have a copy of the Bylaws, it has been posted to the State website. This website post also has a Chapter Rules Checklist to be used as an alignment tool.

You will need to send to the Bylaws Committee a copy of your aligned Chapter Rules along with a completed Chapter Rules Checklist.

Here are the steps for chapters to follow:

  • Locate the OSO Bylaws 2021.
  • Locate the Chapter Rules Checklist.
  • Using the 2021 copy of the Bylaws of OSO and your chapter’s current copy of Chapter Rules, align your chapter rules.
  • Type these according to the format outlined in the checklist. (Bold font
headings and boxed checklists under the headings).
  • Review a final time.
  • Send in a completed Chapter Rules Checklist with a copy of your Chapter Rules.
  • This can be sent by email or US Postal Service to the OSO Bylaws Committee 
  • Chairman.

Before July 1, 2021, send to
Joan Bostelman      [email protected]
6739 Grovebelle Drive
Dayton, Ohio 45424

  • After July 1, there will be a new 2021-2023 chairman. You will receive a new address as to where to send your checklist.

Please accept our gratitude for completing this task.

OSO Bylaws/Standing Rules Committee 2019-2021
Linda Harrison, Pi
Donna Myers, Kappa
Jennifer Shields, Beta Delta
Joyce Jones Weinkam, Gamma Xi
Joan Bostelman, Chair, Beta Psi
Educational Excellence Committee
Did you SEE  what I saw during this 2020-2021 School year?

The Supporting Early Career Educators (SEE) was established by the Educational Excellence Committee as its second international project during the International Convention in 2012. Its focus is to help and encourage new educators to connect with mentoring veteran educators, offer support to early career educators to retain them in the education profession, offer counsel on classroom management ideas in addition to parent teacher relationships, and provide any additional support in appropriate and practical ways whenever needed.

When reflecting; however, over this school year of 2020-2021 there is another group of educators in addition to the (SEE) that we also need to recognize.  We can use the same acronym of SEE to feature them.  

We need to Salute and Encourage all our OSO DKG actively teaching women

Why do you ask that we should recognize this group of women educators? 
There are 5 reasons why we should recognize this group of women educators.

  1. The first reason is that the Delta Kappa Society International second purpose is to honor women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any field of education.
  2. The second reason is that this group of educators were the first responders to our students’ educational needs both virtually and face-to-face.
  3. The third reason is that many of these women educators sacrificed their own health and families’ needs to educate and support students during the entire Covid-19 pandemic.
  4. The fourth reason is they provided countless hours learning and implementing new technology skills to deliver and provide stimulating and interactive lessons to propel students’ development and growth.
  5. The fifth reason is that this group of women educators went beyond the requirements of their teaching contract because of the love of their students and their commitment to their profession. 

So, on behalf of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society OSO Educational Excellence Committee and the entire OSO Delta Kappa Gamma Society International members…
WE say THANK YOU for taking the time to care and share your giftings so unselfishly with our Ohio students during this 2020-2021 school year.

So…let’s Salute and Encourage all our Delta Kappa Gamma actively-teaching women Educators who are in the classroom every day in every way and let them all know, and we SEE what they’ve done for the students in our communities.

Melodie A. McGee, Gamma Nu
Educational Excellence Committee 
Celebrating with ADSOEF
Thank You
 Retiring ADSOEF Directors

Kathy McClendon, Betty Monahan and Diana Kirkpatrick are completing their terms on the ADSOEF Board of Directors on June 30, 2021.  Their leadership, support, and progressive thinking have been instrumental to the success of ADSOEF and are sincerely appreciated.  

Kathy and Betty served from 2017-2021 and Diana served from 2019-2021.  Kathy has served on the Governance Committee, the Scholarship Committee, chaired the logo contest, collected volunteer hours during the 2017-2019 biennium, and was the 2019-2021 Board Chairman, serving on all committees except the Nominating Committee.  Betty served as the 2017-2019 Vice Chairman, chaired the Finance Committee in 2017-2019 and chaired the Donor Relations Committee in 2019-2021.  Diana has served as the liaison for OSO during her biennium as Ohio State Organization President.

All three ladies shared their special talents, time, and expertise with enthusiasm, grace, and passion.  Their service is an exemplary model and inspiration for others.  Kathy, Betty and Diana made contributions that have strengthened the Foundation and made it a better organization.  What a wonderful legacy!

We couldn’t have done it without you.  Our most sincere thanks to Kathy, Betty, and Diana!

ADSOEF Board of Directors
Stories from the Classroom

At ADSOEF we like to hear “Stories from the Classroom” from those who have benefited from the grants, scholarships, fellowships and awards that your Foundation funds.  I shared this thought at a recent Zeta Chapter meeting, and Barbara Smith responded by offering to share the following with us.

