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Insulted AsAms' Intelligence
In essence, the DOJ patted the AsAms pols, orgs. & activists on their heads, and said, "I didn't do anything wrong. You guys have a perception problem. But I shall humor you. I'll (a) take the "China Initiative" name off to enable you to take credit in your community for inducing me to change, and (b) add a phantom layer of supervision to make you feel better and again claim credit . Look! My agents didn't prosecute wrong. Was there a chilling effect? It's the public narrative's fault. Accountability from DOJ? Nonsense! I hold the spies accountable. You don't hold me accountable. Grow up, kids, there will not be a whit of difference in how I do things. The 3-month-review, however, did wise me up to pay less attention to the penny-ante stuff."
Every satire in the above parody is proven below
1) You guys have a perception problem
" ... by grouping cases under the China Initiative rubric, we helped give rise to a harmful perception that the department applies a lower standard to investigate and prosecute criminal conduct."*
2) Add a phantom layer of supervision - Fox guarding the hen house
"In evaluating cases moving forward, NSD (Nat'l Security Division) will work with the FBI and other investigative agencies to assess the evidence of intent and materiality, as well as the nexus to our national or economic security."*
Do our sister AsAm orgs. and activists and elected officials still remember this April 26, 2016 NewYork Times article? Its title is
After Missteps, U.S. Tightens Rules for Espionage Cases
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department has issued new rules that give prosecutors in Washington greater oversight and control over national security cases after the collapse of several high-profile prosecutions led to allegations that Chinese-Americans were being singled out as spies.
The new rules are intended to prevent such missteps .......
Fellow AsAms, did DOJ's 2016 new rule prevent intentional incrimination of persons of Chinese heritage? If not, then remember "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
3) Chilling effect? It's the public narrative's fault.
"We have heard that these prosecutions — and the public narrative they
create — can lead to a chilling atmosphere for scientists and scholars that damages the scientific enterprise in this country."*
4) Accountability from DOJ? Nonsense! You don't hold me accountable.
Click here to access Ass't. A.G. Olsen's entire speech which is the "Review on China Initiative". Do a computer search of his speech. See if the word "accountability" is among his 3175 words. Mr. Olsen's attitude is: You people don't hold DOJ accountable even when our agents committed gross misconduct against you. Is that what our democracy is all about?
For examples of FBI agents' gross misconduct, click here to see a full-page ad in WSJ. Zoom the ad to enlarge.
5) Not a whit of difference!
"Dropping the name, Laufman added, won't 'make a whit of difference in the intensity brought to bear,'" according to a WashPost article. David Laufman is a former DOJ counterintelligence head.
Where 80-20 agrees/disagrees with the Review Report
80-20 agrees that the U.S. must do everything possible, permitted by our constitution, to stop the stealing of our national secrets. 80-20 does NOT oppose the name "China Initiative". We knew that the equivalent of a "China Initiative" will continue, so long as the U.S.-China relations is bad. 80-20 is proven right!
What we do OPPOSE is the intentional incrimination of persons of Chinese origin as in the cases of Prof. Anming Hu and Prof. Gang Chen, causing a chilling effect and trampling on our human rights. Only accountability can stop such abuse of government power.
80-20 has a plan to WIN accountability
OR make Biden LOSE his Senate Majority
Using our voting power, 80-20 has a great plan to achieve the above. Stay tuned!! 80-20 shall deliver either of the above! We fight against stiff odds to help make America "a more perfect Union".