The DOM Dispatch - October, 2019
Monthly newsletter for the CU Department of Medicine. In this issue:
-BRIM comes to the DOM
-HeartMath and Muse Coaching
-UCHealth Virtual Health Center Tour
-New Just-Missed R01 Funding Program
-5280 Top Docs
-DOM Chair Search Update
-DOM SharkTank Competition
Message from the Chair

COMPASS Groups are Coming to the DOM

In the spring of 2018, the Department of Medicine formed a Wellness Committee (WellDOM) with the vision that 100% of DOM members would be thriving. The committee developed focus groups to address the following goals:

  • Understand the leadership qualities that are most important for the development of a culture of wellness. 

  • Examine the barriers to wellness that currently exist and find ways to remove the barriers to focus on solutions. 

The committee also recently sent out a survey – with high participation rates across the board from faculty, trainees and staff. It’s clear that the topic of wellness matters. 

As a result of these efforts, wellness affinity groups are being formed across the department for all faculty staff and trainees, beginning with the debut of COMPASS Groups. COMPASS was started by the Mayo Clinic in 2015 to combat burnout and workplace stressors, and stands for “Colleagues Meeting to Promote and Sustain Satisfaction.”

Since its inception, the Mayo Clinic reports that more than 1,800 physicians have enrolled in COMPASS groups, with 97 percent of participants highly ranking the program's value. By providing a forum for small groups to have semi-structured, private discussions in restaurants, coffee shops or reserved rooms, they have seen lower burnout and social isolation, and higher well-being and job satisfaction among participants.

"COMPASS has been a resounding success at Mayo Clinic and we look forward to implementing the program at the Department of Medicine," says Katie Morrison, WellDOM committee chair. Read more about COMPASS further in this newsletter. 

Speaking of, I'm excited to announce that our monthly newsletter is back. If you have ideas or submissions, please reach out to Holli Keyser, o ur new communications program manager. As always, we appreciate your efforts and your thoughts. 

David A. Schwartz, MD
Professor of Medicine and Immunology 
Robert W. Schrier Chair of Medicine
Research and Innovation
New Funding Program Announcement: Just-Missed R01 Program

The Department of Medicine announces a new researching funding program - the Just-Missed R01 Program to sustain research-focused faculty who are having difficulties conducting highly significant research due to temporary funding problems.

The ideal candidate for the program will be an investigator who just missed the funding payline on their A1 or terminal submission of an NIH R01 proposal.   These funds are intended to allow faculty to obtain key preliminary data and maintain research personnel to enable funding successful submission of a revised R01 application.  Read more
Call for Applications: Outstanding Early-Career Scholar Program

Applications are now being accepted for the 2020 Department of Medicine Outstanding Early-Career Scholar Program (OECSP), which provides awards of $75,000 annually up to four years. Through this program, the DOM invests in the career development of each scholar, and is not limited to a specific research project or scholarly activity.

Applicants must have a primary appointment in the DOM, and must be working at CU Anschutz/UCH, VAMC, Denver Health or National Jewish Health.

Please see the attached document for full details and application process, or view online . Applications are due Jan 1, 2020 by 5pm. For more information contact Jennifer Kemp 303-724-9546.
Faculty Publication Highlight

Michael E. Wechsler, MD, MMSc, professor of medicine in the Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care and director of the National Jewish Health Cohen Family Asthma Institute, is the first author of an original article published last week in The New England Journal of Medicine that explains the results of a study of care for black children and adults with poorly controlled asthma.

Previous studies have not included enough black patients to support treatment recommendations, so the findings of this study, funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, are important for improving care for black patients with asthma.
DOM Initiatives - Diversity & Justice
BRIM Training Dates
The Department of Medicine welcomes BRIM- Bias Reduction in Internal Medicine training. The BRIM initiative is a NIH funded study to evaluate an evidence-based pro-diversity intervention throughout academic medicine.

Dr. Molly Carnes’ BRIM team will be here Dec 9-12 to train the Group 1 Divisions and the local leads. 

