I love this quote! It reminds me to dream big! When I do, those dreams are fantastically beautiful. Do you have dreams of how you want things to be in the future?

I recently wrote a series of blogs on the stories we tell ourselves. The last blog in the series talks about wishful thinking. When we dream big and wish for things to be different in the future these dreams become nothing more than wishful thinking unless we act on them. Unless we believe (as Eleanor Roosevelt tells us to) in the beauty of these dreams and DO something about what we wish to see happen they will remain just that – beautiful dreams.

Many times, that is where people stop. Sometimes they must stop because the dream is too outlandish. There is no way and nothing they can do to change that beautiful dream into reality. Other times people stop because they don’t know what steps to take to make the dream happen.

This is where I can help.

If you dream of having a home that you love to walk into, where you can find the things, you need and use, and where you can totally relax and be comfortable, reach out to me. We can work together either virtually or in person.

What does that look like?

It begins with a free 30-minute phone call. We will talk about what is bothering you in your home and ways in which I can change that with you. I want you to know that everything you tell me remains between us. I abide by both the NAPO Code of Ethics and the ICD Code of Ethics.

If you’re dreaming about being more organized and in control in 2024 do something about it and schedule a free phone call with me.

Ways We Can Work Together

Organize Your Home 10 Minutes at a Time People talk about getting organized. The problem is that organized is NOT a destination, it is a way of being. It starts with creating organizing habits. Use this deck of cards to do 1 extra thing each day. Each card will only take 10 minutes. The more often you use the cards, the more organized your home will be.

Cards →

My List Simplified Journal Resist the urge to buy a 2024 planner. Yes. They are lovely with all the months and weeks laid out so you can fill in all your to-do lists. The problem is that you will most likely use it for a short time. Instead, buy this planner/journal. It is UNDATED. You can use it when you feel the need to track your day. There will be NO WASTED PAGES.


Clear Space for You virtual clutter support group: The Clear Space for You virtual clutter support group meets once a week for 4 weeks. We have 2 options for you; the Monday group from 12:00 – 1:00pm ET or the Thursday group from 7:00 – 8:00pm ET. You decide what you want to work on during the month. It can be a specific area of your home, paper files, digital file organization, email, time management, planning an event, or something else. Jonda Beattie and I will guide you to create the steps so you can make incremental progress towards your goal each week during the month. We will be your accountability partners. Of course, it’s up to you to do the work.

January Dates:

Monday Group:

12:00 – 1:00pm ET

January 8, 15, 22, 29

Thursday group:

7:00 – 8:00pm ET

January 4, 11, 18, 25

Sign Up for Clear Space for You

Upcoming Events

Friday, January 12

Setting Goals for 2024

This is a monthly one-hour virtual class on one specific topic related to organizing.

This month our class is: Setting Goals in 2024 and How Creating Boundaries Will Help You.

What you will learn:


• You can have mini goals instead of 1 goal for the entire year

• How the creation of boundaries helps you achieve your goals

• What those boundaries might look like


Saturday, February 24, 2024

ICD (the Institute for Challenging Disorganization) is having a half-day virtual conference. The theme is: Shine a Spotlight on ADHD. It starts at 9:00 ET and ends at 12:30 pm.

There will be 3 presentations.

Presenters and the title of their presentation:

Dr. Ari Tuckman: ADHD Makes Sleep Worse (And We Can All Probably Use More Sleep)

Dr. Melanie Sobocinski: ADHD & Procrastination: An Invitation to Release Ableism

Dr. Sharon Saline: Strategies and Solutions for Social Anxiety in Neurodivergent Adults

The cost is $95.00. Click here for more information.

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For more tips check out my blog or email me! if you have a fabulous tip you'd like me to share.

Warm Regards,

Diane N. Quintana, CPO®, CPO-CD®