When did you become a DDP Team Leader? What motivated you?
Rebecca: I have been a volunteer with DDP since September of 2019 and was brought on to help with Hispanic cases. I describe myself jokingly as a “scribe in the basement of the monastery” because I spent my first two years building and building and building trees on two teams working on very difficult cases with a lot of endogamy [many generations of marriage within a small community]. I now treasure that experience because, even though I was very experienced in Hispanic genealogy, the massive number of trees required in these cases really honed my skills. My first case as a Team Leader was Lilydale Jane Doe 1976 and I was partnered with Tracie Boyle. We launched the case in June 2021. I have always been eager to take on challenges and learn more than just “my job.” I’m curious and that leads me to new places, new questions and new discoveries!
How does DDP form a team for a new case? How many people work on one case?
Rebecca: DDP starts with pairing two Team Leaders for each case. Generally, it is an experienced team leader paired up with new leader. This works well because working a case together gives a real hands-on experience for the new leader. I was very lucky to have been paired with Tracie Boyle! I am so grateful for her leadership. She allowed me to hold the reins and take the lead while she guided me through the whole process. The volunteers that are added to a case come first from our Volunteer Coordinator, who looks at case-load, skills, experience and gives us list of generally two to four volunteers who are available.
How do teams of Investigative Genetic Genealogists (IGGs) work together to solve so many complex puzzles in building the family tree of an unknown person? What is the value of teamwork vs. having one person do it alone?
Rebecca: We use the saying, “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.” Every team is a mix of different skill sets. The leaders are part teacher, part cheerleader, part “big picture” management and we have the experience in managing the numerous moving parts that guide the team to finding a Doe candidate. The volunteer team members also bring their amazing skills and dedication to the effort. We love to see the self-starters that dig in and use their genealogy and DNA knowledge! I have learned new things from every team I have worked with. Yes, the puzzles in building family trees can be extremely complex! That is where the teamwork is at it’s best. We work each match tree individually, but our continued team communication throughout the process helps break down brick walls and solve tricky hurdles. I’m certain that there are cases that could be solved alone but so far in my experience, numerous sets of eyes are better!
What are some of the most challenging parts of IGG research?
Rebecca: The most challenging part of IGG research for me are the endogamous cases. They generally come to us with a handful of reasonable, workable DNA family member matches and segment clusters, but after that the tree building gets very hard. It’s hard as a team leader to keep the team motivated and to develop a research strategy. These are long-haul cases that require hours of tedious tree building. Don’t get me wrong though! We find Doe candidates in these cases and it is so rewarding!