Volume 4, No.11 | November 2020
Your Monthly News & Updates
Initiatives & Announcements
Connecticut State Library
Preserving the Past, Informing the Future
What does 2030 resource sharing look like for Connecticut libraries?
How do we get there from here?
Join us for one of the dates below to learn more.
"That with imagination, planning, and creativity, 
it is possible to plan for a shared-resource future."

The Future Is Shared, October 2020
The CT Resource Sharing Philosophy frames a goal, that "Connecticut's libraries willingly cooperate and collaborate with each other and affiliated organizations to provide maximum access to materials, services and expertise for the mutual benefit of all."
Join Maureen Sullivan, Interim State Librarian, as she welcomes and invites you to hear three different scenarios of the future from teams of CT librarians about how they envision libraries and resource sharing based on community needs ten years from now.
How did we create these possibilities?
Together, these teams implemented the tools of Strategic Foresight, namely Scenario Planning, which is the process of using scenarios to envision outcomes, evaluate present and future strategies, and create tactical actions for an organization against a suite of possible futures.
The Scenario Planning tool acts as an ethnographic analysis, or a holistic scan of various scenario worlds by highlighting the potential partnerships, services, disruptions, and opportunities to begin leveraging for the most optimal outcome, in this case towards fulfilling the CT Resource Sharing Philosophy.
Sharing Visions: 
2020 New England 
Resource Sharing Conference

Wednesday, November 18 | 9 am-3:45 pm

Resource sharing practices among libraries continue to evolve in response to technological innovation, the changing nature of library resources, reimagined library missions, and contemporary user expectations—all in the midst of a pandemic. This conference brings together library practitioners and others interested in the latest resource sharing developments for a day of learning and sharing. We welcome attendees from all types of libraries. Learn more.

This conference is sponsored by the state library agencies of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island with coordination from the Library of Rhode Island Resource Sharing Working Group.
Need Highspeed Fiber Broadband
at Your Library in the Near Future?

In early November, the Connecticut Libraries Fiber Consortium will be posting a Request for Proposal on behalf of all CT libraries that may want to move to a high speed fiber broadband service for the first time and on behalf of all libraries who want to add a fiber connection to a previously unconnected branch unit. If you have not alerted Chris Gauvreau, E-Rate Coordinator & LSTA Grants Coordinator, of your desire to be included in this request for bids for fiber construction, please email her immediately at christine.gauvreau@ct.gov.
Workshops and Programs
Check out the selection of virtual programs for November. Care to see the whole slate of offerings? Visit our calendar.
DLD Sessions

eGO Information Session | Libraries with SimplyE
Monday, November 9 | 10-11 am

This eGO Information Sessions is aimed at libraries that have already rolled the SimplyE app out to their patrons. Carissa Egan from Lyrasis, Jill Blades from Digital Public Library of America, and Brad Bullis from the Connecticut State Library will be presenting.

Construction Grant Information Session
Monday, November 9 | 10-11:30 am

If your library is thinking of applying for a construction grant from the CT State Library in 2021, plan to attend one of these sessions. Attendance at an information session is a requirement for the grant application. In this session, you'll learn what you need to do before applying as well as what's required after you receive the grant. Don't get tripped up -- just plan ahead and be prepared. Information about construction grants is available online.

LSTA Grant Information Session
Tuesday, November 10 | 10-11:30 am

Are you thinking of applying for a LSTA planning grant sometime between November, 2020 and April, 2021? Are you planning submitting a LSTA literacy grant application on April 15, 2021? If so, be sure that you will have attended a mandatory LSTA grant information session!

EBSCOadmin Overview and System Tune-up
Tuesday, November 10 | 3:30-4:30 pm

Join us to review the options available within the administrative software for your EBSCO resources. We will look at settings for:
  • searching options to include pre-limiting to Full Text,
  • best ways to use the Google integrations,
  • ways to integrate your online library into CANVAS or other learning systems,
  • what usage reports are available to you, and more!
If you are the EBSCO administrator at your school or library and you want to give your EBSCO searching systems a tune-up this is the class for you!

eGO Information Sessions | Learn about SimplyE
Monday, November 16 | 10-11 am

This eGO Information Sessions is for libraries that want to learn more about the eGO Program and the SimplyE app. Carissa Egan from Lyrasis, Jill Blades from Digital Public Library of America, and Brad Bullis from the Connecticut State Library will be presenting.
Professional Development and Continuing Education

Intro to Google Drive for Remote Productivity
Wednesday, November 4 | 9-10 am

Effective Communication and Health Literacy: Understanding the Connection 
Friday, November 6 | 11 am-12 pm

Intro to Canva
Friday, November 13 | 9-10 am

Intro to Canva
Friday, November 13 | 1-2 pm

Intro to Canva
Wednesday, November 18 | 9-10 am

Project REALM Information Session
Access Passcode: 3w1$6c+b

On October 16, DLD hosted a special Project REALM Information Session with the Kendra Morgan, Program Manager of the REALM Project at OCLC.