Questions? Contac t Sonia Flores, PhD , Vice Chair for Diversity and Justice
Call for Applications: Keystone Symposia

The goal of the Keystone Symposia is to support the professional growth and successful career advancement of early career investigators from UR and/or other disadvantaged backgrounds and thereby support the development of a diverse and robust life science workforce.

Key programmatic elements are designed to enhance confidence, leadership skills, networking opportunities, and visibility in the biological and biomedical research community. Open to junior-level faculty. Read more .
DOM Initiatives - Wellness
HeartMath + Muse Mindfulness Coaching

Learn how to improve sleep, anxiety, fatigue and the ability to focus. Sign up for this one-hour class on mindfulness using HeartMath Inner Balance Sensor Technology and Muse Technology. Sessions will be held Nov 1 and Dec 6.

Both programs are easy to use and offer biofeedback to improve your skills. Open to all faculty, staff and trainees. Register now

COMPASS Group Leaders

Sign up to become a group leader for COMPASS ( C olleagues M eeting to P romote and S ustain S atisfaction). Groups will meet biweekly or monthly in small groups for semi-structured, private discussions aimed at lowering burnout and social isolation, and increasing higher well-being and job satisfaction.

Meals will be provided and groups begin meeting in January. Open to all faculty, staff and trainees. If you are interested in becoming a group leader, contact
DOM Thriving Culture Survey

A huge thanks to everyone who participated in the recent Thriving Culture survey that will inform and influence future department-wide wellness campaigns. We're pleased to report that 762 faculty, staff, fellow and residents filled out the survey - a fantastic response rate! We look forward to sharing the results of the survey in upcoming communications.

You@CUAnschutz Wellness Portal
The CU Anschutz Campus is offering a new YOU@CUAnschutz wellness web portal for students, faculty and staff. This resource is designed to help address academic and career success , physical and mental well-being , under the categories of Succeed, Thrive and Matter.
Faculty Development
Contact for registration and session details for faculty development opportunities and events.
Tour the UCHealth Virtual Health Center

Join us to learn more about the transformative technologies and teams in place at the new UCHealth Virtual Health Center.

Confirm your spot on one of two tours offered for faculty and staff in the Department of Medicine. The tour will include: Virtual Urgent Care/ ED, Virtual ICU, Centralized Telemetry and Safety View (e-sitter). RSVP – Virtual Health Center Tour

Oct 15, 8:30-9:15am OR
Nov 8, 8:30-9:15am

Center Location: 2450 Peoria Street, Aurora, CO (click for directions)

Questions? Contact
SOM Workshops and Information Sessions

Promotions 101 – Research Intensive Faculty, Oct 2, 3:30-4:30pm, Nighthorse Campbell Building, Room M24-103

Promotions 101 – Clinical faculty, Oct 23, 3:30-4:30pm, Nighthorse Campbell Building, Room M24-103

SOM New Faculty Career Development Workshop, Jan 23, 7:30am-3:30pm, Nighthorse Campbell Building, Room M24-101 (Shore Family Forum)

T32 Professional Development

Oct 28, noon-1pm, Research 2, Krugman Trivisible

Recommended for all T32 Fellows. Questions? Contact
Oct 21 - New Faculty Lunch, noon-1pm, Research 2, Krugman Trivisible

Nov 15 - Faculty Recognition Event, 6pm, Education 2 South
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Richard Kogan: "Music and Medicine: George Gershwin".

Jan 9 - Department of Medicine New Faculty Orientation and Welcome Reception
5pm (Orientation), 5-7pm (Reception), Fulginiti Pavilion
5280 Magazine Names 49 Department of Medicine "Top Docs"
Congratulations to our Department of Medicine 5280 “Top Docs”. For the past 24 years, 5280 has turned to physicians for their opinion and asked them specialty by specialty, which metro-area physicians they would trust to treat themselves and their families . The dedication and passion, thoughtfulness and genuine sense of caring truly makes our faculty unique and ensures they standout in our community.

