The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) is sensitive to the uncertainty of providers who are continuing to support Ohioans with developmental disabilities during this state of emergency regarding coronavirus (COVID-19), particularly when large numbers of people are traveling to one location for day services.
DODD continues to advise the prioritization of the health and safety of Ohioans with developmental disabilities and has
issued guidance
to create flexibility, promote creativity, and encourage partnerships in the way supports are provided.
People with developmental disabilities and their families are making tough choices, and many providers have made the decision to close locations and deliver supports in different and creative ways. While it is important to continue to find ways to support the developmental disabilities community, it is also important to ensure that providers stay in business, and that direct support professionals (DSPs) can continue to provide critical supports.
In an effort to maintain revenue to continue operations and to pay DSPs to work, DODD will soon be issuing two weeks of payments to providers of Adult Day, Vocational Habilitation, Group Employment, Integrated Employment, and Non-Medical Transportation (NMT) services.
These payments, designed to help providers maintain payroll and operational costs, give providers time to work on creative ways to continue supports and allow DODD further time to assess and develop future funding options.
Providers should continue to bill for the services they are providing and they will be reimbursed through the normal process.
The payment amount will represent approximately two weeks’ worth of a provider’s average paid claims and will be based on claims for dates of service from July 2019 through January 2020. When determining the average amount to be paid, the highest and lowest months were excluded from the calculation. The goal is to have payments issued by March 25.
DODD thanks all system partners in their response to COVID-19 and for continued communication, feedback, coordination, and patience. As the situation and response to COVID-19 evolves, DODD will continuously communicate steps to assist providers, county boards, people with developmental disabilities, and their families and guardians.
DODD has set up a dedicated
web page
for department communications and links to helpful resources that will advise people with disabilities, their families, service providers, direct support professionals, county boards of developmental disabilities, and the community at large.
For specific questions about COVID-19 and additional information and resources, DODD urges you to use the Ohio Department of Health’s call center. Call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634), or visit