As libraries across the country begin to resume operations and reopen to the public, the need for clear information to support the handling of core museum, library, and archival materials has become increasingly urgent. Through the REopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums (REALM) Project, OCLC, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and Battelle are conducting research on how long the COVID-19 virus survives on materials that are prevalent in libraries, archives, and museums. This session provided an update on what is currently known and unknown about the virus, the results of REALM testing thus far, and how to incorporate the information into your local decision making.
Sneak Peek for December

  • Weeding in the Garden of Good and Evil
  • Beginner Book Trailers with WeVideo – All three sessions are full but waiting list available

Ready to register? Interested in more workshops? Visit our calendar.

For questions and more information please contact Professional Development Coordinator Gail Hurley at gail.hurley@ct.gov or (860) 704-2223.
CT Digital Library

Last month, we added 300 new titles to eGO CT's SimplyE app including backlist bestsellers, antiracist titles, 53 Spanish language titles, personal finance, self-help, DIY and home improvement. 

CSL has purchased 4,275 new items so far this year to coincide with libraries going live in the SimplyE app and rolling it out to their patrons. A total of 26,752 items are now available to you in SimplyE from the Connecticut State Library and our partners.

Interest in eGO CT and SimplyE continues to grow with:
  • 42 libraries live in SimplyE
  • 143 of the 191 public libraries in Connecticut are already configured in SimplyE.

Interested in joining? Contact Brad Bullis at bradley.bullis@ct.gov.
New Books about Home Improvement and DIY in SimplyE 

Browse this growing collection, including the titles below, accessible using the SimplyE app. Check with your local library to see if they participate in the eGO.

Library Data You Can Use
Annual Report of Connecticut Public Libraries
Due Monday, November 16 by 4 pm
The firm DEADLINE for submission of the Annual Report is 4 pm on Monday, November 16, 2020. (When the usual deadline of November 15 falls on a weekend, the deadline is pushed to the next business day.) Public libraries are required by statute CGS Sec. 11-25 (a) to submit an Annual Report in order to receive borrowIT payments or other state appropriations.

On the Annual Report webpage, you can find:

This year’s report has many new questions related to services during the COVID-19 pandemic, which were explained in webinars in May and June. You can view the recording from June 23 or review the presentation slides
Questions? Contact Maria Bernier at maria.bernier@ct.gov.
Children's & Young Adult
Summer Learning Outcome Based Data Collection

The Division of Library Development is embarking on a journey to re-evaluate and refresh the Summer Survey. DLD is planning to migrate to outcome based summer learning data collection for the summer of 2021. The new outcome based reporting will quantify the value of the library and the impact of the Summer Learning Program on your community residents. To hear more about this process and why we are making this change, please watch this video.
Book Discussion Sets

You can reserve book sets yourself! Check out the titles below and browse the full collection.
Searching for Lottie by Susan L. Ross
Blended by Sharon Draper
Prairie Lotus by Linda Sue park
Stamped by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi
Efren Divided by Ernesto Cisneros
Look Both Ways by Jason Reynolds
Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland
Slay by Brittney Morris
Pine Island Home by Polly Horvath
Wink by Rob Harrell
Free Lunch by Rex Ogle
New Professional Development Titles
These are just some highlights! See more new professional development titles.

Interested in borrowing any of these titles? Contact Judy Crooks at judy.crooks@ct.gov.
Find Us
Middletown Library Service Center

Open by appointment only for the foreseeable future
Monday - Friday | 9 am - 4 pm

MLSC will be closed Wednesday, November 11 in observance of Veteran's Day and Thursday, November 26 in observance of Thanksgiving Day.

MLSC staff, whether in the office or telecommuting, are responding to voicemail and e-mail during business hours of 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, except for state holidays. 
Connecticut State Library | Division of Library Development
Middletown Library Service Center
786 South Main Street | Middletown, CT 06457