We are honored to have 49 of our Department of Medicine doctors recognized this year. Additionally, more than half of those honored are receiving this recognition two or more years. Please join in congratulating your colleagues.  Read the full list .
Patty Gabow Honored by National Academy of Medicine
Patricia Gabow, MD, professor emerita of the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and former CEO of Denver Health, has been named the recipient of the Gustav O. Lienhard Award for Advancement of Health Care.           

The award is the presented annually by the National Academy of Medicine in honor of Gustav O. Lienhard, chairman of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Board of Trustees from 1971 to 1986. Read more.
AMA Recognizes CU School of Medicine for Commitment to Reduce Burnout
The American Medical Association (AMA) announced last week that the CU School of Medicine is an inaugural recipient of the AMA’s Joy in Medicine Recognition. There were nearly two dozen health care organizations honored for outstanding efforts to address system causes of physician burnout. Organizations were evaluated on their commitment, assessment, leadership, efficiency of practice environment, teamwork and support.
Submitted Announcements
Allergy & Clinical Immunology Earns Significant R01 Impact Score
The NIH recently announced an impact score of 3rd percentile for Allergy & Clinical Immunology's RO1 submission, "Role of Chemokines in Innate and Adaptive Immunity in the Lung”, which will be funded for April 1, 2020.
LInQS Fellowship Inaugural Class
The Quality and Patient Safety (QPS) team is pleased to welcome the inaugural class of fellows in August - Jennifer Taylor (Pulm/CC), Aaron Emmons (Cardiology), Blake Jones (GI), and Shoshana Tell (Ped. Endocrinology).
New Faces - Quality and Patient Safety
We are delighted to have Heather Hallman join the Quality and Patient Safety team as a QPS program manager. Heather comes to us from the SOM Dean’s Office as the maintenance of certification portfolio program manager. We are also welcoming Tyler Anstett as our new associate vice chair for quality. 
In case you missed it...
DOM Chair Search Update
The School of Medicine search for the next Department of Medicine Chair is being led by Nanette Santoro, MD, professor and chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and an executive search firm, Spencer Stuart. First round interviews will begin in the fall with the goal to have three to five finalist candidates for the SOM Dean by January. 

Any questions should be directed to or .
School of Medicine Curriculum Reform Website + Newsletter
As we work toward a full launch in 2021, the team in the Office of Medical Education has created a curriculum reform website and launched a newsletter. Please subscribe to to get up-to-date information. 
This is Breakthrough: New CU Anschutz Branding Campaign
The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus launched its first-ever brand identity and advertising campaign .

Called This is Breakthrough , the campaign portrays the power of working together and showcases the outstanding work of the faculty of the university with our campus partners, Children’s Hospital Colorado and UCHealth University of Colorado.
Events Calendar
Featured Event:
DOM SharkTank Competition
Oct 23, 4-6pm, Krugman Conference Hall
Join us for the 3rd Annual DOM Shark Tank Competition on Oct 23.

This fun event will feature groups from across DOM competing for the coveted SharkTank jaws trophy and departmental support for initiatives that promote high-value care. 
Upcoming DOM Events
Oct 21 - New Faculty Lunch, noon-1pm, Research 2, Krugman Trivisibl

Oct 30 - State of the Campus Address, 4-5pm, Research 1 North - Hensel Phelps West Auditorium. Livestream via Facebook .

Nov 12 - WellDOM Series: Crafting a Growth Mindset- A Tool for Personal and Workplace Wellness, noon-1pm, AO1, 7000
Speaker: Dr. Marti Schulte, Denver Health Wellness Coach
Open to all faculty, staff and trainees

Nov 13 - State of the Department, noon-1pm, Bruce Schroffel Conference Center

Nov 15 - Faculty Recognition Event, 6pm, Education 2 South
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Richard Kogan: "Music and Medicine: George Gershwin".

Jan 9 - Department of Medicine New Faculty Orientation and Welcome Reception, 5pm (Orientation), 5-7pm (Reception), Fulginiti Pavilion
Save the Date
DOM Holiday Celebration Event, Dec 7, 6:30pm, Kimpton Hotel Born
Have ideas or submissions for the newsletter? Email them to