It's always heartening to hear a success story, especially when it concerns an outstanding woman educator.  A. Margaret Boyd was one of those women.  Another young woman from Ukraine was the recipient of an A. Margaret Boyd Overseas Foundation Scholarship.  Eighteen years later she is still connected to Ohio and Delta Kappa Gamma. She is Olena Yasnetska and this is her story.

It seems as if recently, but it was back in 2003-2005 that I studied for the Master of Arts in Linguistics at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.  The grant awards included a Fulbright Scholarship and Ohio University's Tuition Scholarship.  On arriving in New York, I was pleasantly surprised to have been awarded the A. Margaret Boyd Overseas Foundation Fellowship.  That was how I met wonderful, caring people Barbara Smith, Gene Smith, Maryann Chase, Cynthia Kaldis, William Kaldis, and Linda and Rodney Sauer . . .I will first admit that I have fond memories of those past years and truly cherish the special, timeless friendship.

In Ukraine, I pursued my postgraduate degree, which I was awarded in 2009.  I am a Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies, and I work as an Associate Professor in the Department of English Philology and Translation at Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages, which as part of Donbas State Pedagogical University was relocated to Bakhmut, Donetsk in 2014 after the outbreak of the war in Eastern Ukraine.  

We were not allowed to take anything from Horlivka, so after the internal displacement to Bakhmut, we had to raise funds......Then the United States Agency for International Development came to the rescue. I was one of the drafters of several winning grant proposals.  I was entrusted with developing all specialization courses for students. There were 19 courses I devised in terms of the detailed curriculum, syllabi, selected materials, and examinations in less than two months’ time while teaching most of them.  The experience was quite unusual but I have always enjoyed taking of everything that could help my students feel academically secure and professionally confident.

The COVID-19 lockdown actuated the use of various online platforms and even examinations to be held remotely. My own research interest led me to have written about 50 articles and four tutorials.  Similarly, I always encourage my students to do insightful research and write scholarly articles, and each student does so and has at least three articles published while studying even for undergraduate academic degree. 

My colleagues and I are currently developing courses under the Erasmus Project "Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine's Multilingual Education and European Integration." The project partners are Western European and Ukranian universities. Our students are the most important stakeholders so that the project results could maximize their learning awareness, language skills, and professional competence. 

I have been blessed with a loving family, mindful students, teaching opportunities, responsible colleagues, and true friends.  Some of my special friends are from Ohio Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, and I am grateful for the opportunity to thank you all.

Olena resides in the Kharkiv Region with her son, Nasar, 9, who she describes as, “very kind, an A student, and my true blessing." They read the Harry Potter series together.  A. Margaret Boyd would be proud that her legacy and the continuing support of DKG members has helped create a true outstanding woman educator.

Barbara J. Smith, Zeta Chapter
Alpha Delta State Past President

Although Olena was an A. Margaret Boyd Fellowship recipient before the A. Margaret Boyd Overseas Foundation started doing business as Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation, we hope you can see how the generous gifts you give to support ADSOEF help us to encourage excellence in education around the world, as well as to introduce deserving women educators to “wonderful, caring people”, thus “uniting women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship.” -- Kathy McClendon, ADSOEF Chairman
ADSOEF Gifts Make a Difference!

"I personally believe in this Foundation and give generously because I know that my gifts are helping new and established educators who are working to make our society stronger and better through knowledge, skills, and creative thinking. Education is not just a job; it's the foundation for all of our freedoms.” - M. Kathryn McClendon, Zeta Chapter 

Thankfully, other OSO DKG members have a similar belief as Kathy!

Through your gifts to the Educational Foundation, YOU support these DKG purposes: 

5. To endow scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and to grant fellowships to non-member women educators... 

6. To stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action... 

Hearts overflowed the Heartmeter!  
Birthday gifts provided a bountiful harvest!  
ADSOEF Donor Recognition
Important OSO-DKG Dates to Remember

June 3, 2021 - 2021 Lifelong Learning Biennial Seminar - Belong
7 P.M. on Zoom - Lelia Kubesch, 2020 Ohio Teacher of the Year

June 10, 2021 - 2021 Lifelong Learning Biennial Seminar - Believe
7 P.M. on Zoom - Lelia Kubesch, 2020 Ohio Teacher of the Year

June 17, 2021 - 2021 Lifelong Learning Biennial Seminar - Build
7 P.M. on Zoom - Lelia Kubesch, 2020 Ohio Teacher of the Year

June 30, 2021 - Gold Key Application Due
(online only, closes July 1, 2021)

June 30, 2021 - Chapter President's Report Due

June 30, 2021 - DKG Dues Due

July 15, 2021 - Chapter Treasurer's Annual Report Due
Send to State Treasurer
Remembering Our Lost Sisters