Margin & Mission Ignition 2019
Earned Income Learning Lab Kickoff!
Here's What Past Participants Have Said:

"We learned so much about earned income...
and were able to put our learning to use!"

--Executive Director, Margin & Mission Ignition 2018 Learning Lab

"We loved the opportunity to brainstorm earned income possibilities
and open our minds to new ways of thinking."

--Board Member, Margin & Mission Ignition 2018 Learning Lab

"The tools, resources, and information shared during
the learning labs were invaluable."

--Staff Member, Margin & Mission Ignition 2018 Learning Lab
Back by popular demand for the fifth year running , The Patterson Foundation is thrilled to announce the launch of Margin & Mission Ignition 2019 , our innovative Earned Income Initiative designed to help nonprofits build their entrepreneurial capacity, boost revenue, and expand mission impact.

Since 2015, we've helped hundreds of leaders, board members, and staffers from nonprofits throughout Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte, and DeSoto counties learn about and explore possibilities to launch a new earned income venture or grow an existing one.
Nonprofit is a Tax Status, Not a Business Model:
Why NPO's Should Care About Earned Income

Gulfcoast Event and Conference Center
Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida
4740 Cattleman Road
Sarasota, FL 34233

Tuesday, March 12, 2019
8:15am - 12:00noon

8:15 - 8:45am - Mix & Mingle (light breakfast)
8:45am - 12noon - Learning Lab
12:00 - 1:00pm - Lunch (optional with RSVP)

The Kickoff Lab is FREE for nonprofits
that have a profile in The Giving Partner

We strongly encourage up to 3 people per organization to attend the Lab . Participants should include your Executive Director/CEO,
a Board member and a key Staffer.

The Margin & Mission Ignition Webinars and Learning Labs
will help your organization:
  • Broaden understanding of social enterprise and earned income strategies;
  • Explore earned income possibilities, or better understand how this initiative could help take an existing venture to the next level;
  • Evaluate capacity to carry out a successful venture or take an existing venture to the next level

All four Learning Labs will be facilitated by Michael Oxman and Larry Clark of No Margin, No Mission.

Lab 1: March 12 / 8:15am - 1:00pm
Lab 2: April 9 / 8:15am - 1:00pm
Lab 3: May 9 / 8:15am - 1:00pm
Lab 4: June 13 / 8:15am - 4:00pm
Organizations that attend ALL four Learning Labs will be eligible to apply for the remainder of the initiative which consists of:
  • Working with a skilled consultant on development of a comprehensive 3-year business plan for their venture;
  • Participating in two Knowledge Sharing Sessions with other organizations in the cohort to share ideas and progress, and learn from each other;
  • Preparing for and participating in a Fast Pitch session to present your venture concept to potential donors/investors;
  • Working with the consultant on implementation of the business plan, including branding, marketing, business development, and other essential activities;
  • Working with the consultant on post-implementation tracking and monitoring of your venture
If you have questions, please send an email to
Josephine Eisenberg at [email protected]